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Awesome / Evil Dead Rise

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • The cold open ends with one of the coolest title card introductions put to film—as the Deadite hovers over the lake, the gigantic titles rise up from behind the tree line and fill the sky behind her.
  • Little Kassie survives the Deadites by making use of her homemade weapon, which she clearly never expected to be anything more than a kid's version of a talisman: Deadite Bridget accidentally impales herself lunging for Kassie when the latter holds up "Staffanie", the broom with a doll's head which had earlier been broken off into a sharp point.
  • Later, she saves her aunt Beth's life by sliding her a pair of shears which she uses to stab Deadite Ellie through the face.
  • Beth Bixler is made of awesome in this film. She takes up both a shotgun and a chainsaw at different points and successfully uses them to fend off the Deadites. Minutes after escaping Deadite Ellie and grabbing the fallen Mr. Fonda's shotgun, she uses it to blow off the reanimated Ellie's leg, and later shoots off her arm, only missing her head (and thus winning right then and there) due to the interference of Mr. Fonda's Deadite. What seals this is that the Deadite clearly knows it's in hot water, since it turns on the crocodile tears immediately after being put to its knee.
  • Beth and Kassie run for the closing garage gate, do an Indy Hat Roll to get under it. But Kassie's a hair too slow, and the Marauder grabs her. Beth breaks back in, refusing to let her last niece and blood relative die. She saves Kassie in the nick of time with a shotgun blast, perched on the woodchipper and aiming the shotgun at the horrific abomination that used to be her sister, eldest niece, and nephew, and spit out a one-liner worthy of the Great Deadite Ass-Kicker himself:
    Beth: Come get some.
  • Then there's the whole chainsaw-and-woodchipper deal at the end of the film. Beth forces the Marauder backward so that its legs get caught in the reactivated woodchipper it had tried to drag her into moments before, and first Bridget, then Danny, are dragged into its jaws, leaving only Ellie, who tries to ply her sympathies again by calling her "Bethy-Boo". Beth's response is to ram the chainsaw down into her head, shaking the machine so that Ellie's legs, and then her entrails, get dragged in too, leaving only a head that futilely taunts her before she defiantly kicks it in, too.
    Only my sister gets to call me that.
  • Alyssa Sutherland as Deadite Ellie has fans losing their minds, easily being the breakout star of the film for her utterly terrifying and unnerving performance.
