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Mortal Kombat Desperation / Tropes F To H

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Tropes for Mortal Kombat: Desperation, F-H

  • Face–Heel Turn: Raiden was once Earthrealm's protector god and mentor to many of his champions on the planet, but after his corruption, he's now the greatest threat to all realms, far much worse than Shao Kahn or Shinnok. Even the Elder Gods now fear him, considering that he's dangerously close to launching a Class X-4 or Class Z Apocalypse How.
  • False Reassurance/Motivational Lie: How Raiden manipulates Daegon into believing that his parents favored Taven over him.
  • Faking the Dead: Jade/Delia.
    • Shang Tsung also manages to cheat death and come back in chapter 50.
    • Noob Saibot also faked his death and went into hiding until Chapter 61.
  • Fatal Flaw: Raiden is solely driven by Revenge, Wrath and Greed.
    • Hotaru is motivated by an obsession with order and killing Darrius.
    • Havik is obsessed with chaos with the same singlemindedness Hotaru has for order. That said, even he is smart enough to see how unstable and dangerous Raiden is and wants to betray him.
    • Nitara and Li Mei are both devoted to their people, which Raiden exploits by blackmailing the former into joining him and ordering Hotaru to burn down the latter's village.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Polite, charming, composed — Raiden appears as a Smug Snake to his ex-allies and generally speaks to them in a condescending and snobbish manner after he Came Back Wrong. But beneath that superficial charm, he's actually a tyrannical sadist and violent brute who relishes in the suffering and despair of others (notably Johnny Cage's family), and his cruelty streak is far worse than that of Shao Kahn and Shinnok.
    • During his Curbstomp Battle in chapter 51, Shang Tsung proves to be this. He continues acting this way to Liu Kang and Delia in particular.
  • From Bad to Worse: Chapter 54, when Raiden essentially declares war on his own allies.
  • Forced to Watch: Quan Chi does this to Kitana as he kills Jade.
    • Raiden also forces Cassie and Scorpion to watch as he tortures Kevin.
    • Raiden also does this to Delia and Taven when he manipulates Daegon.
  • Forced into Evil: Raiden, after he Came Back Wrong.
    • The revenants were Forced into Evil by Quan Chi, but have since been freed by Jade/Delia and are trying to atone for their crimes.
  • For the Evulz: Though Raiden claims he's "protecting" Earthrealm at all costs, Kung Jin and others think that he's only using this as an excuse, as it seems that he's seeking more power. He even finds it funny while torturing Cassie and Kevin, mass-zapping the Lin Kuei or speaking to his ex-allies in a condescending and snobbish manner.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Raiden goes from a suffering yet benevolent god to a deranged Mad God with the Knight Templar, He Who Fights Monsters and Omnicidal Maniac tendencies after his corruption.
  • Gayngst: Kung Jin still fears Liu Kang and Kung Lao won't accept his homosexuality.
  • Genki Girl/Giggling Villain/Perky Female Minion: Mileena.
  • Genocide Backfire: After Raiden orders the destruction of Li Mei's village, it's very likely she'll go on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge.
  • Girl on Girl Is Hot: Chapter 55, where Tanya is seen kissing Mileena, indicating that both are Depraved Bisexuals and Psycho Lesbians.
  • Go Through Us:
    • The prologue, where Kotal Kahn and his men remain defiant even when Raiden threatens to destroy Outworld.
    • Sonya and Cassie's team vs Raiden and Kano. Cue Raiden mass-shocking Sonya and the others.
    • Same thing happens to the Lin Kuei in chapter 8.
    • Same thing occurs in Chapter 44, where Delia/Jade and Taven try to stop Raiden from turning Daegon against them, but fail.
    • Again occurs in chapter 54, when Raiden threatens La Résistance, declaring war on his now ex-allies.
  • God-Emperor: This is what Raiden intends to be.
  • A God Am I: Raiden qualifies as this, even though he's a Physical God. He intends to become the God-Emperor by instigating Armageddon on all realms.
  • God in Human Form: Raiden and Fujin qualify as this.
  • God of Evil: Raiden, to a T.
  • God of Thunder is Evil: The Jinsei's corruption turned Raiden into] a cruel, deranged and remorseless god, with Omnicidal Maniac tendencies.
  • God of Wind is Good: Even if he has his own flaws, Fujin is now one of the key leaders of La Résistance, and has replaced Raiden as Protector of Earthrealm.
  • Good Counterpart: Fujin and Kotal Kahn are this to Raiden.
    • Liu Kang and Delia are this to Shang Tsung.
    • Kitana is this to Mileena.
    • Jade is this to Tanya.
    • Sonya is this to Kano.
  • The Good King: Kotal Kahn, as he's the Big Good of this fanfic, and one of the leaders of La Résistance. He also deeply cares for his men.
    • Jerrod was this to Edenia before Shao Kahn overthrew him and killed him.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Though Shinnok was reduced to a mere living head, he DOES manage to twist his arch-enemy Raiden into something just as evil as himself.
  • Guile Hero: In-Universe, Darrius definitely sees himself as this. Whether or not he's right is debatable.
    • Nitara is willing to do whatever it takes to protect her race, which Raiden exploits by offering to let her defeat Ashrah and by threatening to kill her people.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Shinnok, though now reduced to a severed head, is directly responsible for Raiden's Face–Heel Turn, as the latter had to take the former's evil essence into himself to purify Earthrealm's Jinsei.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Woe to anybody that compares Raiden to Shao Kahn and/or Shinnok. They get zapped, as this is his Berserk Button.
  • Half The Woman She Used To Be: Jade's fate, courtesy of Quan Chi's Mind Game fatality.
  • Hanging Judge: Hotaru and Raiden.
  • Hated by All:
    • Mileena is despised by her former allies and servants, particularly the Edenians for mocking Kitana. The Tarkatans are really the only ones that care about her.
    • Hotaru and Shang Tsung are despised by many. The former for ransacking and destroying Li Mei's village on Raiden's orders, the latter for his alliance with the evil thunder god and the Seidan zealot. That said, both had bad reputations as villains even before that, due to Hotaru acting as a tyrant in Seido to always keep order and Shang Tsung working for Shao Kahn.
    • Kano is loathed for kidnapping and torturing Cassie along with his own son Kevin. He also kidnapped, raped, and tortured Kabal’s widow when he was a revenant which resulted in Kevin’s conception and before all of that he arranged for Kintaro to maim Kabal and try to murder Stryker.
  • Hate Sink: In-Universe, Raiden is virtually loathed by all of his ex-allies as well as most of his current ones, given what he's done so far. Most of Raiden's underlings — even those who joined his faction just to satisfy their sadism — obey him out of sheer terror and not out of loyalty. A good amount of them plan to betray him.
    • Hotaru and Shang Tsung are also despised by many. The former for ransacking and destroying Li Mei's village on Raiden's orders, the latter for his alliance with the evil thunder god and the Seidan zealot as well as his past crimes while serving Shao Kahn.
    • One can't forget Kano either. He kidnapped, raped, tortured, and held Kabal's widow Nell in captivity for days, kidnapped and tortured the son conceived from one of those rapes and was willing to let the boy die as part of his "training", also tortures Cassie to get back at Sonya, threatens to rape Delia just to rankle Daegon...the list goes on. No wonder he has such a huge target on his back.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: The prologue references the Nietzsche quote, and is a central theme in this fanfic's plot. After he Came Back Wrong, Raiden is so blinded by rage and vengeance that he becomes just as cold-blooded and homicidal as Shinnok and Shao Kahn, to the point of alienating his ex-allies and refusing to reconsider his invasion of Outworld. Ordering the destruction of Li Mei's village (women, children and elderly included) places him into evil territory for good.
  • Heel–Face Brainwashing: Quan Chi is resurrected by the Elder Gods, his memories and free will removed, in order to kill Raiden.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Scorpion, after Raiden threatens to do worse to Takeda and Jacqui. Same trope goes for Liu Kang, Kitana, Kung Lao and the remaining revenants, who have been restored to life by Delia/Jade.
  • Heel–Face Door-Slam: Daegon, as he was tricked by Raiden into serving him in chapter 44.
  • Heel Realization: Scorpion, after learning he was being manipulated by Raiden.
    • The same thing goes for Kitana, Liu Kang and the revenants who are now Back from the Dead in chapter 29.
  • Hell Has New Management: Noob Saibot takes over the Netherrealm after Liu Kang and Kitana are restored to life by Jade/Delia.
  • Hero Ball: Many of Raiden's former allies didn't anticipate the formation of a Legion of Doom (which consists of zealots, murderers, criminals, backstabbers, constructs and a few Anti Villains), with the thunder god at the helm.
  • Heroic BSoD: Sonya undergoes this when Raiden kidnaps Cassie, though she later manages to rescue her.
    • Li Mei, when Raiden orders Hotaru to destroy her village. Erron Black manages to snap of out it, though.
    • Ferra, when she sees that Torr slipped into a coma. She snaps out of it when he awakens, thankfully.
    • Delia and Taven, after Daegon was tricked by Raiden into serving him and were unable to stop the thunder god from manipulating Daegon.
    • Scorpion, after realizing that Raiden was manipulating him.
    • Fujin, after noticing that Raiden crossed the Moral Event Horizon by mass-electrocuting the Lin Kuei.
  • Hero's Evil Predecessor: The Elder Gods have anointed Fujin as the protector-god of Earthrealm after Raiden went rogue.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Several.
    • The younger Sub-Zero and Smoke
    • Liu Kang, Kung Lao, and Kai
    • Kabal and Stryker
    • Kitana, Jade, and Ruby
    • Kenshi and Scorpion
    • Raiden (pre-Face–Heel Turn), Bo' Rai Cho and Fujin
    • Kotal and Reptile
    • Ashrah and Sareena
  • The High Queen: Sindel, after her Heel–Face Turn.
    • Sheeva also counts as this.
  • Hitman with a Heart: Erron Black and Dairou. Both initially only care for money, but are perfectly capable of caring for others, as their relationships with Li Mei and Viviana, respectively, have proven.
  • Hive Queen/Insect Queen: D'Vorah.
  • His Own Worst Enemy: Pretty much most of Raiden's ex-allies are this.
  • Hoist by Her Own Petard: Kira causes Tasia to amputate her own hands at the wrist by reversing Tasia's grip on her katanas. Tasia later has her hands replaced by Artificial Limbs.
  • Hopeless Suitor: Rain is this towards Kitana, as he knows she is in love with Liu Kang and thinks she isn't aware of his feelings for her. He ends up getting the shock and embarrassment of his life when she reveals how well aware she is of his feelings for her in Chapter 36.
  • Hot-Blooded: When Raiden is pissed off enough, he has a short fuse and resorts to violence.
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: Raiden has gone from being the God of Thunder and mentor to many of his champions (especially Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Kai, Johnny Cage and Kung Jin, to name a few) to a sociopathic and bloodthirsty megalomaniac who lusts for power after he Came Back Wrong.
    • Daegon went from being a kind, hardworking yet troubled young man who was The Unfavorite son to a Jerkass God into a criminal leader guilty of murder and numerous other crimes, though while Raiden is the Big Bad, he is simply an Anti-Villain.
    • Dairou tells Shujinko that Hotaru used to be a good man before his obsession with order and killing Darrius turned him into a villain.
  • Ho Yay: Invoked Trope between Mileena and Tanya, as they have been known to exchange flirty banter in Mortal Kombat X, and are revealed to be Psycho Lesbians and Depraved Bisexuals in chapter 55.
  • Hypocrite: Raiden claims that he's "protecting" Earthrealm by merging with Outworld, yet it's his own greed that's causing all the suffering that happens in the plot. Many of his ex-allies now see him as a tyrant, not so different from Shinnok or Shao Kahn.
    • Tanya calls Rain out for treachery, apparently forgetting her own history of betrayal. Rain does not hesitate to call her out on this.
