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Warp That Aesop / The Binding of Isaac

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  • Crying always solves all of your problems, including your abusive mom and hideous, deformed monsters in the basement trying to kill you.
  • Giving a little boy cancer is great!
  • One of the best ways to gain power is to turn into a dead cat.
  • Your dead pets' body parts are magic. Carry them with you at all times.
  • No matter how it may appear, killing your child is a good thing because he's secretly The Antichrist.
  • Making many deals with the devil will help you succeed in life.
  • If you find pills lying about on the ground and you don't know what they do, take them.
  • Horrifically mutilating yourself just makes you stronger.
  • Peeing on the floor will help you kill Satan.
  • Anyone can get a PhD just by buying one from a shop.
  • Beggars will give you presents if you give them enough money.
  • Baby corpses make the best familiars.
  • If you have no money to give to a beggar, blow them up instead. The same goes for arcades.
  • If you destroy a statue then angels will try to murder you.
  • Don't trust your parents. Instead, trust people with biblical Names to Run Away from Really Fast. note 
  • Making yourself cry blood or projectile vomit is a good thing and is in no way detrimental to your health.
  • All religious people are nutjobs who'll murder their children at the drop of a hat because God told them to.
  • Kill yourself. And then kill your own corpse.
  • Drinking spoilt milk and eating dog food is good for you.
  • Always play with shite. There may be money inside.
  • Avoid soy milk like the plague.
  • Never try to use explosives while holding a mirror.
  • Killing your mom is necessary to progress in life.
  • God Is Evil and wants your child dead. The voices in your head are not a sign of failing mental health. In fact, you should obey whatever they tell you, because this is the only way to go to Heaven.


  • A playable character who's slightly more powerful than everyone else is a terrible thing and deserves a nerf. A character who is significantly weaker than everyone else to the point of being unplayable is a great idea, and in no way needs a buff.
  • Finding out secrets in any way other than the exact way the creator intended makes you scum.
