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Take That / Dorkly Originals

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  • Mario Paint Torture is one towards the band Nickelback, where Mario takes occasional pauses from playing a 16-bit rendition of "How You Ride Me" to berate the player for spending forty hours composing it, and how he can't tell what song it is because all of Nickelback's songs are too similar.
  • Social Justice RPG is a jab towards online Social Justice Warriors, with the Warrior of the team hindering the group by complaining about every little thing that could be interpreted as bigotry, even going so far as to complain about the Ninja labeling the final boss as "evil" even though it's clear that the being intends to destroy all life on the planet.
  • Batman v. Superman v. Iron Man v. Captain America: Dawn of Civil War has Batman telling Superman that Man of Steel was garbage, then questions why Superman didn't save his father and why anybody would be mad at him for it. The video also takes shots at how the DC Extended Universe was doing a film about two of its heroes fighting with almost no build-up, as opposed to the Marvel Cinematic Universe which built up to Iron Man and Captain America facing each other.
  • Dorkly Doesn't React Under Penalty of Law was meant to make fun of the Fine Brothers after they had announced that they were going to license their React brand, which was met with extreme backlash by many who saw it as a way for the brothers to make a profit out a genre of popular YouTube videos that they didn't even create.
  • NES Ninja Turtles Theme Song is an entire song dedicated to mercilessly insult the intense difficulty and gameplay of the original 1989 NES Ninja Turtles game.
    • Mario Is Too Mainstream is a jab at the more pretentious fans or developers of indie games (Braid in particular is signaled out) who go on about how their games are unique or deep when most of their mechanics or messages are already present in the more mainstream titles they dismiss.
  • The Fantastic Four's Greatest Villain - REVEALED! was pretty much just one long jab towards 20th Century Fox for their rather poorly made Marvel movies (the Fantastic Four adaptations in particular). It also throws a barb at Sony Pictures' handling of the Spider-Man films. Susan's protests that the Fox Studio Executive not sell the Fantastic Four to Warner Bros. could also qualify as a potshot.
  • Mario Responds to PETA bashes PETA following the controversy they stirred regarding the Tanooki Suit in Super Mario 3D Land. Mario is shown telling PETA that the mere thought of harming animals disgusts him deeply, all while killing his very animal-like enemies (and Yoshi) in the process.
  • If Video Games Had Impossible Mode shows the Impossible Mode for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time which has Leonardo encountering Michael Bay who turns him into his 2014 movie counterpart. He’s promptly horrified at it.
  • Ash Gets a Digimon features... Exactly What It Says on the Tin. Ash receives a Digimon as a gift from his mother and states that "this is worse then when [mom] got me Beyblade instead of Bakugan."
  • If Sega Owned Mario and If Nintendo Owned Sonic both attack Sega's handling of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. The latter also attack Nintendo for seemingly abandoning the Metroid franchise. note  If Sega Owned Mario also contains a jab at Ubisoft, since after the video turns out to be All Just a Dream, Mario is told by Luigi that Ubisoft owns them, and most of Luigi's head isn't animated, mocking the infamous glitch in Assassin's Creed: Unity.
  • If Pokémon Trainers Were Smart takes a shot at Game Freak's decision to not include the National Pokédex in Pokémon Sword and Shield.
  • Fi Annoys Link takes a jab at Fi, where's she portrayed as always stating the obvious and getting on Link's nerves. Link eventually decides he's better off saving Zelda with a slingshot and sells the Goddess Sword.
  • Power-Up Mix-Up 4 has Sonic encountering a time portal from Chrono Trigger. After he exits it, he's so horrified by how his future is (involving purple cats, him kissing a human princess, and Sonic Boom) that he promptly impales himself on spikes.
  • In regards to their Star Wars videos, expect the prequel trilogy to be jabbed in one way or another.
  • There Are Too Many Spider-Men takes a jab at Spider-Man: No Way Home having the Statue of Liberty being turned into a Captain America memorial, calling it disrespectful.
