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Awesome / The Man from Nowhere

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  • When Tae-Sik quickly snatches away Dochi's knife when he wasn't looking. Furthermore, he has proved his strength when he effortlessly pushed a big brute to the window to the point of shattering it.
  • The entire fight in the club bathroom. It soon became a fist fight to a knife fight as fight grew dire until Ramrowan shot Tae-Sik's abdomen.
  • The knife fighting scene with Tae-Sik and Ramrowan.
  • Tae-Sik jumping out of a window and landing nearly unfazed.
  • Tae-Sik annihilating Man-Seok and his cronies after he is led to believe that So-Mi is dead.
    Tae-Sik: Do you have any gold teeth?
    Man-Seok: What?
    Tae-Sik: I run a pawnshop. I take gold teeth. I'll keep the gold teeth... and chew up everything else!
    • The English dub for the aforementioned scene is no slouch either.
      I just wanna know... what to sell when you're dead!
  • Tae-Sik's solution to bullet proof glass. Firing a whole clip of his pistol in the same spot until a hole is made, wiping the smug Man-Seok's grin as he boasted about his bulletproof windshield. And that is after disabling his car with the pistol.
    Just one bullet left.
