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Awesome / Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle

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  • One update to the Japanese servers brought a whole new summoning screen, so now Goku flies towards the meteor to blow it up. But having him and Vegeta show up to fuse as Vegito signifying a guaranteed LR pull? Fuck. Yes.
    • After the same update, Goku and Vegeta could fuse into Vegito Blue!
  • The Super Attacks for [Miraculous Outcome] Goku & Frieza (Final Form) (Angel) are pretty much what happens when you give a mobile game the same budget as the anime it's based off. The Animation Bump is so good, that on 2X speed, it looks and feels like the anime is in the palm of your hands.
  • Anytime you trigger a transformation in battle are satisfying no matter the character, what with the cutscene showing a character powering up alongside the Theme Music Power-Up can really get you pumped to kick some ass.
  • Starting with [Epitome of Sublime Beauty] Goku Black, KO screens were introduced, playing after finishing a battle with a Super Attack. It feels especially rewarding when you've been chipping away at a boss, turn after turn...
  • From [Fusion Reborn] Goku (Angel) & Vegeta (Angel) and [Boiling Evil] Super Janemba onwards, nullification. Your character no-sells the attack, explicitly showing that you have taken 0 damage. Even more awesome when it would have killed otherwise.
