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Funny / Trust Me, I'm a Genie

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"I've seen the light. It's glorious! And it smells of peanuts!"

  • The entire episode of Guitar Diego. Diego wishes to play music with his favorite band, Kyoto Motel. Ziggy's magic turns Diego into an ACTUAL guitar and they have to sneak into the concert dressed as pizza delivery men so Diego can get played by the guitarist. This backfires when Diego gets smashed by the lead guitarist, turns back to normal and is wearing nothing but his underwear on stage. He then begins imitating a guitar while the audience boos him and Ziggy throws yet another hissy fit over a failed wish. On top of all this, after getting kicked out of the concert, Ziggy blames a confused Larry for the screw-up in a hammy and melodramatic way.
  • In the Big Screen Kiss, Ziggy insults Sam Sahara by telling him he has terrible dress sense. Sam Sahara replies with a burst of hilarious and hammy Angrish.
    • Later in the same episode, Diego has an Accidental Kiss with Joe. Joe replies with "Well, you could have asked".
  • The entire episode of Portrait Of Diego Camel, especially the scene where Diego gets turned into a dollar bill and Ziggy threatens to use him as a tip as well as the scene where Zazie turns Diego into a stick figure version of himself.
  • In "Satellite TV", Joe accidentally launches Diego and Ziggy into space, has a My God, What Have I Done? moment afterwards but then he throws a dance party with Tony to celebrate Diego and Ziggy's absense.
  • The scene in Jet Setters where Ziggy gets sucked into an elephant's trunk and comments that the afterlife smells like peanuts. After being shot out of the trunk, Diego asks Ziggy where he was and Ziggy pretty much asks Diego for a bottle of Brain Bleach.
  • In Diego's Castle, the scene where Ziggy teaches Diego's friends how to speak frog.
  • The entire episode of Free Diego, notably the ball-and-chain bowling scene where even the warden joins in on the fun.
