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Recap / Star Wars Rebels S2E03 "Always Two There Are"

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While searching for supplies for the fleet, Ezra, Sabine, Zeb and Chopper go on a mission to an abandoned medical station. But when two Inquisitors sent by Darth Vader endanger Sabine and Ezra, Zeb and Chopper have to find a way to save them.

Tropes in this episode:

  • Abandoned Hospital: The episode mostly takes place in an old Republic medical station. Fitting for the week of Halloween.
  • Air-Vent Passageway: When they need to get to Chopper quickly, Ezra suggests using the vents. He and Sabine do just fine, but the physically bigger Zeb gets stuck. When Sabine makes her way back, he's still stuck.
  • Arbitrary Skepticism: Despite being willing to chase up a lead from an unreliable clone just two episodes ago, which ended up bearing fruit, here Agent Kallus is ready to dismiss the power surge at the medical station as being nothing important. Only when the Fifth Brother declares that he can sense the rebels' presence on the station does Kallus agree to investigate.
  • Bait-and-Switch: The Inquisitor insists on going alone to catch our heroes. Turns out there's another Inquistor already following up this lead, whose existance is only revealed to the audience when she confronts our heroes.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Zeb gets his time to shine when he outwits the Inquisitors and saves Ezra and Sabine from certain death.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: Fifth Brother has nictitating membranes for eyelids.
  • Bond Villain Stupidity: When the Fifth Brother manages to knock out Sabine and Zeb, he grabs Sabine but leaves the Mimic Droids to deal with Zeb. Predictably, Zeb destroys those and arranges a trap for the Inquisitors so he can rescue Ezra and Sabine.
  • Break Out the Museum Piece: The main objective of the crew in this episode is to salvage some old medical supplies from an abandoned Republic medical station. Despite everything else that happens, they actually succeed.
  • Brick Joke: Early in the episode, Ezra and Zeb charge right by a room full of medical supplies, being too focused on their petty competition to notice. When the Fifth Brother uses Sabine's explosives to knock her and Zeb out, Zeb lands in that room. He nabs a crate on the way out.
  • Call-Back:
    • Zeb identifies himself as "Commander Meiloorun" when posing as someone from the Rebel fleet, the name he used when he and Ezra stole the TIE fighter back in "Fighter Flight".
    • Ezra blocks the Inquisitors by stabbing the door controls with Sabine on the other side, just as Kanan did in "Call to Action". And afterward, the Seventh Sister pins him to the door with the Force, just like the Grand Inquisitor did to Kanan.
  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You: As lampshaded by Ezra, the Seventh Sister isn't willing to kill him until he's of no further use. The Fifth Brother was immediately willing to kill him, but then again, he seems pretty shortsighted. Although the Fifth Brother may have simply been attempting to deny his comrade the credit for Ezra's capture.
  • Ceiling Cling: Zeb ambushes the two Inquisitors by mag-clamping the Phantom upside-down on the ceiling of the hanger bay.
  • Chekhov's Skill: After beating Zeb at space-chess at the beginning of the episode, Rex encourages him to use his head, not just his brawn. Come the climax and Zeb pulls a fast one on two Inquisitors and saves the day.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Rex encourages Kanan and Ezra to take a page out of his former CO’s book of combining the Force with clever pragmatism for full effect.
  • Continuity Nod:
  • Crisis Makes Perfect: As noted above, Zeb only succeeds at using his wits when Ezra and Sabine’s lives are on the line, making for some nice Character Development.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: The Inquisitors make short work of Ezra, Sabine, and Zeb. It's only because the Fifth Brother was too lazy to finish Zeb himself that they even escaped.
  • Deadpan Snarker: The Seventh Sister has got this in spades.
    Seventh Sister: I've been searching for you for some time.
    Ezra: A bounty hunter?
    Seventh Sister: Guess again. [ignites her lightsaber]
    Ezra: [gasps] You're an Inquisitor?!
    Seventh Sister: Oh good, I won't have to explain it to you! [goes en garde] So, you know what comes next?!
  • Destruction Equals Off-Switch: Ezra is captured by the Inquisitors and dragged back, making Sabine rush back to try to save him. He stabs the control panel to a door in order to cut her off and prevent her from being captured along with him. The Fifth Brother just takes a detour and catches her anyway.
  • Don't Think, Feel: Played with. When Ezra is trying to lift Chopper with the Force while his eyes are closed, Rex suggests he do it with his eyes open, because then he would have noticed Chopper mag-clamping himself to the floor.
  • Do with Him as You Will: The Fifth Brother says this to the Mimic Droids when he leaves Zeb to them.
  • Dramatic Irony:
    • Ezra is surprised that the Inquisitors already know about Ahsoka Tano. Vader realized she was with the Rebels in "The Siege of Lothal" after sensing her presence.
    • Rex once again heaps praise on the great Jedi general he used to serve under, unaware he's actually Darth Vader.
  • Evil Power Vacuum: The Inquisitor of Season 1 was the Grand Inquisitor, and with his death, the other Inquisitors are taking advantage of the power vacuum left to try and get a better position.
  • Fantastic Light Source: Ezra uses his lightsaber as a flashlight.
  • Forgot About His Powers: Despite displaying great talents in using the Force to sense both people and traps in this episode, the Inquisitors walk straight into Zeb's ambush.
  • The Gadfly: When Kanan is testing Ezra on his telekinesis, using Chopper as the test object, Sabine encourages Chopper to clamp himself to the floor. Though there is a practical aim to the prank; teaching Ezra to rely on the Mark One eyeball as well as The Force.
  • Grenade Hot Potato: The Fifth Brother uses the Force to disarm Sabine's grenades, then throws them back at her and Zeb, rearming them when they get close.
  • Gunship Rescue: Zeb uses the Phantom to distract the Inquisitors, allowing Sabine and Ezra to escape them.
  • Headbutting Heroes: Kanan is still dealing with his lingering issues with clones and resents Rex acting as an alternative mentor to Ezra.
  • Hold Your Hippogriffs: Ezra calls the Seventh Sister a "broken protocol droid".
  • Hypocritical Humor: After dumping some crates on Zeb, Ezra tells him to keep his head down. Ezra then turns around and walks right into a fallen support beam.
    Sabine: You were saying?
  • If I Wanted You Dead...: Inverted by Ezra, who notes that if the Seventh Sister was going to kill him, she would have done it by now. The Seventh Sister then freely admits she doesn't plan on killing him... yet.
  • Internal Reveal: The Ghost crew learn that the Inquisitor they killed wasn't the only Inquisitor, and that the Empire knows Ahsoka Tano is still alive.
  • Irony: When they start competing over who'll find the supplies first, Zeb quips that Ezra will run right by them. Both fail to notice the crates in the room right next to them as they charge ahead.
  • It's Probably Nothing: While Kallus is usually clever enough to avoid this trope, here he dismisses the power surge until the Fifth Brother senses the Rebels.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Like the rest of the galaxy, Rex doesn't know that Anakin became Vader, so is still willing to praise the man he remembers as a hero.
  • Menacing Stroll: The Inquisitors are in no real hurry to capture their prey when they first encounter them, instead taking their time and savoring their prey's panicked retreat.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • The episode's title is a quote from Yoda regarding the Rule of Two, though as no Sith appear in this episode, it instead refers to the two Inquisitors.
    • Rex plays a game of dejarik with Zeb, which is fitting considering the latter is based on an unused design for Chewie.
    • The Fifth Brother responding to go to the medical station is similar to Darth Vader's line about going to Hoth to find the Rebels in The Empire Strikes Back. A few moments prior, Konstantine whispers to Kallus that they don't need "mystics" to find the Rebels, much like the conversation about bounty hunters in that film.
    • When the others go to search the station while he stays behind to repair the corrupted files, Chopper hears a noise and says, "I've got a bad feeling about this.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Chopper powers up the whole station, which is detected by Kallus' Star Destroyer. Though he is ready to dismiss it, the Fifth Brother is able to sense that Ezra is on board and heads over to investigate. The Seventh Sister already had her droids there, but this resulted in two Inquisitors instead of one.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: The Fifth Brother’s arrogance prevents him from bringing Kallus’s ship as backup and from finishing Zeb off himself. Even the Seventh Sister lampshades this.
  • No One Gets Left Behind: Even though Zeb knows he's ridiculously outclassed, he refuses to leave Ezra and Sabine behind, mostly because he's well aware the Inquisitors will likely kill them if he does.
    Zeb: Truth is, I don't really stand a chance going in alone, much less with you. But if we leave this space station, we will never see those kids again; I came here with them, and I am not leaving without them!
  • No-Sell: Sabine leaves an explosive trap for the Fifth Brother, but he's able to use the Force to block the detonation until he's pitched the explosives back at her and Zeb.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • Sabine and Ezra are horrified to run into another Inquisitor, and even more horrified to run into a third Inquisitor just seconds later.
    • Kanan is completely unprepared for the possibility of dealing with two more Inquisitors, as he was under the impression that the one he defeated was the only one.
  • One-Woman Wail: Used during the Inquisitors' first attack on Ezra and Sabine.
  • Percussive Maintenance: Zeb's solution to a deactivated Chopper is a solid whack with his fist.
  • Parrot Pet Position: During her introductory scene, one of the droids perches on the shoulder of Seventh Sister.
  • Public Secret Message: "Commander Meiloorun" comes back again, first to protect Zeb's identity, and second, to cue Ezra in that Zeb's aware of their predicament. Also serves the purpose of being so obvious that the Inquisitors assume it's a Red Herring, allowing Zeb to take them by surprise in the hangar bay later.
  • Rhetorical Question Blunder: In reference to the two new Inquisitors.
    Ezra: How many of these guys are there!?
    Sabine: Two!
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here:
    • When Kanan and Rex start squabbling with each other, Ezra decides to go with Sabine and Zeb on their mission to get away from their arguing.
    • Ezra and Sabine run for their lives rather than try to fight the Seventh Sister. Unfortunately, they run straight into the Fifth Brother.
  • Sensor Character: The Fifth Brother can sense Ezra's presence on the station when Kallus is ready to dismiss its reactivation as a glitch or scavengers. Later on, when he's hunting Sabine, he's able to sense her and Zeb hiding behind some crates.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The approach to the abandoned medical facility accompanied by a noticeable ambiance, as well as the ensuing exploration of the dark, mechanical station brings to mind the Alien franchise.
    • Chopper's Jumpscare-style attack by a probe droid while he's at the station's control hub is somewhat similar to an attack from Freddy Fazbear and pals.
  • Sixth Ranger: Rex has become something akin to this for the Ghost crew, even taking part in a discussion with the team's commanders at the end.
  • Stealth Mentor: It's mostly offscreen, but Rex tricks Kanan into demonstrating discipline by challenging him to a dejarik game. At least, that's what he claims...
  • Stunned Silence: Kanan's horrified reaction to learning there are more Inquisitors.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork:
    • Admiral Konstantine and Agent Kallus are clearly uneasy working with the Fifth Brother, the former even expressing the sentiment out loud. However, given his rank as an Inquisitor, they have little choice but to defer.
    • The Fifth Brother briefly attacks the Seventh Sister for keeping him from "his" kill, at which point she responds that he lacks any foresight for planning. It doesn't help that he didn't know the Seventh Sister was on the case to begin with. Indeed, the only reason the rebels are able to escape is because the Seventh Sister isn't powerful enough alone to hold their shuttle back with the Force, and the Fifth Brother doesn't care to help her.
    • Kanan and Rex really don't get along, especially since Rex has begun to also mentor Ezra and is critical of Kanan's technique.
  • Tempting Fate: Ezra tags along on the salvage mission because he finds whatever danger they may face preferable to Rex and Kanan bickering. Sabine lampshades it:
    "You say that now."
  • Torture Technician: The Seventh Sister uses the Force to torture Ezra for information, but can't get him to crack. Ezra's gotten better at resisting interrogation.
  • Use Your Head: When one of the Mimic Droids grabs him by the head, Zeb headbutts the nearest crate to smash it.
  • The Vamp: The Seventh Sister certainly has a different style than her former and current comrades. She noticeably strokes Ezra’s face and calls him “cute.”
  • Wham Line: Two in-universe examples:
  • Why Did You Make Me Hit You?: The Seventh Sister, to Ezra, while torturing him with the Force:
    "Why do you compel me to inflict pain?"
  • Would Hurt a Child: The fact Ezra and Sabine are just kids doesn't stop the Inquisitors from threatening the pair repeatedly with their lives. Examples include the Seventh Sister torturing Ezra with the Force, and the Fifth Brother threatening to slit Sabine's throat with his lightsaber if Ezra won't fake a distress call to lure in Kanan and Ahsoka.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: The Seventh Sister gleefully plans to torture Ezra and Sabine to death once she's caught Kanan and Ahsoka. She doesn't get to make good on it, of course.
    Seventh Sister: Once we have the others, we'll dispose of them both... very slowly.
