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Roleplay / Doctor Who The Enemy Of My Enemy

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A Nightkills Shit roleplay about exactly what you'd expect - Doctor Who. Developed by Astrolinium, with the help of Nationstatelandsville (as the Doctor), who are accompanied by Len Hyet (as the Master), Ende (as the female companion, Sydney), and Nightkill (as himself). Can be found here or here.

Long ago, in the constellation of Kasterborous, there was an inauspicious planet known by the name of Gallifrey. The planet and its inhabitants were ruled with an iron fist by the matriarchical Cult of the Pythia. The Pythia was a psychic being from whom nothing could be hidden. Well, almost nothing. Three Gallifreyans — Rassilon, Omega, and a mysterious third whose name has been lost to time but is known by history as The Other — led a revolution against the Cult of the Pythia, killing their leader and banishing the cultors to the neighboring planet of Karn.
The Pythia, however, did not die quietly. In her final moments, she cursed the three who had ended her reign. But the triumvirate had little time to concern itself with magic.

The three became the rulers of Gallifrey, pushing advancement in the fields of science and technology. Rassilon, being the more charismatic of the three, naturally became the true leader, with the other two serving in more advisory roles.

Under Rassilon's leadership, the Gallifreyan developed the technologies that made them into the Time Lords, though not without a price. In the process of developing the technology required for Time Travel, Omega was lost. The first member of the triumvirate had been struck down by the Pythia's curse.

With Omega gone, the Other feared betrayal by Rassilon, who had begun to go mad with power. He fled Gallifrey using an early time capsule. This flight, however, went horrifically wrong. Halfway through the journey, his capsule ruptured and the Other was lost in the time vortex.

Finally, Rassilon succumbed to megalomania and became one of the great tyrants of history. The populace revolted and sealed him in the Dark Tower in the Death Zone, where it is presumed he died. All three had succumbed to the Curse of the Pythia, and her cult on Karn went into hiding and is believed to have faded into nothing over the centuries.

Millennia later, a boy was born on the slopes of Mount Perdition. He was called Theta Sigma by his friends, and he was a perfectly normal young Time Lord, if a bit rebellious. Or so it seemed. At the age of 200, he and his granddaughter fled Gallifrey for reasons unknown, stealing an old time capsule with a knackered navigation system, and proceeded to have the greatest adventures anyone had ever had.

But Theta Sigma, who had begun to call himself the Doctor, had a dark secret. A secret which was unknown even to him. For the Other had bonded with the Time Vortex, and had begun to manipulate events very delicately in order to enable his escape.

The Doctor is currently on his twelfth incarnation. He travels in the TARDIS with several companions. The Master — ejected from the timelock by forces unknown — has a new face as well. And something is rumbling that will force the two — bitterest of enemies — to work together. The Other is returning, and time itself is in graver danger than it has ever been. In the face of this tragedy, enemies shall become friends, friends shall become enemies, and one Time Lord will have an awful lot of running to do.

This RP contains examples of:

General Stuff:

  • Actor Allusion: Richard (Night's original character) mentions John and Eli (which is how they're introduced) making a sex tape and selling it to Crowley.
    • To a real actor; Nat used a picture of Peter Cushing as Doctor Who for Twelve, which, coincidentally, parallels a theory of Cushing's that his non-canon Doctor was really a future version of the Time Lord who was kidnapped by the Celestial Toymaker and forced to relive some of his adventures. Hmm...
    • The aforementioned Richard? Louis CK.
  • As Himself: Nightkill (Krishna Khan) "plays" the younger version of himself who had lived in London years ago, despite the fact that he comes from two years in the future.
  • Catchphrase: Twelve has one, of course: "(Adjective). Absolutely (adjective)."
    • Occasionally a noun used as an adjective, too.
  • Cool Old Guy: The Twelfth Doctor, when he isn't busy being a Grumpy Old Man.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Everyone, but Khan is taking the cake here.
    • The Master is quite a master at this as well.
    • Sydney is probably the least of them all, which isn't saying much.
  • Gosh Darn It to Heck!: Twelve, completing his old man image, and in steep contrast to most characters Nat plays. When he does swear, something really bad is happening.
  • Jerkass: Khan to a magnificent degree.
    • Off drugs, this gets worse.
  • Mad Scientist: The Master.
    • The Doctor, to a lesser degree.
  • Not So Stoic: The normally calm and polite Doctor tends to go absolutely insane when he feels genuinely threatened, which is rare.
    • He outright calls Sherri a "bastard" when he/she destroys the TARDIS.
    • Daleks. Just, Daleks.
  • Older Than They Look: Obviously.
  • Only Sane Man: Sydney, at least for a future girl.
    • Khan is the most familiar, in regard to time period, but he's a substance-abusing asshole who constantly sexually harasses everyone. Everyone.
  • Proud Warrior Race Guy: To an extent, the Doctor. He's far more open about the Time War than previous incarnations, often boasting about his accomplishments and the vast power of the Time Lords. Of course, when the Daleks actually return, he freaks out.
    • The Master, in comparison, never brings up his past exploits, seeming mildly ashamed of them.
  • Smug Snake: Twelve is a kinder version of this, unless you're Krishna Khan.
  • Team Dad: The Doctor, though he's more of a strict professor type.
  • The Epic: Currently, the plan is for six arcs, with each arc being equivalent to a series of the actual show; this roleplay will literally take years to develop.
  • The Master
  • The Nth Doctor: Twelfth, to be precise.
  • The Snark Knight: Everyone, except Sydney.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: The Doctor does not like Khan. At all.
  • Token Evil Teammate: The Master. So much.
  • Unfazed Everyman: Sydney, though she is almost as alien as the Doctor to us, given that she is from the far future. She even wears a bathrobe throughout New Faces in the vein of Arthur Dent.
    • Khan dismisses the Doctor and his shapeshifting foe as a drug trip and resolves to go along for the ride.
  • What Could Have Been: Nude East Ireland was originally going to be the Master, paralleling the interactions between Vernon Cartwright and Damien Seward, but was too busy to participate.
  • William Shakespeare: The Twelfth Doctor is fond of referencing him and his plays (particularly Henry V).

Stuff from individual episodes:

    Arc One: The Enemy of My Enemy 

New Faces:

  • Berserk Button: The Doctor and shooting the TARDIS.
  • Creator Cameo: In a big way. Astro and Nat own the pub that the Monster of the Week is hiding in during New Faces.
    • Astro (Eli) has a brother, but he is better known as Elfen High's Gay Eric, who himself was an Author Avatar of Astro.
      • Eli also appears as Astro's character in UNIT, sent to the UNIT universe after a Dalek/Cybermen invasion of Earth in the DW universe.
    • Nat (Jon Landsville or Jonathan Streyor, depening on whose saying - Sherri said "Streyor", but all other material suggests, though does not outright state, Landsville) is descended from Lewis' brother, making him a descendant of Pierre deBoys (see below).
  • Law of Alien Names: Sherri, aka Ba'ål-na'avz`jyiu♫♩δra M'ik'k'k'k^lun Johnson
  • Precision F-Strike: From the Doctor, when Sherri shoots the TARDIS console and causes it to explode.
  • Screw Yourself: Khan's reaction to his clone.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Sherri

The Christmas Special:

  • Christmas Episode: Yup.
  • Dreaming of a White Christmas
  • Papa Bear: Calvin Robinson, father of two sickly little girls, who meets the Doctor by pulling a shotgun on him. However, he isn't threatening, so much as desperate. He mistakes the Doctor (who had broken into his house) for a member of The Klan, which seems to show that he has been under attack previously. He really only seems to want to protect his family.
  • Scary Black Man: Calvin, though no one is really impressed.

Salvation of the Daleks:

Dalek In Distress:

  • Berserk Button: The Doctor and Daleks.
    • Don't try to negotiate with Daleks, either.
  • Cool Spaceship: The renegade Dalek ship, Disocvery, which was stolen by the rogue Enlightened One.
  • Decoy Damsel: Hence the title of the episode.
  • Drop Ship: The UNIT "seedpod", though it more greatly resembles a Drop Pod.
  • French Jerk: Pierre deBoys. Pierre's jerkiness ends up helping the Daleks - by recording the Doctor's appearance in his journal (no doubt with a grandiose amount of profanity), they are able to find the Time Lord.
    • According to Nat in the OOC, Pierre's family will eventually move to Ireland, out of fear of the Doctor and hatred of the Catholic church (whom the Doctor claims to represent), and his great-granddaughter will marry a Jewish man named "Berkowitz". Sometime later, Stanley Berkwotiz is born, better known as Lewis Jameson Not bad for a guy who appears in about five posts.
  • Freak Out: Doctor does not take seeing the Daleks very well at all.
  • Generation Ship: The UNIT ship sent to investigate the Discovery in Proxima Centauri. It relies on cloning.
  • Girl in the Tower
  • Heroic Sacrifice: The two UNIT agents who die to allow the heroes to escape.
  • Non-Indicative Title: The eponymous Dalek in distress is just a trick to get Doctor on board the Discovery. It explodes within minutes of its introduction.
  • One-Scene Wonder: Pierre, if not necessarily from character, but impact.
  • Swiss-Cheese Security: The Security Drones, an entirely robotic security system on the Discovery.

Day of the Messiah:

  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: The Messiah.
  • Dark Messiah: The Messiah, meant to bring peace to the Daleks, instead resolves to return them to their original ideology.
  • Death by Irony: The Enlightened One is killed by Ba'an and the Messiah, just like the Daleks killed Davros.
    • And Ba'an is subsequently killed by the Messiah.
  • Enemy Civil War: Ba'an's betrayal plunges the Daleks into this.
  • Evil Versus Evil: The violent religious fundamentalist Enlightened Daleks vs. the more traditional Catacombs Daleks.
    • The tyrannical, but benevolent, Enlightened One vs. the anarchic, but xenophobic, Ba'an.
      • The self-serving Ba'an vs. the Christ-like Messiah.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Inverted. The Messiah kills Ba'an to use his brain to improve the Dalek race.
    • This is ultimately how he sees himself. He lives only to expunge the flaws plaguing the Daleks, which he believes necessitates a new Dalek race. Once his new Daleks are born, he will allow them to destroy him.
  • The Dragon: The eponymous Messiah to Ba'an.
  • Useless Security Camera: Averted. The Doctor gets great use out of them, including spying on Ba'an and the Messiah.

The Doctor Is In:

Song of the Riparians::

The Moon-Men:

A Boy and His Dog:

Beware the Ides:

Deal With the Devil:

    Arc Two: Basically, Run 

War is Coming:

The Vikings:

A Gallifreyan in Paris:

Heart of Darkness:

Auld Lang Syne:

Old Faces:


The Cult of Karn:

The Secret of the Pythia:

Prophecy of the Ood:

The Last Sons of Gallifrey

Freude Schöner Götterfunken:

Angels of Death:


    Arc Three: The Great War 

An Earthly Child:

The Funeral of Wilfred Mott:

An Unearthly Planet:


February 1847:

The Guardians:

Mother India:

The Key of Varanasi:

The Last Great Time War:

Tempus Interruptum:

The Nightmare Child:

The Army of the Dead

The Moment

    Arc Four: Ghosts of the Past 
    Arc Five: Foundation 
    Arc Six: Trial by Fire 
