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Radar / Lab Rats

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  • Most aren't particularly obvious, but they do slip in lines like Principal Perry's "Get your hands off my junk!!" from Hole in One. (She was talking about literal trash in the scene.)
  • In "Bro Down" when Chase traps Adam at the beginning he says "Now let's see how you like being relentlessly manhandled!"
  • There's also the less humorous fact that the protagonists are pretty young, but Marcus deliberately tries to kill Leo on more than one occasion.
  • Leo's nickname for Donald is Big D. This is played with in Parallel Universe:
    Donald: What's a Big D?
  • In Spikes Got Talent, we get this exchange when Adam is licking the popcorn sculpture of Principal Perry:
    Bree: Adam, stop licking Principal Perry!
    Adam: I can't help it. She's salty.
  • Face Off has Chase revert back to himself from Bree (he slapped on a cybermask to look like Bree) while slow-dancing and being cuddled by Jake Chambers. Chase didn't notice for at least five seconds. Adam took considerable pleasure from seeing it.
    • Also, this quote from that episode:
    • One wonders what Jake did to Chase while he thought he was Bree.
  • This gem from Commando App:
    Donald: I'm just worried about Chase's Commando App.
  • Also in Commando App, during one of the football scenes, Leo teaches how Adam how to play. Leo places his hand between Adam's legs (to receive the ball), and Adam manages to say this:
    Adam: Dude, it's football, not hand ball.
  • We get this one from The Night of the Living Virus:
    Adam: I don't know what "sabotage" means, but if it means I get wet, dirty or stuck to something; I'm in!
  • This from Exoskeleton Vs. Grandma:
    Donald: Today I am unveiling my ''kudata''. (He really means "coup d'etat")
    Leo: (covers Chase's ears) There's children in the room!
  • This from Avalanche!:
    Chase: Davenport wouldn't be home. It's Wednesday. He's getting something waxed.
    Douglas: Well, he is hairy. He gets that from our mom.
  • In the Pilot episode, when Leo finds out that Eddie is everywhere:
    Leo: In my shower?
    Eddie: Yep. And by the way, nothing needs to be that clean, Sporto.
    • Also in the same episode:
    Donald: I've created this place so they can train in the upmost of comfort and technology!
    Adam: It's true! The toilet has seat warmers that talk!
    Leo: What do they say?
    Adam: Well, various depending on-
    Leo: No!
  • Bob levitating with his mouth wide open in Forbidden Hero whenever he fell in love with a new girl. He even levitates when he sees Tasha!
  • This quote in Left Behind, when Leo was trying to squeeze Donald out of Chase's mission suit:
    Leo: Suck in your gut!
  • There are a few from Ultimate Tailgate Challenge. First of all, while Donald and Principal Perry were wrestling for the tickets, we got this:
    Perry: Gimme, gimme, gimme!
    Donald: Those aren't the tickets!
    • In the same episode:
    Chase: I'm going to go take a shower. My body paint is running... off campus.
    • When explaining why she cooked sausages in the car's exhaust pipe, Perry comments that when she sees a hole, she tries to get it filled. Davenport retorts by asking how she's still single.
  • We get this one from You Posted What?!? when Principal Perry wants to choose a movie to watch:
    Principal Perry: Let's see if there's a romantic comedy on, like maybe something about a rugged bad-boy inventor and his suburban ginger-haired princess with legs that just won't quit? [lifts leg onto Douglas' and pulls her pant-leg up]
    Tasha and Leo: [flinches]
  • In Smart and Smarter, when Adam's campaign continues to be more popular than Chase's even after Chase brings out a hamburger cart to rally votes, Chase retaliates in a... peculiar manner.
    Chase: You know, you can't really enjoy a burger without a little ketchup on your buns! [squirts ketchup on Adam's butt under his pants]
    Adam: Ha! Joke's on you! I kinda liked it. [wriggles his hips]
