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Nightmare Fuel / Komi Can't Communicate

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Despite being a Slice of Life manga/anime and having a light and comedic tone for them, Komi Can't Communicate still has a few occasions with disturbing moments...

  • ...and the vast majority of them involve Yamai Ren. At a glance, Yamai might look like your typical cute and pretty high school girl: a nice upfront, round Tareme Eyes, and a high-pitched, go-getter voice. Underneath that exterior of her, however, lies a psychotic girl that has a very twisted love streak towards Komi.
    • Chapters 23-26 (manga)/Episode 4 (anime), A Day in the Limelight for Yamai, make a great point as to why she is not to be taken lightly. Just imagine this: you just have your typical good day in your life and without knowing anything, you have been kidnapped and locked away in a room filled with your kidnapper's Lust Object. That's exactly what happens to Tadano. When he wakes up, he immediately realizes he is in her room, realizing he will die.
      • Back in school, before Yamai is able to greet Komi, Agari and Najimi greet the latter first. "Poorly" doesn't describe how Yamai reacts to it; Agari understandably runs away after turning back to see Yamai looking at her with such a Death Glare (in the form of a Kabuki mask, which perfectly expresses how pissed Yamai is). Najimi, on the other hand, is taken away by Yamai for a moment, and in a dark aschool alley, asks Najimi what their relationship with Komi is. She then threatens them to introduce her to Komi.
      • Finally, we get to the magnum opus: Komi and Najimi go to Yamai's house; before entering, Yamai instantly makes sure to temporarily dispose of Tadano by locking him in her closet, first proposing him to choose his death —the sea or the mountains—, and threatening him to make no sound while her guests were in her house. After they enter, sounds come out of the closet from a distressed Tadano (who realized his friends are in the room), causing Yamai to further threaten him. Yamai then leaves to make some tea for her guests, warning them not to open the closet. Najimi does so anyways, finally finding Tadano after not seeing him in school... immediately, Yamai returns with a sharpened knife, finally admitting everything to them. Thankfully, Tadano and Komi get out free of harm after the latter stands up to Yamai without budging an inch.
      • The anime version of the latter scene, thankfully, replaces the butcher knife with chopsticks, though the connotations are the same. Najimi and Tadano still comment on how sharp they still are, too.
      • The events of these chapters lead to a Tear Jerker the next day at school, where this behavior of her almost made Komi fully give up her friendship of Tadano (for his safety).
    • Many of Yamai's later appearances play her Yandere tendencies for laughs, but it is still disturbing to see her gawking over Komi while there is no telling of what will happen should someone do something to her that Yamai disapproves of.
    • However, the violent intention returns in Chapter 306. When asking Tadano if he and Komi really are going out and he answers yes, she flat out states "I'll kill you." In front of the entire class. While brandishing an impossibly sharpened katsuo-boshinote  as the rest of the class fails to slow her down. It takes Komi herself standing in front of Tadano to keep Yamai from slamming the sharpened weapon down, before screeching like a mad-woman that she refuses to accept this.
    • In Chapter 312, when Komi messages her about paying her a visit, and Yamai decides to make her some tea. However, she then contemplates putting sleeping pills in her tea but is prevented from doing so by her group of friends.
