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Shout Out / Time Squad

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  • In "The Prime Minister Has No Clothes", the ending is one big shoutout to The Benny Hill Show, with Larry getting chased around while "Yakkity Sax" plays.
  • Planet of the Apes is used in a Butterfly Effect storyline in "Planet of the Flies", including a moment where Larry shouts, "You maniacs! You blew it all up!" at the sight of a destroyed and decaying Statue of Liberty.
  • A scene in "Planet of the Flies" had Larry meet his other self in a time paradox. As one of the Larrys gestures towards the other;
    Larry 1: Ugh! Am I really that fat?
    Larry 2: How RUDE! (and promptly gives him a tight slap on the cheek)
    • Slightly subtle, but it refers to a scene in The Empire Strikes Back where C-3PO meets an android much like himself;
    E-3PO: E chu ta.
    C-3PO: How rude!*
  • 'In "Whitehouse Weirdness", the guys find themselves smack dab in a 'Scooby-Doo'' episode. It's complete with the original sound effects and score of the 1969 series and a chase through the Scooby-Dooby Doors, the traps and the unveiling of the culprits, and William Howard Taft gives us- "And I would have gotten away with it too, if hadn't been for those meddling Time Squaders!"
  • "Cabin Fever" has shades of The Shining including when we see Larry, half-crazed is using his embroidery skills to write "All work and no play makes Larry a dull boy" over and over and over.
  • The Stepford Wives (in "Larry Upgrade")
  • the 1960s Batman series in "Houdini Whodunit".
  • Larry's line; "The calla lilies are in bloom again," in "Floral Patton" is a Signature Line by Katharine Hepburn from her role in Stage Door which is accompanied by one of the most memorable monologues in film.
  • In "Big Al's Big Secret", the pig that finished off Larry's disguise as a Texan farmer was mentioned as being named "Zeek". Dave Wasson (Time Squad's creator) himself owns a pet pig named 'Zeek'.
  • A single shot in "Out with the In Crowd" contains five different Shout Outs. When Larry adoringly asks for the Lance Nine Trillion's autograph, he holds up an autograph pad signed by HAL 9000, C-3PO, RoboCop, Mr. Roboto (from the Styx song of the same name) and Robby.
  • The entirety of the episode "Billy the Baby" was a shout out and homage to the animation direction of Tex Avery, and to the Spaghetti Western director Sergio Leone note , where we get the Clint Eastwood expy as The Man With No Name breaking the forth wall like this was a Droopy cartoon.
  • In Nobel Peace Surprize, Otto screams, "Look out! He's got a board! And it's got a nail in it!"
    • At the end of the battle, Larry adds to Otto's speech by quoting the song lyric "All we are saying is give peace a chance", from John Lennon.
  • In "Lewis and Clark and Larry" -When the guys find out that they're going to visit the American explorers, Lewis and Clark, Tuddrussel immediately exclaims- "Great Ceasar's ghost! Were going to meet Superman!" Leading Otto to groan- "That's Lois and Clark!"
  • The guys get mauled by an evil My Little Pony in Horse of Horrors.
  • In "Love at First Flight", Tuddrussel expresses amusement in Amelia Earhart's half-crazed reaction to germs by saying, "She's silly!"
  • At the beginning of Ex Marks the Spot- the episode opens up to Larry happily singing a Time Squad version of the Flintstones theme song.
  • The series finale, "Orphan Substitute" has Tuddrussel and Larry kidnapping various orphaned geniuses to replace Otto. One of the kids that they attempt to use is none other than Dexter, the other red-headed, bespectacled nerd on Cartoon Network! While Dexter could probably tell them who Christopher Columbus was, he refused to help on the grounds that he "wasn't an orphan".
    • Also in the same episode, when we're reintroduced to Sister Thornly and her orphans, you can see two kids in particular in the chain gang that appears to be Dot and Randy, from creator Dave Wasson's mini series Tales from the Goose Lady.
    • The depiction of George H.W. Bush is an homage to comedian Dana Carvey's role as the president on Saturday Night Live, with the voice actor using the exact phrase, "It wouldn't be prudent, it wouldn't be presidential" just like how Carvey would say it.
  • General George Patton in the episode "Floral Patton" acts as the Drill Sergeant Nasty from the Stanley Kubrick film Full Metal Jacket. Even saying the often quoted line- "WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR MALFUNCTION?"
    • In the opening of Floral Patton, George Patton gives a rousing speech to his employees as if they were going off to war in front of a giant American Flag, referencing the film Patton.
  • Leonardo Da Vinci makes a reference to Pulp Fiction when he draws a white lined square with his fingers, commenting that the squad's suggestions for creative inspiration are totally "Squaresville".
  • In "Feud for Thought", Larry shows Otto that he learned to get back at Tuddrussel with the help of a self motivational book from the 1980's entitled "Bustin' The Barrier" by Thor Robertson, who is based on Real Life motivational speaker Tony Robbins.
  • In "Hate or Let Hate", Larry dresses up like Sylvester Stallone in Rambo while shooting up the satellite. He also quotes a few famous lines from films such as: "Say hello to my little friend!", "Hasta la vista, baby" and "Go on, make my day!"
  • The episode "Child's Play" has Larry bringing up two of his favorite authors: Danielle Steel and Jackie Collins .
  • In "Day of the Larrys" when Larry turns on his first clone, he tells him "Happy Birthday", a reference to Frosty The Snow Man who always says happy birthday when he comes alive.
    • Larry's clones build a robot nightclub called "Studio 3K", calling back to the infamous dance club in the 1970's, Studio 54. To top it off, the song playing in the background is "Bad Girls" by Donna Summer.
  • According to writer Carlos Ramos, the character JT Laser is a reference to the futuristic cop TJ Laser in RoboCop (1987).
  • At the beginning of "Blackbeard, Warm Heart", Larry chides Tuddrussel for carelessly throwing the garbage out into space, asking him, "You'd rather pollute, then give a hoot?" Which is a direct reference to Woodsy the Owl, who debuted as a mascot for the United States Forest Service in the 1970's with the famous slogan: "Give a hoot, don't pollute!".
  • After Otto gives John Hancock and Samuel Adams coffee, the two men begin to speak Totally Radical, and air guitar with accompanying rock guitar riffs not unlike Bill & Ted.
  • In "The Clownfather", one of the gangster clowns asks the laughing group of children at Billy's birthday party the following: "Funny? Funny how? Like a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh? Somebody, somebody tell me how I'm funny!"
