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Live Blogs ...In which a slacker plays Swan Song
Zakamutt2012-11-27 14:47:34

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...In which I end early on a cliffhanger for some reason

Hmm. I launch the game, and this time, there is music playing, It might be because I've now seen the OP, which I believe used the same music.

Mostly to help myself remember their (full) names, I shall draw up a dramatis personae. Enjoy, in not very specific order:

  • Amako Tsukasa: POV character. Useful, likely The Hero. Usually teams up with Tanomura.
  • Sasaki Yuka: Resident Yamato Nadeshiko and team cook, probably The Chick.
  • Yasaka Aroe: Cloudcuckoolander girl.
  • Kawase Hibari: Short Tsundere. Actually very caring.
  • Kuwagata Takuma: Butt-Monkey. Likes computers. Emotional.
  • Tanomura: Survivor, useful, The Leader, defuses situations with jokes. I can't remember if his last name is revealed ot not. I've misspelled his name once already.


So what are my current thoughts? Not many, but one thing does worry me: Aroe. Eroge generally have at least three gettables, and every woman we've met so far has died rather quickly. However, Aroe being who she is, seems to be both a loli (this disturbed me faintly in Saya No Uta as well, but not as much due to Saya's true nature), and incapable of consent given her mental problems.

I also wonder when the first choice point will come. It's been a while and nothing has appeared yet - not that this is necessarily a bad thing; Saya no Uta only had two choice points, and I gave it 8.5 pointsies overall.

The chapters are named ATTO x SCENA y, by the way. This is clearly very important.

Oh well, the title screen music is getting pretty alarming to listen to, so let's load our save up.


As we begin, there is some worry about food supplies eventually going bad. If I was in this situation, I would have stacked myself up to the hilt with preserves, given their relative lack of perishability (oh look, he's breaking out the big words now).

Random writer tic: writing "smiles bitterly". I realize this is probably some kind of common expression in Japanese, as it's present all over in Kira Kira and such too, but some variety probably wouldn't hurt.

Things are indeed fluffy. There is even a discussion on whether Hibari should keep up her dieting after she decides to eat a lot of snacks. In the cold. In a survival situation. While food is reportedly spoiling. Perhaps this is just a way of keeping up the mood, but personally I'd rather be commending the effort to fatten up. Meh. That would spoil the mood. I mean, Takomura is calling Tsukasa Tsuka-chan now, too. To celebrate this, I will use -chan for everyone throughout this entry.

Takamura-chan suggests that Tsuka-chan rest with him a bit, since they're both tired and old. Takuma-chan's out looking for materials for the raft; I guess he's Rescued from the Scrappy Heap for now. And, surprisingly, we are given a choice:

  • Rest
  • Do not rest

So what do I pick? All the girls are inside, apparently: however, this seems more like a choice between guys, which deeply offends my sensibilities as an eroge player. Or not. I can't quite decide what to do using my feelings alone - it's time to turn to LOGIC!

I do not rest, because rafts to safety don't build themselves, dammit, and I shouldn't be thinking about romance right now. Plus, maybe I'll get some cool CGs of outdoor scenery. Pausing only to save the game, I click my chosen option with gusto.

It turns out that Kawase-chan and Aroe-chan actually follow you outside, so presumably this was a flag for them and against Yuka-chan. Well, I do have a soft spot for tsunderes, so maybe this isn't so bad.

And... a snowball fight happens instead. In an inner monologue, Tsuka-chan remarks this could have been an enjoyable vacation scene in different circumstances; he further ruminates upon his future - I mean, his town is half-destroyed and stuff. I am grateful for this nod towards the serious - probably because I'm playing this game too analytically. Curse you, liveblogging! Naah.

We also learn that the cheerful music playing is actually a CD Takamura-chan's playing on an acquired CD player. There is a trope for this somewhere, but I forgot.

Tsuka-chan's thinking is interrupted by a snowball hit to the back of his head, after which we fade to black and into the next scene.

The music stops playing.

Yuka has a 39 degree fever. The two capable men, Tsuka and Tanomura, set out to find a portable stove to warm her up. They find it in a destroyed building, courtesy of a man with a ruptured body not being alive. As they return, everyone relaxes. But still, no music is playing.

In the next morning, Yuka's fever is 38.7 degrees.

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