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Literature / Project A75

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Due to the spoilerific nature of the work all spoilers will be unmarked for this and past works.

Project A75 is a 2022 web story by Looperreallyreallyrocks. It can be read here and here

A Crossover between all of the stories of the Looperverse, several of the verse's previous protagonists (Amelia Kent, Ryan Rhodes, a time-travelling Jack Lane, Ralph Leder, Lenny Jones and Adam Hemmensway, with Darren Monaghan making a cameo) are abducted by an organization known as Project A75. However, things are not as they seem.

This story contains examples of:

  • Antagonist in Mourning: Mr. Pink regrets that Adam died and admits that it wasn't what he wanted.
  • Anti-Hero: Jack Lane is still firmly in this territory during the story. He wants to do the right thing and stop Mr. Pink, but he is willing to resort to trickery and lies to accomplish it.
  • Ascended Extra: Amelia in 30 Days in Spring didn't play the biggest role, but in this story, she is one of the main characters.
  • Affably Evil: Mr. Pink ultimately reveals himself to be a genuinely respectful and nice person who only resorts to what he does because he feels he has to. 
  • At Least I Admit It: Ralph says this word for word when talking to Ryan; at the very least, he admits it, whereas Ryan has a massive Never My Fault attitude.
  • Back for the Dead: All three characters from Ryan Rhodes, Adam Hemmingsway, and Ralph Leder return and are killed.
  • Bait-and-Switch: Initially it seems that Mr. Pink's Evil Plan is to wipe out all of humanity to start anew, but after Ryan and Ralph die, he admits that was a lie and his plan is to actually rewrite humanity into docile states.
  • Big Bad: Mr. Pink is the one who sets the plot into motion by recruiting Ryan and Ralph and bringing the three heroes to the mountain.
  • Big Good: Jack Lane is the main driving force opposing Mr. Pink.
  • Bittersweet Ending: The heroes defeat Mr. Pink and stop his plan, but Adam has died as a result of this.
  • Brainwashing for the Greater Good: Mr. Pink's true plan is to use his compound to turn all of humanity into docile versions of themselves so the dystopian future he comes from never occurs.
  • The Cameo:
    • Darren Monaghan from Unrequited Love shows up in a bar as the bartender.
    • Jacob Lucas and Adam's father make a brief appearance as hallucinations.
  • The Comically Serious: Mr. Pink acts stoic the entire time, even when Ameilia, Adam, and Lenny are playing around with him.
  • Crossover: The story is a crossover between all the stories that the author has written, with the exception of The Adventures of a Sword.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Ralph is unceremoniously shot dead by Ryan while they were explaining what they knew of Mr. Pink's plan.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Mr. Pink and Ralph genuinely despise Ryan for his obnoxious behaviour and lack of justification for his atrocities other than his own thrills.
  • Face Your Fears: One of the main plots of Mr. Pink is to test his drug Atlius on the heroes by exposing them to their biggest fears and traumas.
  • Graceful Loser: Mr. Pink, when he is defeated, accepts that he has lost and surrenders.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: It is revealed that Mr. Pink was the one who instigated the events of the entire Looperverse. He was the one who sabotaged the bus crash that led to Ryan Rhodes going on a rampage, he was the one who sold Jacob Lucas the lighter he used to burn his parent's house down, and he was the one who killed Ralph Leder's parents. In the future, he is the one who caused the dystopian future of 330 Hours to be created.
  • Hate Sink: Ryan Rhodes is just as much of a hateable prick as he was in his first story. He acts like a total asshole to everyone and never misses an opportunity to taunt Amelia over what he did. He also refuses to take responsibility for any of the atrocious crimes he committed while in the woods. He also willingly teams up with Mr. Pink, who he fully believes is trying to wipe out humanity all for his own sadistic thrills and the opportunity to make Amelia his Sex Slave.
  • Heel–Face Door-Slam: Ryan shoots Ralph dead just as he's preparing to turn himself in.
  • I Lied: Mr. Pink reveals that he lied to Ryan and Ralph and was never planning on wiping out humanity.
  • I'm Not a Hero, I'm...: Due to the very questionable methods he employed during his series, Jack admits that he doesn't see himself as a hero.
  • In Their Own Image: Subverted. We are initially led to believe this is Mr. Pink's plan, but we later find out it is not.
  • Karma Houdini Warranty: After getting away with his crimes in 30 Days in Spring, Ryan is killed by one of his rape victims, Amelia.
  • Killed Offscreen: Jacob Lucas is killed offscreen inside a prison cell during a fight, only showing up as a hallucination.
  • More Despicable Minion: While Mr. Pink is clearly a bad person, he is also a genuinely Affably Evil and a Well-Intentioned Extremist, and one of the villains he recruits, Ryan Rhodes, is a sadist who wants to kill for fun.
  • Never My Fault: Ryan blames all of the horrible stuff he did in the woods on his gang and Amelia and he refuses to take responsibility for any of it. Even Ralph calls him out on this. However, as soon as he thinks he's untouchable by the heroes due to teaming up with Mr. Pink, he gleefully takes responsibility for his crimes and promises to be even worse.
  • Posthumous Character: Adam's father and Jacob Lucas died, but they still have an effect on two of the main characters, Adam and Lenny, respectively.
  • The Reveal: Mr. Pink is actually a time traveller from the future and the one behind the events of the entire verse.
  • Sex Slave: Ryan Rhodes wants to make Amelia this.
  • Shout-Out: "To Infinity and Beyond", the final line of the story, is a clear reference to Toy Story
  • Time Travel: Jack Lane and Mr. Pink employed this to travel to the current time from their future.
  • Token Evil Teammate
    • While Jack Lane isn't a bad person, he is by far the shadiest of the four main heroes, and it's later revealed that he had been deceiving them and knew that Adam was going to die but let it happen anyway.
    • While the group of villains are all evil, out of them, Ryan Rhodes is the only one without any positive traits and actively enjoys doing as much harm as he can.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Mr. Pink ultimately reveals himself to be this. He saw how horrible humanity could be and wanted to prevent the dystopian future he comes from, from ever happening. To do so though he resorts to infecting humanity with a virus that will turn them docile as he believes that it is the only option he has to save the world.
  • Wham Episode: This serves as a big one for the series. The works of the verse finally cross over, including Jack Lane from the future, bringing with them a Greater-Scope Villain who has masterminded the events of the series.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Amelia and Lenny call Jack out when they realize that he has been deceiving them the entire time and has let Adam die to accomplish his mission.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Subverted. The heroes think that Mr. Pink is going to have this, but he ends up surrendering without a fight when he knows he has lost.
