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The Big Guy / Literature

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  • Dracula: Quincy Morris the trigger happy Texan is the Class 4 Big Guy for Professor Van Hellsing's Vampire hunting team. Live action adaptations of Dracula tend to make him a Boisterous Bruiser as well.
  • Magic: The Gathering: Brion Stoutarm in the novelization of the Lorwyn cycle, who is a literal thirty-foot giant. He's also a Boisterous Bruiser. His brother Kiel is even bigger, but doesn't fight as much.
  • Orphans of the Sky: Bobo, metaphorically speaking. He's actually the shortest of the main characters, being a dwarf, but he's also very strong and very fast, although he's not much one for thinking. As a result, he's usually the main member of the group to be trusted with tasks involving heavy lifting, fighting, or subduing people.
  • Warhammer 40,000:
    • Ciaphas Cain: Commissar Cain note  is believed to be a fearless frontline bruiser, but in actuality just wants to find a quiet place far from the frontlines, thank-you-very-much, but is too much of a Slave to PR.
    • Gaunt's Ghosts: Subversion: "Try Again" Bragg looks like a Class 2 at first to everyone who meets him, but actually quite intelligent. The plot point of one of the stories in the second novel revolves around Gaunt choosing him for a mission because everyone assumes that he must be dumb because he's big. Also played with in Ezrah, who is very tall but is lanky rather than brutish.

  • Glen Cook's Garrett, P.I. novels have several of these, most notably Waldo "Saucerhead" Tharpe and female Boisterous Bruiser Winger.
  • Chumley from the Myth Adventures series is a class 3, with a moderate dose of class 5 also. Moreover, as Trolls like him have long found that acting like Dumb Muscle gets them more jobs, his entire race (or at least the male half of it) consists of class 3 Big Guys.
  • Rachel of Animorphs, despite having more feminine tastes than Cassie, is most definitely this. She has to struggle to avoid becoming a full-on Blood Knight, and still ends up one of the chief dog-shooters and a borderline Token Evil Teammate by the end of it.
    • It's by preference at first, and later because the team has become so settled into their respective roles that it becomes impossible for Rachel to escape hers, despite her growing discomfort with it. A fact that she blatantly points out (while simultaneously ripping all of our hearts out) in a later book:
      Cassie: What are you going to do with him?
      Rachel: There's only one thing I can do. I'm going to take him back to the island and abandon him there again. And this time I'm going to make sure that he never comes back.
      Cassie: You can't.
      Rachel: I have to. You don't have to stay.
      Cassie: Rachel, I don't think you'll be able to do this a second time.
      Rachel: (Snapping) You know what, Cassie? I don't think so, either. So will you do it for me?
      Cassie: (Taken aback) I...
      Rachel: (After a long pause) I didn't think so.
  • Perrin from The Wheel of Time fills this role as a type 2 with occasional 1. He is physically strong since he was a blacksmith, wields an axe and a hammer and is slow-thinking although by no means unintelligent. There's also the Ogier Loial, who fits perfectly into class 2.
  • In Eragon, When they are on the "good" side, the urgals and Kull fulfill this role to the Varden, and Nar Garzhvog temporarily serves as Eragon's bodyguard bruiser.
    • Saphira, and dragons in general. Even a relatively young (and thus small) dragon is more than a match for dozens if not hundreds of men, especially working in concert with their riders.
  • Doroga from Codex Alera. His chala something between a giant badger and a giant ground sloth, and a result of their bond he's incredibly strong. Plus he gets to ride the above mentioned monster into battle. Tavi's uncle Bernard is also physically a big guy, but acts as more of a Guile Hero, for the most part.
  • Porthos, from The Three Musketeers, a rather Hot-Blooded braggart who is only a little less competent than he claims to be. When he's not posing and showing off, anyway.
  • Lord Goldry Bluszco from E.R. Eddison's The Worm Ouroboros. While all the Lords of Demonland are supreme warriors, Goldry is the tallest and strongest.
  • Johanna is a Class 1 from Catching Fire which tells you a lot about the team
  • Sinai from Black Dogs fits Class 1 to a T. After she leaves, Gunnar takes her place as The Big Guy, who is more of a Class 2.
  • The Guns of Navarone. Andrea Stavros is described as a giant.
  • Charlene from The Kingdom Keepers was selected to be a DHI because she was very athletic, making her a Rare Female Example of this trope.
  • Jack Reacher is class five, as he uses his brain when he uses his muscles. His brother comes across as a Class Two, but he really can't fight period.
  • Butler (and the entire Butler family) from the Artemis Fowl series. He's the title characters body guard, coming in just under 7 feet, basically giant a mass of muscle and an incredibly capable combatant. He's also, as the name suggests, a general servant who has a huge list of handy skills, from being a certified pilot to a trained chef. He might not be quite into Genius Bruiser territory, but he's not dumb muscle by any means.
    • Juliet Butler (the above's younger sister) also qualifies. She's not as physically big as her brother, falling more into the Cute Bruiser variety, but is similarly skilled and dangerous.
  • Sherlock Holmes fits the Jerk with a Heart of Gold category. He did threaten death on one criminal when his friend was wounded.
  • The Silmarillion: Tulkas is the champion and physically strongest of the Valar. A mighty wrestler and boisterous by nature, his very laughter causes the Dark Lord Melkor to tremble with fear. He is said to be slow to anger, but also slow to forgive.
  • French Sci Fi novel Malevil has Peyssou: big, rowdy, lewd, and uneducated.
  • In Death: David Baxter or Peabody could be placed in this category.
  • In Septimus Heap, Nicko is type 2, being rather strong from his work at a boatyard but also often carrying the Idiot Ball.
  • Ham in Mistborn is a Pewterarm, which means he can burn pewter to make himself stronger and increase his endurance. He also happens to enjoy debating philosophy, making him a Class Five. While Vin and Kelsier can also burn pewter, they also have access to all the other metals, while being the big guy is Ham's only power.
  • Tonk Fah from Warbreaker is this trope, especially in the literal sense. Returned gods also tend to have much bigger builds that also make them stronger, although they generally have no idea what to do with that advantage.
  • The Belgariad has a Five-Man Band within the Five-Man Band made up of Big Guys. Barak, an enormous Cherek who turns into a bear and fights with an axe in one hand and a sword in the other is The Hero, Hettar, a fast moving cavalryman acts as his Lancer, archer Lelldorin is the Big Chick, religious fanatic Relg is their Smart Guy, and Knight In Shining Armour Sir Mandorallen of Vo Mandor, who kills lions with his bare hands and threatens armies by himself is Big Squared. Not much is made of this potential band within the band in The Belgariad... but in the Malloreon sequel series prophetic demands and Big Guy stubborness leads to the Big Guys of the Belgariad's hero band joining together in a band of their own (along with Unrak, Barak's son and a Big Guy-in-training) and try to catch up with the main hero band. In The Malloreon main hero band itself, Toth is probably closest, though by this point the hero has become so lethally dangerous that the Big Guy role isn't really needed like it was in the first series (Eddings knew his tropes).
  • Ulath in The Elenium is a type 1.
  • Dhampinella, the supernaturally-strong Dhampir in the Mediochre Q Seth Series is a rare female example of Class 1. She also counts as a 'Giantess' female type.
  • Adventure Hunters: Played with; Artorius is a big and broad man in armor but he delegates all the heavy lifting to short and slender Lisa because she has Super-Strength.
  • Heleth in the ColSec Trilogy is a Cute Bruiser of the third type—small, compact, pushy, and aggressive.
  • Amanandrala "Grok" Grookonomonslf of the Star Risk, Ltd. series is the Genius Bruiser version. He's an alien with some resemblance to a bear and, in a team full of badasses, ranks among the deadliest. He's also extremely good with computers and cryptography.
  • Frank from The Heroes of Olympus is even called this in the text. He is a son of Mars and has shapeshifting powers, as well as being the biggest physically.
    • Percy Jackson's cyclops half-brother Tyson was this in the prequel series, being by far the physically strongest of the heroic characters. Percy even calls him "big guy."
  • The Crystal has Rocky, one of a trio of adventurers, and a six foot tall, six foot wide troll. A type 2. Speaks Like This, For Some Reason.
  • In the Wraith Squadron novels, "unit strongman" is one of the classical roles that Piggy insists keeps coming up, regardless of how the unit changes (he's right). He was one of the originals, along with Runt and Kell (Runt is the best at strongman-type displays, Piggy hits the hardest, but Kell leaves them both in the dust with his martial arts training). In Mercy Kill, Trey Courser also fills this role. Curiously, all four are variations on the rare Type 5 — Kell and Trey are both mechanics, Kell is a demolitionist, Runt was a comms tech, and Piggy is a certifiable genius in math and basically everything else.
  • The Infernal Devices:
    • Henry Branwell.
    • Thomas Tanner. Which is rather ironic, considering he was a shrimp when he was younger.
  • Journey to Chaos: Tiza is this for Dragon's Lair mercenary team four. As the team's fighter, her role is to tank the enemies. She wears the heaviest armor to absorb damage in place of the mages and fights up front with sword and shield. Her teammates support her with healing, buffs, and coverfire.
  • In the Dred Chronicles, prison gang leader Dred has Einar, one of her lieutenants and bodyguards. He can act the Gentle Giant when he wants, but as Dred notes, people like that don't end up where they are and survive.
  • The Unknown Soldier: The platoon's The Big Guy is actually its smallest member, Määttä!
  • The Last Human (2019) has Ceeron, a large android that was designed to lift and carry large solar panels.
  • Bazil Broketail:
    • Swane is the strongest and most physically imposing of all dragonboys, at least until Rakama comes along.
    • Rakama shares this role with Swane in 109th the moment he appears, though rather than just big, he is far better trained in hand-do-hand combat, giving him an edge over physically stronger, but less skilled companion. Eventually, Swane does recognize Rakama as a superior combatant.
    • As a wild dragon, Purple-Green is bigger and stronger than his wingless peers, and despite receiving training in swordplay after joining the legions, he still relies more on his ferocity and brute strength rather than fighting technique.
  • Hack Alley Doctor: Ping, one of the White Leopards, is described as an "absolute unit" with a voice that rumbles like thunder. He wears a custom-made exoskeleton in his first appearance and is big enough to wear a shield on each arm.
  • The Bladecleaver from Grent's Fall was a head taller than Duke Abel Marnhull (who himself was taller than average) and wielded a BFS as easily as a dagger. According to Word of God, he was 6'9" (and Abel was 6'0").
  • The angel Brumak from Wars of the Realm. He's a Class 1 Big Guy, a strong silent type who can beat up droxans (giant demonic monsters) without any help. In fact, here is his how he's introduced by Validus, the angel protagonist:
    The Fallen had droxans. The angels had Brumak. The few times Validus had seen him in action, he was astonished. Brumak was a tower of dark, muscled, angelic force, standing a full six inches taller than Validus and half again as thick. He had seen Brumak take sword slices and bullets that would have put two angels down, but the warrior kept coming. He had never seen him smile. Never.
