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Trivia / Disenchanted (2022)

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  • California Doubling: The film is set in upstate New York but was shot in various places around Ireland - counties Wicklow and Dublin mainly. There were also reshoots done in Buckinghamshire, England.
  • The Cast Show Off: Given the uproar over Idina Menzel not singing in the first film (and the fact that she'd sung a song that was a 2010s cultural milestone in the interim), she indeed sings here.
  • Completely Different Title: Il était une fois 2 ("Once Upon a Time 2") in French. 魔法にかけられて2 (Enchanted 2) in Japanese.
  • Cut Song:
    • There was supposed to be a song, "Hard Time For Heroes" between Patrick Dempsey and the commuters (James Monroe Iglehart, Ann Harada, and Michael McCorry Rose).
    • Likewise a duet "Something Different This Year" between Morgan (Gabriella Baldacchino) and Tyson (Kolton Stewart) had been written.
  • Deleted Scene: A spectacular ballroom dance sequence was filmed and later cut down.
  • Missing Trailer Scene: The trailer has a snippet of an additional verse from "The Magic of Andalasia". This verse is not in the final film, though the full verse is sung in the soundtrack.
  • The Other Darrin:
  • Real Life Writes the Hairstyle: Although Amy Adams is still a redhead, she has it as a more muted colour compared to the 2000s, so she wore a wig to match Giselle's tone from the first film.
  • Release Date Change: Initially advertised as launching on November 24, 2022 (Thanksgiving Day in the United States that year), the film was pulled forward to November 18, possibly to avoid directly competing with the theatrical release of Disney's Strange World on November 23.
  • Role Reprise: Returning from Enchanted are Amy Adams as Giselle, Patrick Dempsey as Robert, Idina Menzel as Nancy and James Marsden as Edward.
  • Saved from Development Hell: A sequel to Enchanted was floated several times since the release of the first movie, but was stuck in hell with no sign of a script or premise for over a decade, although Amy Adams did announce the film's title in 2016. In March 2020, Alan Menken mentioned the script was far enough that he had begun composing songs for the film. The sequel was made official in December of that year at the Disney Investor Day Meeting, when it was announced that the film would be made for Disney+ with Adams once again returning.
  • Sequel Gap: The film was released about fifteen years (2022) after the first film (2007).
  • Throw It In!: Stunt performer Philip Condron stated that, in the scene where Giselle turns the guards' weapons into butterflies, one stunt man fell to the floor right behind him, so he improvised tripping over him and landing upside down. The director loved it and encouraged the stunts to go as mad as they liked for the next few takes.
  • You Look Familiar: Rachel Covey, who played Morgan in the first film, appears here as a Monrolasia girl.
