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Our Dragons Are Different / Comic Books

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The dragons of Bone are an unusual sort.

  • Alpha Flight: Jade Dragon is a Chinese man who was given the ability to transform into a Dragon.
  • Arrowsmith: In the alternate history fantasy series, the protagonist is an airman, a soldier who flies by magically transferring the flight ability of a dragonet (baby dragon) into himself. Each airman has his own dragonet companion who typically rides his shoulder, and he wears strips of skin shed by the dragonet's mother to help form a bond between them.
  • Black Moon Chronicles: Many sizes and colors, but mostly cosmetic differences as they're pretty much all big (human to kaiju size) reptilian flyers with fire breath (except for undead ones and negation wyrms, who breathe unlife and oblivion respectively). Most are (or at least seem) sentient, although several look like they have the intelligence of a cat or chimp more than a human one.
  • Bone: The dragons come in a variety of shapes and sizes (for example, the Great Red Dragon has rabbit-like ears and a goatee), but they can all breathe fire, and they're all intelligent and capable of speech. While the spin-offs Rose and Quest for the Spark show that you do get the odd dragon who's evil, the vast majority are benevolent, and though they can get angry and dish out Disproportionate Retribution if provoked, they do want what's best for the world. And then there's Mim, the Queen of the Dragons, who is part Ouroboros, part living Cosmic Keystone. She's several miles long, and capable of single-handedly causing The End of the World as We Know It. The dragons' culture has a high level of spiritual development and grants them further supernatural powers. The Great Red Dragon, for instance, is telepathic, and can astral-project through dreams, see the future, and communicate with the dead. Essentially, the dragons serve the role of angels, but are physically a mix of Western and Eastern Dragons (fire-breathing and strength like Western ones, but with the benevolent mysticalness of Eastern dragons.)
  • The Courageous Princess: Shalathrumnostrium has an army of minions that bring him gold and kidnaps princesses for the ransom their fathers pay.
  • Crimson: The Chalkydri were dragons created by God during the creation of the Universe that fought on Lucifer's side during the War on Heaven and were imprisoned following their defeat. Their leader Sapha has multiple heads and is stated to be indestructible. He also has absolute control over his people, since as soon as he released from his prison, the dragons are unleashed as well and proceed to lay waste upon mankind. When Saint George sacrifices his life to imprison Sapha in the void, the dragons are gone as well.
  • Fantastic Four: The Dragon Man is a hi-tech robot built in the shape of a gargoyle-like dragon, animated by alchemy. It breathes fire, flies, and is super-strong. Despite its name, it does not especially resemble a man any more than your typical dragon does.
  • Firebreather: Belloc is a Kaiju that looks like a Draconic Humanoid when he's standing up, but more like a western dragon when he bends down.
  • Four Eyes: Dragons come in many species: wyvern-like ones (which the the titular dragon belongs to), snake like-creatures, theropod-looking dragons and quadrupedal reptilian monstrosities.
  • Gold Digger: The dragons were originally genetically engineered by a long-extinct race called the Saurians. They come in four different flavors, Iron, Copper, Gold, and Platinum, all of the Western type, with Platinums being the stand-out, having magical "vents" instead of wings. Also hatching from dragon eggs are two sub-types, Wyrms and Drakes, who look like limbless dragons and two-legged two-winged (as opposed to the normal four-legged two-winged) dragons respectively and who get few rights in draconic society. All can turn into a human form, and all full dragons (but not wyrms or drakes) can intuitively use draconic magic which not even they understand the mechanics of, just the usage. Dragons tend to be highly intelligent, but arrogant as heck. The oldest dragon Exthilion ironically looks like an oversized Wurm with a frill, but has all the talents and magics of all the true dragon varieties.
  • Hellboy: The dragon that Hellboy fights to the death in "The Fury" is simultaneously the One-Winged Angel form of the Witch-Goddess Nimue and the unified aspect of the 7 Ogdu Jahad destined to bring the end of the world.
  • Iron Fist: To become the Iron Fist, a candidate must face Shou Lao the Undying, an Eastern dragon with a snakelike body. The mark of Shou Lao on an Iron Fist's chest has the serpentine body of an Eastern dragon plus a Western dragon's wings.
  • Iron Man: Fin Fang Foom is actually an shape shifting alien.
  • Ironwood: Dragons in the erotic comic are all-male and reproduce by shapechanging into human males and seducing a woman; the offspring will be a full-blooded dragon, but for the first hundred years or so, he'll be infertile and trapped in human form (although ridiculously strong and tough). Since dragons enjoy sex as much as anyone else in the comic (if not moreso), they avoid overpopulation by tracking down adolescent dragons and trying to kill them (along with most of the town they're hiding in). This also ensures that a dragon that survives his "egg years" will be really tough.
  • JLA: A League of One: Drakul; visually she's a classic western style six-limbed dragon. Breathes two kinds of fire, one semi-normal flame, and a magic green flame which creates monsters. Collects gold to use as a bed, and also consumes it to strengthen outer armor, but this gold is tainted by the spirit of its owners, influencing the dragon in question. She's consumed so much of it she's stated to essentially have become an embodiment of hatred and lies.
  • Kairos: The dragons are very humanoid, being roughly the size of a human, walking on two legs and having hands, wearing human clothes, and the female dragons have Non-Mammal Mammaries.
  • Lanfeust: Dragons are used as mounts, they come in various shapes and forms, some being individual mounts and other being large enough to serve as airplanes.
  • Lady Death: While chasing an incubus to find out a way to return to Earth, Lady Death transported to a world inhabited entirely by dragons. These dragons are divided in tribes based on their color and speak in Sssssnaketalk.
  • The Mighty Thor: The Midgard Serpent is a giant snake so large that he quite literally can wrap around the entire Earth.
  • Saga: Dragons live on Demimonde but are nearly extinct. The mares urinate on their victims, which will cause family members to attack them, and the bulls have better hearing than the females. Also, the females appear to be giant salamanders, while the males are typical giant lizards.
  • The Sandman: One of the guardians at the gate at Dream's castle is called Wyvern. Contrary to the usual appearance of a wyvern, the guardian is wingless and quadrupedal, with a long thin tail and neck and a bloated body, somewhat like a sauropod dinosaur (see for instance Chapter 3 of Season of Mists). It's probably intentional, as the guardian on his left side (our right) is called Hippogriff but is really a pegasus.
  • The Savage Dragon is a comic hero who actually is not a dragon at all. He simply looks kinda like one, enough that it became his name.
  • Scion features genetically engineered dragons used as aerial tanks by the techno-medieval Heron and Raven empires. A (seemingly) more conventional dragon appears in one arc of the straight-fantasy Crossgen title Sojourn.
  • Smax: Morningbright the Dragon is a city-sized lion/arachnid/peacock chimera powered by fusion and sporting the attitude of Lucifer.
  • Southern Knights: The titular team includes the character Dragon, who was originally conceived of as a person who could transform into a dragon. It was later decided that he was a dragon who could transform into a human. Either way, he was a good guy.
  • Superman:
    • In Superman #142 makes its appearance a Flame Dragon, a Kryptonian bat-winged, green-and-violet bipedal dragon which "roars deafeningly" and belches flames "from its nostrils and gaping jaws."
    • Previously, in Superman #78, the Man of Steel fought a Snagriff, another Kryptonian dragon similar to the Flame Dragon but more dinosaur-like.
    • In Action Comics #262, Superman fights off a four-legged, winged, dog-snouted green dragon while he and his friends are trapped in an alien world.
    • Action Comics #303 introduces the Drangs, humongous flying limbless snakes with a huge horn.
    • In Adventure Comics #418, Supergirl runs into an Eastern green dragon summoned by the Villain of the Month.
    • In Superman Family #174 another dragon shows up. This time it's a purple sea dragon with two wings, two hind legs and a long tail.
    • In The Brave and the Bold story The Book Of Destiny, Superman travels to medieval England and runs into a red-winged, blue dragon lying in the bottom of a lake. Unlike other examples, its spews icy flames.
    • In Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, Kara and Ruthye's starship convoy is intercepted by a spacefaring, snake-like, humongous blue dragon.
    • Escape from the Phantom Zone: When enraged, Gayle Marsh "Psi" transforms into a castle-sized purple psychic dragon with large batwings.
  • Trese: Dragons appear to be of the Chinese variety, able to take human form and can breath fire.
  • Wizards of Mickey:
    • Dragons were the original magic users, and still show up in the everyday goings of the world like any other group, although they generally consider themselves more sophisticated than "the scaleless", and some participate in the tournament, although it's implied they're participating out of politeness more than anything else. They're also the ancestral enemies of the frost giants and the bat-orcs.
    • Notable dragons include Donald's "puppy dragon" Fafnir, who due to his youth is more like an animal in intelligence and functions as Team Pet; the brothers Zefren, Zoron and Zaius, who compete against the protagonists in the original race for the Great Crown as Team Magma Fire and return as supporting characters in later arcs; Roknar, one of the Phantom Blot's minions; and Venerable Ormen the Dragon King.
    • There were also the Ancient Dragons, who unlike the modern ones walked on two legs and wore clothes and armor. The reason dragons don't do this anymore is that the Ancient Dragons were such odious tyrants that the modern ones refuse to be anything like them in any regard, and as such shun affectations like clothes and bipedalism.
  • X-Men:
    • Lockheed, the dragon companion of the Kitty Pryde, has many traits which western society considers common to dragons. He's reptilian, he has wings he uses to fly, he has a long snout with sharp teeth, breathes fire, and demonstrates intelligence beyond that of an animal. He is different from other dragons in that he's about the same size as a domestic cat, is purple, didn't say a word for many years despite being capable of speech, sometimes stands on his hind legs, and seems to have opposable thumbs on his front legs. And although not the same race as Fin Fang Foom, he is also an alien.
    • Scaleface is a member of the Morlocks with the mutant ability to transform into a giant reptilian monster.
