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Recap / Adventure Time S 6 E 43 The Comet

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Finn, Jake and Orgalorg converge with the comet and meet their destiny.

Tropes present in this episode:

  • Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: The Comet offers to take Finn with it in discorporating its physical form and exploring the universe. Martin ends up being the one to take the comet up on its offer.
  • Bait-and-Switch: Finn finds Jake's spacesuit after everything is over but Jake isn't inside. Finn screams for a bit before Jake shows up in Banana Man's spaceship, as he was passing through and everyone heads back to Ooo.
  • Butterfly of Death and Rebirth: Finn remembers being the Catalyst Comet in a past life, crashing to Earth and reincarnating as a butterfly. The Catalyst Comet itself seems tied up in a long line of reincarnation, a cycle that includes Finn and the Lich and it's meant to induce change where it crashes.
  • Call-Back:
    • Orgalorg ensured the Candy Kingdom's ungrateful unrest leading to Princess Bubblegum being dethroned and their own seizure of the comet back in Hoots.
    • Finn's recalled past life as a comet from The Vault turns out to have been the catalyst comet just like the Lich.
  • Contrived Coincidence: Deconstructed and Reconstructed. Orgalorg and Finn come to believe in "universal intention", in which stuff happens because the universe fated it to. On Oralorg's part, it's largely opportunistic.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • Finn reminds Jake to be careful not to fulfill his croak dream when they drift apart in space. Later on, Banana Man has shown up to pick up Jake.
    • The images that appear with the Catalyst Comet's Long List include Flame Princess, the angry squirrel from "The Duke" and "Princess Potluck", Lumpy Space Princess and Marceline (who hung out together in "Princess Day"), Mr. Fox's subconscious from "Another Five Short Graybles", Tiffany the goblin, Bufo's secret wizard circle (which first appeared in "Reign of Gunters"), the Farm from "Who Would Win?", the crying mountain from "Memories of Boom-Boom Mountain", Magic Betty from "You Forgot Your Floaties", Rattleballs, Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig making out from "Dream of Love", and Margaret and Joshua.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Thanks to his hand thorn, Finn chops up Orgalorg and frees the catalyst comet.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Jake tries to propel his spacesuit by farting, but since it's sealed he just makes the inside of it smell bad.
  • Dumbass Has a Point / Jerkass Has a Point: During Finn and Martin's final moments together, Finn tries to get some answers from his father. Martin tells Finn that no answer he could give would be satisfying. Martin's life remains a mystery, especially the events of what led to him leaving baby Finn and regarding Finn's mother. Finn (and the audience) no doubt want answers in regard to everything, but Martin does make a valid point in that Finn (and the audience) would not fully accept any answer or reasons behind what happened or what he did, especially since the episode highlights the differences between Finn and Martin's mentalities of the world. In fact, he may even not know if his answers are the right one (given his Unreliable Narrator status.) Ultimately, Finn resigns to his father not changing before saying good-bye.
    • This becomes much more poignant when the Season 8 episode "Min and Marty" does indeed explore Martin's past. If nothing else, Martin's behavior implies that Finn is better off without him.
  • Eldritch Abomination:
    • Orgalorg's several forms: giant, sparkling green brain erupting from Gunter's head, the version seen in "Orgalorg", and the "unfolded" version used to catch the catalyst comet.
    • The "core" of the catalyst comet: a hollow purple sphere with eyes along the gaps. In contrast to their strange forms and unfathomable powers both the Catalyst Comet and Orgalorg have fairly calm mannerisms and non-brain-melting speaking voices (compared to, say, The Lich).
  • 11th-Hour Superpower: While in Orgalorg's stomach and Finn's (artificial) arm being attacked, the thorn responded by transforming itself and the arm into a large thorny whip, which Finn uses to free himself and the Comet before tearing up Orgalorg.
  • Everything's Better with Rainbows: Orgalorg's "underside" has rainbow colors that light up. Remarkably, unlike similar lights in real-life deep sea organisms, they don't hypnotize, lure, or scare off Finn and Jake.
    • A rainbow comes out of Finn's head when he communes with the catalyst comet.
  • Foil: Finn comes to believe that everything happens for a reason while Martin's certain there's no meaning to anything.
  • Like Father, Unlike Son: See above, plus Margaret and Joshua are who the catalyst comet lists as "Mother [and] Father" while Martin is a "scoundrel".
  • One-Winged Angel: Orgalorg transforms into a gigantic octopus/jellyfish-like form so he can consume the comet.
  • Overly Long Gag: The comet begins droning out a Long List of things and concepts that Finn could escape from. Finn lampshades how long the list is.
    Comet: This is your crisis, as you stand on the edge of freedom from... love, hate, friendship, isolation, jealousy, secrets, violence, video games, ice cream waffles, sadness, madness, power, honor, loyalty, saucy, mothers, fathers, scoundrels...
    Finn: How long are you gonna list stuff?
  • Purple Is Powerful: The comet this time around is purple as opposed to green for the Lich and blue for Finn.
  • Status Quo Is God: Zig-zagged, By the end of the episode Gunter is a penguin again, but King of Ooo is still ruling the Candy Kingdom.
  • Suddenly Voiced: Gunter, now that he realizes he's actually Orgalorg, talks regularly in this episode.
  • The Unreveal: Martin apparently leaves the show permanently with little to nothing revealed about him. Lampshaded by Martin himself when he tells Finn (and the audience by extension) that no answer he would give would be satisfying when Finn tries to get some last-minute answers.
  • Vine Tentacles: Finn's thorn becomes a giant whip, which he uses to defeat Orgalorg.
  • Walking the Earth : Martin chooses to merge with the catalyst comet and explore the universe after Finn declines.
  • The World Is Just Awesome: Orgalorg gives an interesting speech about letting the "doors of the universe" lead you. He promptly "makes it ugly" by saying how he'll use it to destroy worlds.
    • In spite of the Catalyst Comet's offer to ascend to a higher plan to experience all of the universe, Finn decides to remain on Ooo to see how everything will turn out. He even lampshades that some of what he would be "free" from should he ascend aren't bad things, which the Comet agrees.
  • You Can't Thwart Stage One: Orgalorg is right in that Finn and Jake can't stop them from seizing the comet since they'd already ensured it was fated back in Hoots. Fortunately they never ensured they couldn't be stopped after that.
