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Tear Jerker / Punch-Out!!

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Moments pages are Spoilers Off. You Have Been Warned.

  • Every 100 wins, Doc gives you this quote in the Wii version. It sounds so sincere and lacks his usual, joking bravado. It Doubles as Heartwarming.
    Doc Louis: Alright, Mac! Listen up! Great job, son, I'm proud of you. But I need you to understand, keep it in the ring. You don't want to be a bully outside the ring.
  • The Bittersweet Ending of the 2009 game. Mac retiring early, at the peak of his career as champion.
    • The line Doc says just before the end (after losing three times in Mac's Last Stand) makes it all the sadder.
    Doc Louis: Listen, son... you've had a great career. I'm proud of you, kid. You're still the champion in my book.
    And so, Little Mac has left the ring.
    Doc Louis: (rings the bell on their old training bicycle as he looks up at a picture of them) Good job, son... good job.
  • Doc telling Mac not to cry in one of the post-fight quotes gives to mind a sobbing Mac post-defeat.
  • Poor Glass Joe can't catch a break. He's constantly getting beat, is one of the oldest boxers (almost 40), and is even at risk of a skull injury due to his profession. Still he perseveres.
  • After beating Title Defense mode, your opponents begin to look dazed, saddened, even traumatized by the beating you've given them. Except Aran Ryan... he looks like he enjoyed it.
    • Glass Joe stares blankly like he's catonic; given he has just lost again and now has a record 1-101, one can only imagine what he's thinking.
    • Von Kaiser shivers and twitches sporadically, looking exactly like a Shell-Shocked Veteran suffering from PTSD.
    • King Hippo's lips are quivering.
    • Bear Hugger sobs, presumably sad over losing his squirrel friend.
    • Don Flamenco attempts to keep a rose straight, but it stays limp.
    • Soda Popinski shaking his head sadly after trying to get a drink from his soda bottle, only to realize said bottle is empty.
  • Losing a Title Defense match is pretty sad as well, since after your opponent's victory pose, it cuts to Little Mac solemnly placing his World Title belt in the ring — knowing that all that effort that was put into taking the title has been dashed with a single defeat.
  • Any time Disco Kid loses his perpetual smile, such as his first Title Defense intro card where he hangs up his gloves and looks completely crushed. Heck, the guy was smiling even when Mr. Sandman was knocking him out!
