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The original literary series

  • Cult Classic: The series has received mixed to negative reception by the general public. It still retains a following to the point that there are even people in the world who try to model their life on the ideals presented in the series.
  • Ho Yay: Some readers find men embracing men as homoerotic, so they get a lot out of the books.
  • Values Dissonance: Tarl expresses this himself throughout the first books, when he's still a stranger in a strange land, less and less as he adapts. Then in the late series, he and a few other Masters clinging to their values refuse to see that the world is changing, and keep insisting that it's wrong.

Outlaw (of Gor) and the Gor movie series

  • Complete Monster: Lara, from Outlaw, is a sadistic and ambitious woman determined to become the queen of Gor. Seducing and then marrying Marlenus, Lara murdered him after he made hero Cabot his heir, and then framed Cabot for the crime. Immediately undoing all of Marlenus's work reforming the country, Lara allowed slavery to run rampant, with hundreds being sold on and either worked to death in the palaces and mines or used as Sex Slaves. When a cave-in occurs in one of the mines when Lara is present, she orders the exits blocked which results in many people being Buried Alive. Bragging to her henchman Xeno that she did this for no other reason than because she could, Lara reveals that she plans on enslaving the entire population before murdering Xeno himself when he realizes what a monster he has put on the throne.
  • Memetic Mutation: Characters repeating Cabot's name constantly.
  • Narm:
    Queen: Get OUT of here, you DISgusting WORM!
  • Retroactive Recognition: Look for Arnold Vosloo (with a full head of hair) in the first film, but on Earth and not on Gor.
  • Sequelitis: The first film at least gives the impression of being made by people who were trying to make something halfway decent. Outlaw, however, comes across as just a bunch of action sequences loosely tied together by a Random Events Plot, along with being generally cheap and poorly-made, even by comparison to the first film.
  • The Scrappy: Watney for being a whiny Motor Mouth and for betraying Cabot so he could get into Queen Lara's panties.
  • Special Effect Failure:
    • In the first film, the sequence where Cabot is sent to Gor cuts between studio shots of him driving through a thunderstorm at night, and location footage showing his car driving along on a bright, sunny day with only a day-for-night filter attempting to give the impression of a storm. Outlaw somehow manages to be vastly worse, just having Cabot's car being rocked by a couple of stagehands, after which we get a smash-cut to him and Watney being on Gor.
    • The climax of Outlaw has the hunter throwing a spear at Queen Lara with some force... followed by a shot of someone off-screen very gently prodding the spear into Lara's abdomen.
    • In Outlaw, Cabot frequents a marketplace on Gor. In one shot you can clearly see a modern-day farm and a car in the distance.
      Crow: It's Iowa!
  • Take That, Scrappy!: Even Outlaw seems to have been aware of just how annoying Watney was, as evidenced by the ending where the ring ends up sending Watney back to Earth alone without Cabot, who finally gets to be with Talena, while Watney ends up having to explain to some cops why he's jaywalking in the middle of Los Angeles dressed in a ridiculous outfit.
