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Playing With / Clothes Make the Superman

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Basic Trope: Clothing, such as armor, a suit, gloves, a belt or whatever else, that gives the wearer access to superpowers they don't personally have.

  • Straight:
    • Amazing Girl wears a suit of Powered Armor that gives her Flying Firepower abilities.
    • Amazing Girl wears a mystical belt that allows her to channel magic.
    • Amazing Girl wears a full-body suit that gives her the ability to grow or shrink.
    • Amazing Girl wears alien gauntlets that enable her to use advanced alien nanotechnology.
  • Exaggerated: Amazing Girl is so weak without her costume that she'll die, but with it, she's a Physical God.
  • Downplayed: A half-example; Amazing Girl actually has innate powers with Super-Strength, Super-Toughness, Super-Reflexes and a Healing Factor. That said, she wears a fancy suit of armor that comes with all sorts of useful gadgets that she uses in battle.
  • Justified: Amazing Girl is an Empowered Badass Normal who would be powerless without her costume, but she can still help out as well as the others with it.
  • Inverted:
    • Amazing Girl has innate powers, and wearing special clothes acts as an inhibitor for them.
    • Amazing Girl has innate powers, and when she puts on certain clothes, she transfers her powers to them.
    • Amazing Girl has no powers unless she's nude.
  • Subverted:
    • Amazing Girl seems to be drawing power from her costume. However, she had them all along and she just didn't know it, as the costume only made it easier for her to use. Once mastered, she no longer needs the costume.
    • Alice puts on a costume that she's been told will give her superpowers and make her the next Amazing Girl, but it doesn't.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Except, that was only residue from the costume's effects. Sure enough, they wear off, forcing Amazing Girl to wear the costume once again.
    • She loses her newfound innate powers, so she must go back to the costume to emulate them once more.
    • Alice was wearing the suit incorrectly. When she puts it on the right way, she becomes Amazing Girl.
  • Parodied: Amazing Girl gets her powers from an ordinary T-shirt.
  • Zig-Zagged:
    • Amazing Girl's powered clothing sometimes helps her, sometimes hinders her, and sometimes has no effect: the suit of Powered Armor may just make her too slow to do anything, the Boots of Toughness may be superfluous because she already has Nigh-Invulnerable feet, while her Eyepatch of Power might give her X-ray vision.
    • Amazing Girl's suit is a Magic Feather.
    • Sometimes Amazing Girl's powers depend on her wearing her costume, but other times she has to be nude to use them.
  • Averted: Amazing Girl has completely innate powers.
  • Enforced: An Aesop about luck — some people get things that turn out to be more useful than others.
  • Lampshaded: "Without this suit, I'm just plain Alice. With it, I'm Amazing Girl!"
  • Invoked: Alice makes or commissions a powered suit for her to wear as Amazing Girl.
  • Exploited: Emperor Evulz has her costume stolen when she least expects it, rendering her powerless against his forces.
  • Defied:
    • Amazing Girl gets an Upgrade Artifact to empower her directly.
    • Amazing Girl declines the empowered costume.
  • Discussed: "I'll need a suit of armor that covers me fully, isn't heavy, can carry any load, and has offensive capabilities of its own."
  • Conversed: "Well, now that she has a suit of armor that makes her a Flying Brick, she's different from the other characters. Maybe they'll show how it's made her Blessed with Suck by alienating her from her friends."
  • Implied: Amazing Girl in her trademark Powered Armor can punch the seven-foot-three, 300-pound Bob across a room. In civilian life, she assumes the Secret Identity of five-foot, 95-pound Alice, who usually wears a T-shirt and jeans and couldn't punch Bob an inch backward.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Because she's not Amazing Girl without her superpowered costume, if it's stolen (as in "Exploited"), or it malfunctions, is damaged, lost, or simply runs out of power, she's screwed.
    • Every other superhero gives Amazing Girl the No True Scotsman treatment because her powers come from an external source rather than genetics and/or Training from Hell.
  • Reconstructed:
    • As Alice, she trains to fight like a non-super in case of such an event and finds it as effective, if not more so, for her. She may also have as many backup costumes as she needs.
    • Nobody cares about how she got her powers as long as she has them and is using them for good.
  • Played for Laughs: Alice puts on Amazing Girl's costume, and it works as expected, but she looks so goofy in it that everyone bursts out laughing.
  • Played for Drama:
    • One of the situations in "Exploited" or the first "Deconstructed" occurs, and we follow Alice during her bout of worry about this.
    • Similar to the second "Deconstructed", Amazing Girl has an identity crises over whether or not she is actually a superhero since her powers aren't intrinsic to her.
    • Alice's Amazing Girl costume is stolen by Charlene and she has to get it back from her while she's depowered and Charlene has all the powers of Amazing Girl.
  • Played for Horror:

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