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Analysis / Historical Re-Creation

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Common Historical Re-Creation archetypes:

  1. A Rich Bastard complaining about being forced to give up their cosmetics, cell phone, and/or shampoo. Expect them to chuck the corset and the long-sleeved tops at the earliest opportunity and laze about the farmyard in what is essentially their skivvies.
  2. A Straw Feminist who views this reenactment as an opportunity to redress the wrongs committed against her sisters in the past and will insist on equal rights and an equal vote for women in the affairs of the community. She'll most likely eschew domestic drudge labor in favor of working alongside the boys.
  3. An enthusiastic outdoorsman-type who embraces her new "life in the past" with cheer. Is the only member of the cast who spends more time working than she does arguing with his fellow cast-mates.
  4. At least one Soapbox Sadie vegetarian and/or atheist who will use the opportunity to expouse his lifestyle. May or may not overlap with the Straw Feminist mentioned above.
  5. A young or squeamish member of the cast who is forced to kill a livestock animal they raised from a baby and formed an emotional attachment to.
  6. At least one couple who undergo a serious Relationship Upgrade during the course of the show. (If the show is British, you can expect it to end with titillating shots of the couple in bed together.)
  7. A community leader whose confidence in himself is matched only by his ignorance of the time period in which he and the rest of the cast are "living."
