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WMG / Tokyo Revengers

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Voice Cast for the upcoming characters in the anime adaptation

Takemichi and Hina will have a son
  • In Chapter 9. Takemichi and Hina in a alternative timeline are seen holding their hands while watching a fireworks show, however, a child says "Look Daddy" presumably mentioning that the child's father is Takemichi.

Sanzu is a time leaper
  • It's pretty assuming that it's true. Since in the end of the Tenjiku arc, Kisaki alluded that he might not have been the time leaper alongside Takemichi as also Kakucho said to Takemichi that he better focus on defeating Sanzu, possibly meaning that he knew the secret of his plan to kill everyone on the battlefield.
  • Seems jossed per chaper 273, he is merely a trigger like Naoto

Draken would defeat South Terano
He literally saves Takemichi's life from some Rokuhara Tandai members that appear shooting that happened at the carnival as he sacrifices its life by being shot. But it could be foreshadowing that he survived the shots before of bullets's long range and plans to get revenge on South and Rokuhara Tandai after he leaves the hospital.
  • Jossed. Draken dies from blood loss by the gunshots, as South was defeated by Mikey instead.

Kakucho's last name
  • It could be Hitto.
    • This name fits pretty well because it means hot spring and it kinda refers to his kind and caring personality.

Takemichi has depression
  • In other words. Takemichi is always seeing crying and being helplessness, with some results of causing possible attempts to suicide by being a glutton for punishment.

Taiju's job in the present is a priest
  • He is shown to be a very well respected Christian in which really states at all why he goes to the church to pray during christimas.
  • Jossed, he is a restaurant owner

Kisaki would die
  • Confirmed, he dies in the chapter 184 after being hit by a truck

Takeomi's cigarette would be censored in the anime adaptation
  • This might happen, since the smoking age in Japan is 20 and he start smoking since he was a teenager.

Sanzu is the one pushing Takemichi in the first place
  • Maybe even in the 'original' timeline, Kisaki rules so much of Toman and Mikey is actually screwed.
  • He might get the wrong idea of killing a timeleaper would steal its power to fix things.
  • Sanzu will die due to train.
    • Kisaki died like he killed Hina by car accident.
    • Shinichiro died like he killed the old man.
