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Awesome / Shangri-La Frontier

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  • The battle between Sunraku and Wezaemon during Episode 18 reaches it climax as we see Sunraku not only managing to avoid every hit up until the final Tensei slash, but he manages to revive himself by tossing up a revival item and letting it hit his corpse so that he can survive. By the time he runs out of those, he's managed to align his cooldowns and pop them at the same time in order to parry the perfect strike and deliver the killing blow.
    • Credit should also be given to Pencilgon's planning and strategy going into the fight. The Seven Colossi were largely considered unbeatable by the player base, the majority of which (including her former guild the Asura-Kai) giving up on the idea, but Pencilgon chose to go through with it regardless for the sake of completing a mission for an NPC she had grown attached to despite her normally sadistic attitude. While the plan required very skilled players like Sunraku and Oicazzo to pull off (along with a heavy investment in revival and buffing items), the plan actually worked, bringing down one of the legendary Colossi for the first time! This becomes even more impressive when we later learn that Wezaemon's defeat was actually Sequence Breaking the developer's intended storyline, as Wezaemon was intended to be a mid-to-late boss battle several years in the future. It's the equivalent of defeating the penultimate enemy in the first act of the story.
