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Playing With / Clothing Appendage

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Basic Trope: A being appears to be clothed, but the garments in question are actually parts of their body that merely resemble clothing and can't be removed.

  • Straight: Charlie is asked by Bob to take off his hat. Bob is shocked to learn that the "hat" is actually part of Charlie's head.
  • Exaggerated: Charlie appears to be wearing a formal suit, but is actually naked and just has markings that make it look like he's clothed.
  • Downplayed: Charlie wears actual clothes over the parts of his body that look like clothes.
  • Justified: Charlie is a shape-shifting alien who has transformed his body to look like he's clothed.
  • Inverted: Fur Is Clothing
  • Subverted: Charlie ends up taking off the alleged clothing appendage.
  • Double Subverted: Charlie's species normally can't remove that body part and Charlie was able to do so only because it was a prosthetic he gained after losing the real body part in an accident.
  • Parodied: Charlie still treats his vestigial parts as if they were clothing by peeling off his skin before bathing.
  • Zig Zagged: Some members of Charlie's species wear clothes and some only look like they are because of their plumage, vestigial parts, etc.
  • Averted: All characters who appear to be wearing clothing actually are wearing clothes.
  • Enforced: "Let's make it so the alien isn't really clothed, he just has body parts that look like clothes. It'd be a great way to make him creepier."
  • Lampshaded: "You mean all this time you were naked and I didn't know it? Awkward...and gross."
  • Invoked: Charlie's race do not wear clothes, but know that they'd look conspicuous if they used their shape-shifting abilities to take on the form of naked humans, so they make the effort to simulate clothing when trying to take on forms meant to infiltrate the human race.
  • Discussed: "This is really creepy. I can't even stand touching you now that I know you've been butt naked all along!"
  • Conversed: "Why do they have to make it so that some aliens aren't clothed and just appear to be because of certain appendages? That's just weird and disgusting."

Back to Clothing Appendage, and please stop asking me to take off my "hat". It's part of my head!
