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Awesome / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem

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It's from the Excutive Producer of The Boys. So of course, it would have some awesome moments.

  • For starters, the cel-shaded comic-book look of the film is gorgeous, truly making some scenes look like they popped straight out of the Mirage comics.
  • The Turtles' first fight against the gang that stole April's scooter. While they are initially outnumbered, they each use their wits and skills to subdue the gang before April comes to retrieve the scooter. Making it even more impressive is that while Splinter trained them, they had never, up until this point, been in an actual fight, much less fighting as a team, and yet, despite some mistakes, ultimately won.
  • The brothers’ assault on the local crime divisions across New York, montage style. They each hold well against hordes of thugs on their own, but are a deadly force when working together. April captures all these attacks on video and uploads them online, garnering a positive reputation for the turtles.
  • Splinter going full Papa Wolf and taking down the TCRI mooks to save his sons. Special shout out goes to the animators during that scene, as some of the fight choreography closely mirrors that of Jackie Chan’s (Splinter’s voice actor) style of fighting.
  • The mutant gang turning against Superfly to destroy his super weapon. Beebop and Rocksteady even charge him right away, and seem to knock him down hard in the process.
  • Seeing the news assuming the worst about what's going on, the turtles are in despair that they'll never be seen as heroes now. But thinking about everything, Leo realizes that like April, they needed to rethink their motives and that they can still be heroes for New York even if nobody appreciates what they're doing. He then inspires his brothers as a good leader should, raising Mikey's spirits to improv to victory, getting Donnie to think about how to beat a kaiju monster, and encouraging Raph to unleash all his energy on the monster to win.
  • Borrowing a phrase from his new friend Mondo, Mikey cries out "Cowabunga" as he throws the anti-mutagen towards Superduper fly.
  • April sees that the regular news anchors aren't going to give the turtles a fair shot if she doesn't tell them the truth. So, she goes out to the news tower, facing down her camera shyness to share the good news that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are trying to save the city with them.
  • The people of New York helping the Turtles and mutants in defeating Superfly.
  • The end of the film teasing the appearance of the Turtles' greatest nemesis, The Shredder, coming to hunt the boys down.
