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Awesome / Packgod

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  • In general, the fact that Packgod manages to come up with such random (and mostly fitting) roasts and rhyme them off the top of his head is pretty impressive.
  • "Packgod vs Neo Nazi" is probably the most impressive video in a collection of impressive videos. Pretty much 5 seconds after the titular Nazi starts talking, Packgod just rips into a scathing "The Reason You Suck" Speech:
    "Ewww, nonononononono. There is no way…THAT THIS OLD-ASS FART WRINKLE is talking to me in such a disrespectful manner! You know it’s actually kinda sad, you’re old enough to be a grandpa now, but instead of advancing your biological chain, you’ve instead spent your days alone in your room, reading Hitler manifestos, and cosplaying as a fucking neo-Nazi! So many years, and such little advancement! No seriously, I find it amusing that your pencil penis Donkey Kong barrel looking ass would assume that I even care about a single word, no, fuck that, a single SYLLABLE, of the verbal diarrhea gargle that’s coming out of the dusty sarlacc pit you consider to be your fucking mouth!"
