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Live Blogs Slowzombie is blind about Dark, The Adventures of Dark Yagami
slowzombie2011-02-19 07:59:12

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This is gonna hurt, isn't it?

Note: This liveblog started on the forums in October, '09, and is being reposted/continued here.

Alright, as of yet I have been unable to convince myself this is a bad idea, thank my mental masochism for that. Now, I loved the Death Note manga, it managed to hook me with suspense in such a manner that I felt compelled to finish the series even after I had the ending spoiled and saw my number one fanboyed-over character ever die, horribly defeated only to be replaced with a... you know what, let's just skip that and leave it at the fact that I read Death Note to the end and enjoyed the story immensely.

Now, what is this fic which I intend to tear asunder with all the fanboy rage of a thousand Final Fantasy-flamefests? Light And Dark The Adventures Of Dark Yagami. First up, Dark Yagami? Calling your kid «Light» is one thing, but «Dark» ... seriously? Well, this fic better have a damn good explanation for this silliness. But hey, look at me, already ranting before I've even gotten to the fic, this can't be good. As you might be able to tell, I'm going in blind, so if I by any chance should end up ranting about a plot point that gets satisfactorily explained later, do forgive me, I'm assuming the worst about this one.


Idler20 Since: Dec, 1969
Apr 7th 2011 at 2:58:59 PM
...this isn't really going to end, is it? No. No, it can't.

...can it?

Also, am I the only one who noticed that this chapter possibly contained a Crucified Hero Shot? Where Dark's arms are nailed to the wall?
slowzombie Since: Dec, 1969
Apr 7th 2011 at 3:02:39 PM
Yeah, possibly, but the arm position was ambiguous, so I didn't pothole it. Since: Dec, 1969
Apr 7th 2011 at 8:06:19 PM
Ohhh, stop pretending you aren't enjoying it, you!
slowzombie Since: Dec, 1969
Apr 8th 2011 at 7:31:32 AM
Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't find this fun at all. Actually, the fic is overall more entertaining now that it pulls insane outrageous shit all the time, it's pretty fun, although I must admit, the lactation fetish this thing suddenly developed is kind of pushing it. Will it be nice to be done with this thing, though? Hell yes.