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WMG / Evil Dead Rise

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Pablo, Kelly, and Brandi will show up in The Stinger
Similar to when Ash cameoed at the end of the 2013 movie, the Ghostbashers will have a potential Sequel Hook.

Evil Dead Rise will see the beginning of the apocalypse.
In true Evil Dead fashion of the heroes never catching a break, the protagonists will fight their way out of their apartment building at the end of the movie, only to see rest of LA is being overrun with deadites.
  • Jossed, though we do see that the demon has left the building to wreak havoc through Jessica.

Volumes of the Naturom Demonto, maybe Kandarian artifacts in general, have some sort of compelling effect on those around them, making them want to read the books and use the artifacts.
Far too many people over the course of the franchise have gone to great efforts and ignored both obvious red flags and the pleading of companions to read the books and play the (rather boring, if it weren't for the disastrous effects) recordings that unleash the Deadites when nothing about their established personality suggests they would be especially curious about such things.

The Earthquake was caused by one of the other volumes.
The Priest implies that the book present in this film is one of three volumes, implying that the Necronomicon Ex Mortis from the Ash Williams series and the Naturom Demonto from the 2013 films exist in parallel to this book. It could be possible that this film is either happening simultaneously with the events of a previous film (or the TV show), or some other insane series of events related to them.

The different volumes of the Book of the Dead are tied to different kinds of deadites.
There is some inconsistency between how the deadites work between films. This can be explained by understanding that the different Books throughout the films (the Necronomicon Ex Mortis and the two books called Naturom Demonto) have different rules and aim to achieve different goals. The Book from the original film creates deadites who are essentially sadistic and aim to torment their prey for pure fun. The Book from the 2013 film summoned the Taker of Souls, who was similar to other deadites but who was specifically driven to fulfil the ritual which spawns The Abomination. Finally, the Book from Evil Dead Rise creates deadites who are immune to sunlight, and who are also able to change into beings such as the Marauder.
