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Tropers / Kizzy Kat

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For starters, call me Kizzy or kitty. My on-screen name is heavily influenced by the fact that I love cats. I'm just your average, everyday boring person who tries to compensate boredom by drawing and creating stories. Aside from that I am a huge procrastinator.I have various interests but is a master of none.

    Tropes that applies to Kizzy 
  • Shrinking Violet: I use to be like this when I was little. Now, not so much.
  • Kind Hearted Cat Lover: But of course. Considering my love for animals, it is only natural.
  • Not Good With People: Well, I lack good social skills...
  • No Social Skills: Naturally, considering my secluded-from the world upbringing...
  • The Fashionista: A subversion. While I may like fashion and dressing up others (and in some instances, or should I say a lot, dressing up my characters)I find it impossible for me to enjoy shopping. In addition, I am in no way a girly girl. I will never learn to like make up. Ever.
  • Dandere: Quite and occasionally appearing meek to others, but once you push the right buttons I shall initiate my Talkative Loon mode.
  • Older Than They Look: Al least that is what some people might say. I'm currently at a University level yet I still get mistaken for a high school student. Or middle school.
  • Cuteness Proximity: Just put me any near cute animals.
  • Lazy Bum: Oh, so much.And then she wonders why can't she get things done on time.
  • Deadpan Snarker: While I'm quite sarcastic I keep most of it for myself.
  • Hot-Blooded: I have some terrible temper issues, but as of late I am slowly turning it into Tranquil Fury.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: I tend to live in my own imaginary world. This is especially evident during conversations as I lean to jumping from topic to another, spout some crazy nonsense, and act weirdly.
  • Sweet Tooth: I have a rather bad case of it.

Suffs I like.

    Anime And Manga 


     Video Games 
