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Tear Jerker / Kingdom Hearts: The Antipode

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  • Poor Aqua has a lot of baggage.
    • Her trauma from being trapped in the Realm of Darkness is made abundantly clear. It should be noted that in this continuity, the flow of time is consistent between both the Realm of Light and Darkness, meaning that she was in there for a full eleven years with only her own thoughts and regrets for company.
    • Additionally, she feels immense guilt for the worlds falling to darkness in her absence. During the Christmas Episode A Heartfelt Holiday, she breaks down in front of the refugees of Grandship and confesses to them how she feels responsible for their misfortunes.
      I couldn't be there when your worlds were in peril. But I should have. Instead, I spent the last decade lost in the Realm of Darkness while your homes were consumed by the Heartless. All because my best friend lost his body to a madman. All because I had hope that he'd break free. All because I… I sacrificed myself, and it wasn't enough. So please, if there's anything I can do to make it up to you… if there's any way I can bring you all hope, just—
  • As entertaining as it may be to see various Disney characters having cameos in other worlds and aboard Grandship, most of these characters are refugees from destroyed worlds. As a general rule, if you see a Disney character stranded in a world outside of their own, there's a very good chance that they lost their home to darkness. That's right, the worlds of The Muppets, The Aristocats, Big Hero 6, Phineas and Ferb and countless others have been consumed by the Heartless. Let that sink in.
    Act 1: The Antipode 
  • Sora's Heroic Sacrifice. Unlike in canon, Sora knew in advance that he had to potentially give his life to revive Kairi, and he was ready and willing to accept his fate.
    Riku: But, Sora, there has to be some other way! We were supposed to see the worlds together! How can we do that if you're not here with us?
    Sora: Riku… We'll still be together. No matter what happens to me, I'll always be there… in your hearts. If you think of me long enough and if you don't forget me… our hearts will be one. No amount of darkness is ever gonna change that.
    • Before they say goodbye, Riku shares one final sparring match with Sora for old time's sake. One last moment of lighthearted fun in what might be their final moments together. As they grow weary, Riku throws the fight, letting Sora win for once, after which Sora hugs him tightly.
    • As Sora prepares to take his own life, he asks Riku to take care of Kairi for him. Riku watches as his best friend stabs himself with the Dark Keyblade, all while grinning widely. Like in canon, Kairi reaches for Sora just as he dissolves into pieces of light before her eyes. She and Riku then share a tearful embrace.
      Kairi… I'm so sorry. I'm the one who did this to you.
      Riku, it's okay… I know you didn't mean to.
    Act 2: Fragmented Truths 
  • Everything about Riku Replica; a clone of Riku implanted with Fake Memories by Naminé on the Organization's orders. Imagine having your identity stolen by a Doppelgänger, who turned your best friend into an empty husk and brainwashed your other friends into believing that they are you. Overwhelmed with hatred for the "Fake" who stole your life, you form an alliance with a shady Organization in hopes of restoring your friend's heart and taking back your identity.
  • Naminé felt awful for manipulating the Replica and Roxas by fabricating their Fake Memories of her as their childhood friend, but continued to due so out of fear for what the Organization would do to them should she refuse. After being ordered by Xemnas to force the Replica to relieve his most traumatic Fake Memories, Roxas found Naminé sobbing inconsolably in her room, unable to tell him why.
    Naminé: You and Riku have always been so kind to me. …I wonder if I really deserve it.
  • During the final battle, Riku succumbs to darkness and Naminé is forced to shatter the chains binding his memories in order to stop him from killing Riku Replica, effectively lobotomising the former. She and the Replica are both ridden with guilt over this, with the latter blaming himself for pushing Riku to fight.
    The Year Between 
  • Despite being transformed into a Heartless, Sora is able to retain his good nature and his sense of self, not once hurting any of his friends. This changes briefly during the Manhattan arc, when Zexion takes control of Sora and forces him to attack Kairi. Upon hearing her screams of pain, Sora snaps out of his trance and sees his best friend clutching her bloodied arm in shock. Overwhelmed with guilt, Sora tosses her a potion as he runs away in tears.
    Act 3: All That's Left 
  • Even if it doesn't last, the battle with the Cyclops Titan nonetheless has an undeniable feeling of hopelessness as the heroes are picked off one-by-one by the seemingly-indestructible deity.
    • First, Aqua suffers a Rasputinian Death as a result of Riku's plan to crush the Cyclops under a rain of debris. As the heroes look on in horror, one can only imagine Riku's feelings of guilt.
    • Next, Donald and Goofy are buried under an avalanche of debris before Riku can even scream their names.
    • Sora then tries to attack the Cyclops, who responds by throwing him into the ground and stomping him under its foot as Riku lets out a Big "NO!".
      The ground quaked. Tremors rushed by, but Riku didn't feel them as he lost his balance and collapsed onto his knees. He could only keep staring on in horror, tears falling down his cheeks. First Aqua…then Donald and Goofy…and now Sora…
      And where was Kairi? He didn't dare to turn around, lest he find her mangled corpse strewn in several pieces across the street, somewhere amid the forest of scattered javelins. The very same that they'd both furnished. He couldn't bear the thought of seeing her killed by his handiwork. And so, his trembling, weeping eyes remained locked on the Cyclops, now staring straight at him.
    • Following this, the Cyclops snatched Riku and crammed him into its mouth. Kairi tried to save her friend from being Eaten Alive but was too late; the Cyclops crunched down and swallowed Riku whole, as his Keyblade, Oblivion, clattered at Kairi's feet.
      Kairi fell to her knees. Her lips quivered, voice choked. The tears fell freely. "Ri…ku…"
      It just…this couldn't be real. It couldn't be! It…just… Was.
      And Oblivion by her side was proof enough of that. Without Riku to wield it, it seemed only a cold, lifeless hunk of metal. The longer she gazed, the more she realized that was exactly what it was now. Just some dead thing.
      As if in a trance, her eyes wandered to Sora's shadow-black, crown-shaped necklace, threaded through the handle. Just a dead thing. As if the trance deepened, she reached a hand for the smoke-grey hilt, still warm with Riku's touch. Just a phantom, fading fast.
      Her breath hitched, the trance broke, and she desperately, wretchedly pulled Oblivion close in a hug. Kairi wailed with brokenhearted abandon. The names of every fallen friend—every death in the family—failed to form on her tongue, drowned by the raw sorrow that she screamed to the heavens. In her shattered mind, the sky seemed to darken with her grief.
    • With nothing left to lose, Kairi takes one Last Stand against the Cyclops Titan. Clutching Riku's Keyblade in one hand and her own Keyblade in the other, Kairi prepares to charge at the Titan, knowing full well that doing so would be suicide. Luckily, the Genie chooses this moment to pull a Big Damn Heroes moment.
    • Thankfully, it turns out that everyone's alright; Donald and Goofy were alive under the debris (which the Genie cleaned up), Sora merged with the shadow under the cyclops' foot, Riku used a dark corridor to save himself at the last minute and Aqua was implied to have been saved by Xemnas. With this, Kairi pulls them all into a tearful hug. Doubles as a Heartwarming Moment.
  • The Reveal of Xemnas' true identity. For most of the story, the heroes assumed that Xehanort was still held possessing Terra's body, and that he was responsible for Xemnas' crimes. The truth turns out to be even worse: Terra broke free from Xehanort's control long ago at the cost of his own heart. Xemnas is his Nobody, not Xehanort's. Ergo, Terra is in full control of his actions. He's the bad guy.
  • Aqua's heartbroken reaction to learning of Xemnas' identity. Up until that point, she had assumed that Terra was still possessed by Xehanort, not wanting to consider the alternative. Now, faced with overwhelming evidence of Xemnas' true agenda, she can only break down in tears upon the realization that her best friend is now her greatest enemy.
    Aqua: Why? How could you do this, Terra?!
  • Think of what this means for Aqua; she spent a decade alone in the Realm of Darkness clinging to the belief that her sacrifice saved Terra and that he'd be able to protect the worlds in her steed. After returning to the Realm of Light, she learns that not only was her sacrifice in vain; because she pushed him away, her best friend lost his way and became a monster no better than Xehanort.
  • Chapter 49 reveals that Terra's Heart remains trapped within the Lingering Will, forced to shoulder the guilt of each and every one of Xemnas' crimes. Imagine being trapped in a cage and Forced to Watch as your body commits unspeakable acts. Imagine being helpless as your body speaks hurtful and manipulative words to the people you love, potentially destroying the bonds you cherish.
  • These exchanges really emphasizes just how much Terra has changed:
    Aqua: And why would I even trust you with Ven after everything you've done?
    Terra: Aqua, Ven is one of the only people in this wretched universe I have even an inkling of attachment to. For as detestable as I have become, it is not my intention to harm either one of you. Otherwise, you would not be standing here today.

    Aqua: There's no need. If we’re exercising trust, then I trust you not to stab me in the back.
    Terra: Aqua. You know I'd never do that.
    Aqua: No, I don't. Not anymore.
  • Aqua deeply regrets pushing Terra away with doubt and distrust during the events of Birth by Sleep, and its clear that she blames herself for his fall from grace. Xemnas' dialogue upon their encounter in The Year Between indicates that even now, he still resents her words.
    Xemnas: But I suppose to you, I'm yet another soul who has gone... astray.
  • Elsa being stabbed in the heart by a shard of Nahxs's enchanted glass, making her see only the ugly in the world. Bright, scarlet veins crawl down her cheeks and her pupils turn red. Upon seeing her sister, she utters this one line:
    Anna... Why did you never LEAVE?
    • As this occurred, Elsa had flashbacks of her past. Notably, she saw herself as a child, hiding in her room and crying while her sister called from the other side of the door.
    • Elsa then gives Anna a scathing "The Reason You Suck" Speech. The worst part is: she has no control over her actions and is fully aware of the horrible things she's saying to her beloved sister.
      Elsa: You never let me go. Always clawing at my door, driving me insane. You didn't want a sister; you wanted a toy. You'd wake me in the middle of the night, demanding we'd build a snowman. You'd push me harder and harder... Until I finally pushed back.
      Anna: It was an accident and you know it! I know you, Elsa, and you'd never-
      Elsa: You know me? You're nothing more than a closed door!
      Anna: …You're right. We haven't been close since we were little, and, after today, I'm not even sure how many of those memories are real. But that was then. This is now. There's no more doors except the ones you create. You or this... darkness. (...) And I know this because I finally saw you at the coronation. For just a few minutes, you actually smiled! You seemed genuinely happy!
      Elsa: And tell me, Anna. Why did I stop smiling? (...) Don't you see, Anna? All this darkness… All this rage that I've hidden for so long; it's all because of you. Why couldn't you stay dead?
    • Elsa launches a blast of darkness-infused ice at Anna, only for Riku to take the blow. Though her sister was spared having her heart frozen, Elsa will now have to contend with the guilt of potentially killing the one friend who shared her struggles, thereby leaving her to face her darkness alone once more.
    • In general, seeing Elsa in such a horrific state can be a massive gut-punch for Frozen fans.
  • The destruction of Elsa's Ice Palace. The first and final symbol of her freedom reduced to nothing.
  • At the end of the Arendelle arc, Anna manages to break through to Dark Elsa by singing the last verse of "Do You Want to Build A Snowman". As Elsa regains consciousness, the sisters share this exchange:
    Anna: ...I'm sorry. I pushed too hard. All of this is my fault.
    Elsa: N-no… I… I didn't mean what I said. Anna… I'm the one who… who…
    • At this point, Elsa's corruption has progressed to a point where she can no longer be saved. Knowing this, Elsa freezes her own heart to free herself from Nahxs' influence. Before doing so, she gives Anna a teary smile and some parting words:
      Anna... take care of Arendelle...
      • Following this, Elsa's body turns to ice, much like Anna in the film. A guilt-ridden Anna is left sobbing and wailing over her sister's frozen body as she pleads for Elsa not to leave her.
    • Even though Elsa too returns to life, the events of the story have nonetheless left Anna a traumatised wreck and in the next chapter, she breaks down crying and screaming in Elsa's arms.
