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Tropers / Snailbait

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Just your average 19 year old troper. I'm rather queer nerdy like everyone else on this site and I enjoy being a video game addict, a bibliophile, and a crappy writer. Also, don't be alarmed by the monotone vibes you get from my posts. Or when I passionately rant about things I shouldn't bring up (I'm trying to improve on that).

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Post Vandalism Here =)

Oh, you poor haven't been violated vandalized yet. Fixed. ;) - Keybreak

The faeries like snails. - a faerie
  • Hey there, my fellow boyprincess! (I still think we should start a club) —CA
  • <3 You're wonderful, you know that? Funnyguts
    • No :P
  • You're hilarious
  • Well. A song. You do French? I DO FRENCH! I don't have a clue who you are,
    But you'll got pretty far,
    You share my political views,
    Socialists, I guess, me and you,
    Crappy writer? Well me too!
    We've more in common you see,
    Awesome I think you'll be!
    My man, you are totes G! - Hopey
