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Shout Out / Evolve Idle

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Comic Books

  • Upon unlocking oil derricks the flavor text reads "Roxxon", a nod to the petroleum industrial conglomerate in Marvel comics.
  • When you build the Supercollider, a scientist named "Hank Pynn" can discover "Pynn particles" that shrink matter, improving your storage space.



Live-Action TV

Tabletop Games

Video Games

Western Animation

Real Life

  • Governors have names thematically linked to their race. A possible name for aquatic species is McBoatFace.
  • Potential rival nations include the United States and the United Kingdom.
  • The description of the achievement for building 99 Supercolliders ("Didn't destroy your planet with an artificial black hole") refers to the fears, circulating in the 2000s and 2010s, that new particle accelerators — most famously the LHC — could produce micro black holes.
