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Archived Discussion WMG / Pokemon

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Ununnilium: Taking out:

Ash's Pikachu is male.
Actually, with the Diamond and Pearl generation, Pikachu does, in fact, have a distinction between the males and females of the species...
  • Slight problem: Ash's Pikachu was born in Kanto, not Sinnoh. it was also born the Generation BEFORE gender was even invented! Also the anime has never followed the games exactly (especially in regards to geography) so using the games as anime evidence is dodgy at best. On at least 3 occasions during Season 1 of the anime, there were many, many Pikachu on screen at once. Unless every one of those Pikachu was male...
    • So you're saying the only region Pokemon can have sexes in is Sinnoh, despite the absolutely ridiculousness of such a claim? Come on now...
      • *Chuckle* Gender has been around since Gen 2, so that's safe. Gender differences, however, are unique to Sinnoh and such data really shouldn't be applied to Kanto Pokemon.

...because, first, it's not much of a theory (Ash's Pikachu is male... therefore?), and second, it consists almost wholly of stuff that should be on the Discussion page anyway. C'mon. u.u

Cassius335: I see the rest of this discussion page didn't survive The Great Crash.

Anyway, removed the Ash's Coma stuff because this isn't the place for batshit-insane novel-length Fan Fic. You're supposed to guess, not make shit up.

Cassius335: Zapped...

On the TV show, Ash never actually meets Giovanni. This, along with a few offhanded comments about Ash's father in the first couple of episodes, makes the "Giovanni is Ash's father" theory more plausible.

...because they did meet, in the "Mewtwo Returns" Special.

lil_rebbitzen:....The impression I always got in the beginning was that his father was dead. Not exactly uncommon, what when there are tons of dangerous pokemon running loose.

Cassius335: Me too, which would make "He's off on a great adventure." a death-euphanism.


  • This, incedentially, is why people shouldn't do drugs.
  • This actually explains a lot.
    • You are kidding? Frankly, This Troper stopped reading after "Brock is Ash's repressed sexuality. He fell into the coma a virgin and needed an outlet for his growing sexual frustrations."

Conversation In The Main Page.


  • I'm fairly certain he's walked on water at least once.
I know there's more odd examples of this. Anyone?
  • Ash hasn't walked on water. Ever. That's usually Suicune's trick.

Taking out the first because of the last, and the middle because it's Conversation In The Main Page.

Cassius335: Removed:

...dead link, even with only one "http://"

Cassius335: Removed the following for being far too long (which is always a sign something has gone from wild to "utter batshit"). If this gets put back, it needs to be put back much shorter:

Ash is actually the last offspring of an ancient-tribe of aura-controlling occult-people
Ash's father is acctually a high-priest of a tribe of ancient people, who have mystical powers, like a natural controll of PSI, Empathy, or Aura-controlling. (Sir Aaron was part of this tribe too) Because of their powers, this people have a very long life-span and age really slowly (explaining, why Ash bearly grew 3 a head-length in the last 4-6 years) It's said, that every high priest has to go to a great journey, since the prophecy stated, that a male, firstborn offspring of the high-prist bloodline will save the world from armagedon, while on a journey, accompanied by Pokemon. However, this high-prists journey was interupted, when he was attacked by an evil force (my a team-rocket member?) who left him baddly wounded in a little village, where he was found by a young woman, who just lost her own husband in a tragic accident (car or climbing, whichever you prefer) and she took care of him, until he was fit again... and eventually the two ended up drunk and made love to each other in that time. Guess the viallges name. It starts with a "P". Now, guess the womans last name. It starts with a "K". Oh yes, the stranger disappeared the next day, never to be seen again. Now, Mr. Ketchum has her baby son, who is black haired, like the stranger, 9 months later. Unfortunally, the stranger told her about the faith, that MAY await the child, if it indeed IS the child from the prophecy, so she decides to raise him with the lie, that his father is a Pokemon master and not at home for that reason. Of course, she didn't think, that this lie would trigger the great wish inside the boy, to become a Pokemon Master too and therefor go on a big journey (with Pokemon) himself (like the high-prists) Mr. Ketchum had no other choice, than to let her baby go out to meet with his destiny. THIS is, why she is never surprised, when Ash gets into a strange, armagedon-involving situation. She knew, such things were going to happen. It was fated. This also explains the simmilarities between Aaron and Ash, his power to controll aura (was partially shown once again in a japanese episode, that is yet to air in america) and his great willforce, that enables him to withstand even mind-controlling. He was also choosen to see Ho-oh. This bird is a holy Pokemon for this ancient tribe, so it guides the choosen one on his way to save the world. Legendary Pokemon generally show an enourmous amount of trust into Ash. Probably because they were the ones, who choose him in first place. It was no coincident, that he got Pikachu as Pokemon eighter. Pikachu is an incredible exception from the rest of it's kind, when it comes to unleash it's full electric power (heck, it even learned volt-tackle, when it was far to old for it!) and a normal human would not have been able to deal with so many electric-shocks in the beginning (unlike your a comic-relief, like TR) Also, it was good for Pikachu's "soul" to travel with Ash: The explanation for his distrust for humans in the beginning, his hatred for Reichu and that it dislikes Pokeballs may lye in some kind of traumatic event in it's past (I may put down another theory for this later) and so, it needed eighter a therapist, or someone with a REALLY pure heart to get over it's trauma. Destiny choose Ash, since he can, even though he doesn't have the power of empathy, actually feel pretty well into the feelings of others, even Pokémon and was therefor the perfect best friend for this poor, little, traumatizised Pokemon. So this had two advantages: Ash get's a super-powered Pokemon in the very beginning, wich can help him with his various save-the-world adventures, and Pikachu gets a true friend, who it can finally trust. I also believe, that Ash will soon catch eighter a Rioulu or a Lucario and will, while training with it, also somehow gain more access to his own, hidden powers (that were already shown in the Lucario movie.)

Servitor_2152: Just want to say that I LOVE how the "glitch Pokemon = Cosmic Horrors" theory is gathering steam. Ia! Ia! MissingNo. f'thagn!
