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Awesome / Of Sheep and Battle Chicken

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The series practically has the Rule of Cool and Rule of Awesome as its parents. All Moments are Spoilers Off.

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Main Characters

     Sara Shepard 
  • During the fight on Eden Prime Shepard pulls a biotic charge through a geth prime's shot, hits him and in doing so takes out several more geth platforms at once. Her reaction? Doing a little victory dance and saying "Strike." Too bad it was later ruled a spare.

     Liara T'Soni 
  • Killing a Krogan Battlemaster after having been dehydrated for several days on Therum.

     Garrus Vakarian 
  • Holding the line with Telanya against the geth during the Battle of the Citadel while Shepard fights Benezia.

  • Holding the line with Garrus against the geth during the Battle of the Citadel while Shepard fights Benezia.


     Jeff Moreau/Joker 
  • Outflying everything Admiral Ahern throws at him on Pinnacle Station.

Friends and Allies

     Urdnot Wrex 

     Ashley Williams 

     Alfred Jiong 

     Mordin Solus 

     Aethyta Vasir 

The Systems Alliance

     Preston Kyle 

     Tradius Ahern 

     Donnel Udina 

The Asari Republics

     Uressa T'Shora 

The Salarian Union

The Turian Hierarchy

The Broker Network

