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Playing With / Klatchian Coffee

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Basic Trope: An insanely strong coffee.

  • Straight: Angie orders a new and exciting coffee drink. The entire coffeehouse goes quiet, and the barista asks her, "Are you sure?" and makes the drink for her. Angie drinks it, and Caffeine Bullet Time ensues.
  • Exaggerated: The drink is put into a small espresso cup, but has the effect of 10 espressos.
  • Downplayed: The coffeehouse menu features a drink called the "Red Eye" which is a cup of coffee with a shot of espresso. A drawing of a bloodshot eye decorates the menu next to the drink's name.
  • Justified:
    • Something has been added to the coffee to kick up the caffeine
    • The coffee is made from Super Beans that have been specially bred to produce 10x the normal amount of caffeine.
    • Coffin Varnish/Student Coffee (coffee brewed using cola, energy drinks, or stale coffee)
  • Inverted:
    • Angie goes to a bar and orders herself not coffee, but a Gargle Blaster of some sort.
    • Angie orders decaf or a smoothie instead, because consuming caffeine is against her religion, she's pregnant, she's too sensitive to caffeine, etc.
  • Subverted:
    • Angie drinks the coffee drink and bugs out for one moment, but feels just fine the next. Maybe a little more energized, but not bouncing off the walls (literally or figuratively).
    • Angie has traditional Klatchian coffee reactions...and then the bartender mentions that he accidentally gave her the decaf version.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Angie feels relatively normal after drinking it, but then when she leaves the coffee house, she sees a combination of Mushroom Samba, and Intoxication Ensues happen.
    • Klatchian society is so masochistic that they label "decaf" local coffee with 50% less caffeine - which is still 50% more powerful than brands produced anywhere else.
  • Parodied:
    • Angie drinks the coffee, her eyes bug out, she has an epileptic seizure, then gets up and says how great the coffee is and that she'd like another one.
    • Angie has to sign a waiver upon ordering the coffee drink in question. It also has punny names (most of which involve death and doom) like "Death Wish", "Never Sleep Again", "The Insomniac Maker", "The Nightmare Killer", "Paranoid Inducer", "Adrenaline Spike", "Rage-ahol", "Hyperdrive Fuel", "Blood of the Caffeine God", "Mentat Juice" and "The Thesis Writers' Helper".
    • Angie drinks a cup right before some some Agents appear and try to shoot her, but she effortlessly dodges the bullets.
    • The Klatchian Coffee is Angie's personal Hideous Hangover Cure, so we get to watch Angie spazz out getting drunk and getting sober!
  • Zig-Zagged: Different people react differently to the Klatchian Coffee in question.
  • Averted: Angie just orders normal coffee.
  • Enforced: "Let's have Angie, that lovable little caffeine addict, order a ridiculous coffee at Moonbucks! If it works, we can turn it into a Running Gag!"
  • Lampshaded:
    • "Wow! That's some really strong coffee! What's in it?"
    • "Great coffee! Tastes Like Purple."
  • Invoked:
    • Angie's roommate Nancy tells her all about this powerful coffee drink and dares her to order it.
    • A coffeehouse develops a means of brewing unusually strong coffee in order to dole out vast amounts of caffeine and also because the drink would be regarded as impressive and cool.
  • Exploited: Angie orders a powerful coffee drink so she can have tons of energy.
  • Defied:
    • Angie's roommate Nancy tells her all about this powerful coffee drink and dares her to order it. Angie does not take Nancy up on this dare.
    • The executives of Klatchian Brewing Company absolutely refuse to release a product with such an absurd amount of caffeine, not wanting to expose the selves to a potential Frivolous Lawsuit.
  • Discussed: "Either Angie's got a deathwish, or she's a real badass, drinking that Klatchian Coffee!"
  • Conversed: "Since when do coffeehouses offer drinks like that? I'd expect that sorta thing at Carl's Bad Tavern, but not Moonbucks!"
  • Implied: Angie is shown grimacing and trembling while drinking coffee.
  • Deconstructed: Possibly an Aesop about caffeine consumption, the highly-caffeinated drink leads to serious medical issues for Angie, such as a heart attack. May or may not be fatal.
  • Reconstructed: If you drink enough coffee anyway, you'll be just fine drinking the Klatchian Coffee. If you aren't used to caffeine, this drink may be dangerous.
  • Played for Laughs: Angie finishes the coffee. Her eyes glow and she exclaims "I can see through time!"
  • Played for Drama: Angie can't handle the power of the drink, and after a few minutes of wreaking havoc on her surroundings, she collapses and begins frothing at the mouth.
  • Played for Horror: The caffeine overdose gives Angie a heart attack, and it will happen right in front of Nancy in a slow, painful fashion. Nancy will lament having dared Angie to drink it for the rest of her lifeā€¦ which will be the next two minutes or so, then the Marietta Slasher will force-feed her enough Klatchian Coffee to kill a battalion of Space Marines.

I'll have a Klatchian Coffee to go, please!
