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Tropers / Neth Dugan

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Neth Dugan is a half-American Brit who was born and raised in the West Country of England, a region that is no where near London. She grew up spending her free time watching Star Trek TNG, DS9, VOY and has basically been a Trekkie all her life. Which means yes I also love TOS and I even like ENT and the new movie is fantastic. Then one day she turned on the TV to watch Voyager and accidentally got SG-1 and from there her world expanded and grew to love many new and not so new joyous things. Her mind was widened, her imagination had more room to roam in and her life was forever doomed to fandom.

That said she primarily hangs around a few fandoms at any given time and these have changed over the years. Currently these are the SGA, Doctor Who and Supernatural fandoms. Though in the case off Supernatural it's only a select part of the fandom, one known rather well on Live Journal as Mishaland - the place that is so crazy wank doesn't survive long. She both Ships and Slashes though she doesn't do the Die for Our Ship thing, really, and sometimes visits fandoms besides the current core trio. Love good characters, Time Travel and geeky goodness.

Generally? I'm a bit of a geek and a dork whose fandom experience is based out of Live Journal.

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