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Tropers / GalaxyLight777

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Just some guy in a basement closed out from the harsh world... and that was before the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Work Pages I Created 

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    Ideas Bin 

Friday Night Funkin' Game Mod Crossover featuring... an odd source, shall we say...

If you bothered looking at what I linked at in the above, I'm not kidding you, I legit considered including characters from a non-mainstream type of media (Though, it will remain SFW for obvious reasons) into FNF. The reason for this ballsy idea? Well, I liked the music, and the setting/characters have an appeal outside its intended purpose. And now I've made an unpublished work page of it for now.

This is probably the one idea I've committed the furthest to without it actually being made yet. Until I get to downloading (read: purchasing, since certain optimal music / art programs aren't free from what I understand) the appropriate software to make the assets and music, it's still just an idea.
