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YMMV / Tensou Sentai Goseiger

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  • Awesome Music: Despite the series not shining as much as the recent predecessors, at least up to the first one-third, its soundtrack is definitely on par with others':
  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: Exotic Brothers. They even outright say that it's a one-time thing.

  • Broken Base: Common opinion seems to be the show falls here; some believe Toei was putting all their energy towards the next season, while others find it to be a good season in its own right, in spite of being sandwiched in between two very popular seasons, making it one of the most divisive Sentai seasons. Perhaps because of this, the show suffers from a mashup effect — a set of angelic heroes with two different collectable gimmicks instead of just one (cards and Headders), versus three disparate villain groups (though they're all being manipulated by a Fallen Angel).
  • Complete Monster: Buredoran/Brajira of the Messiah is a fallen Gosei Angel seeking to destroy and rebuild the world because he deems it corrupt. In the distant past he murdered his allies to become more powerful, after which he escapes into the future, where he manipulates an alien army into invading Earth and unseals monsters born of pollution he himself sealed away to do his dirty work. After his memory is erased and he is enslaved by Robogog, he develops a relationship with Metal Alice. Together, they restore his memory and destroy Robogog. As thanks, Brajira murders a wounded Metal Alice. Brainwashing Gosei Knight, Brajira tries to enact his plan by using massive drills to destroy the world. When fatally wounded, he decides to just destroy the planet anyway, even though he can't make a new one. While claiming the world is corrupt, his attitude and omnicidal tendencies expose his noble motives as hollow, and prove him to be just a madman with a god complex.
  • Ensemble Dark Horse:
    • Magis/Gosei Green, thanks to the memorable act of protecting his partner Hyde from a Monster of the Week at the cost of his life.
    • For Mecha, Manta Headder, simply because he turns the Gosei Great into a pirate themed mech. One can't help but wonder if its popularity inspired the next Sentai.
  • Epileptic Trees: Since his helmet was never shown in series, what animal was Gosei Green? His color and tribe made many suspect it was a Turtlenote . However, thanks to the Ranger Key Set Lost Edition, his animal is now official: a dolphin.
  • Evil Is Cool: Buredoran (aka Brajira) might be a constant backstabber who gives even Radiguet a run for his money, but he is good as an evil counterpart and foil to everything the Goseigers stand for, has a calm and calculating personality. It goes to the point where some fans outright admitted that they're just watching the show because of him.
  • Fan Nickname: Super Sentai: The Headmasters, not unlike that of Transformers: ★Headmasters.
  • He's Just Hiding: Up until the very end, there was a strong group that believed Magis would return at some point, looking for clues where clues were not.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight:
  • Just Here for Godzilla: There are some who agreed that Buredoran is the main reason why they're watching Goseiger in the first place, at least during its run anyway.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Buredo-RUN/Brajira crosses this when he brutally murders Metal Alice of the Agent after she helped him bring down Robogog.
  • Narm
    • The MOTW's "ominous buzzing" sounds like farting at points.
    • Kinggon and Makuin's Yuuma Buster sounds awesome... But then you see the posture that Makuin and Kinggon take to execute the move, with Makuin pretty much bending over while Kinggon stands behind him.
  • Narm Charm: Gosei Knight's hammy tendencies during his debut make him theatrically heroic.
  • Shipping:
  • Signature Scene: Alata punching out the darkness controlling Gosei Knight has become this. Even those who haven't seen the show know of this scene.
  • Special Effects Failure:
    • Buredoran of the Chupacabra's claws are clearly EVA or a similar material, given how impossibly flexible they are whenever he moves his hands.
    • During the post-intro mecha scene, one of the fake mountains can be seen being jiggled around by the explosions.
    • In Epic 10, the monster's legs can still clearly be seen sticking out after it explodes.
  • Tear Jerker: Epic 41. Poor Koro; it's like The Iron Giant all over again.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character:
    • The Landick siblings are the most underutilized characters in the show. One of Goseiger's problems are a little bit too much focus on the Skicks, especially Eri (Gosei Knight as well for being the only character that has a story arc), which is carried over to Megaforce. Agri in particular could play a similar role to Bouken Black Masumi as hinted in the first episode but was scrapped later on.
    • Fans will never know details about Burajira's past aside from him betraying the other Gosei Angels. Is there a catalyst for his traitorous side? Is he a Skick, Landick, or Seaick?
    • Magis, who created a lot of fan speculation, ended up being not very important outside of a few episodes.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot:
    • The origins of Knightic Power. It was never really explained.
    • During their battles against Warstar, Alata had personal battles against Dereputa. The same kind of happened between Agri and Kingugon during Yumajuu arc (but only towards the end of the arc, thus making it another example of this). Why couldn't we have the same during Matrintis arc, but with Hyde? His water based powers and analytical strategic mind would be used in a great manner if put against a stronger Matrintis's general.
    • The Gosei World is not shown (or at least details on the Angels' daily life or tribe rivalry) at all.
    • More use of combined elemental attacks would be interesting, like Wind+Ice or Water+Land or Thunder+Water. Those could be used in several creative ways.
  • Tough Act to Follow: The series had the unfortunate fate of being sandwiched between two very popular Sentai series before and after it, plus a very popular entry from its sister series airing at the same time, causing Goseiger to suffer bad critical evaluation in comparison. It did manage to be Vindicated by History sometime afterwards, but it unfortunately continues to remain in the shadow of its surrounding series in terms of popularity.
  • Woolseyism: The Millionfold Curiosity subtitles translate the monster names so that Western viewers can tell what movie they’re derived from.
