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Funny / The Rugrats Movie

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  • At the beginning where Stu demonstrates the Reptar wagon to Drew...and the wagon spits fire!
    Grandpa Lou: Conflabbit! Can't a man work in his own basement without gettin' barbecued?!
    Stu: Okay. So, maybe real fire isn't the best idea for a children's toy.
    (Drew's shirt is smoldering, Stu quickly extinguishes him)
  • When Angelica and Suzie's sing off while preforming "A Gift From Bob".
    Susie: "A baby is really neat, a baby is a special treat. A baby is like a rose, a baby has a tiny nose. A baby is a little dickens, a baby is a cuddly chicken. A baby is lots of joy—"
    Angelica: "A baby will get all the toys!"
    Susie: (shocked, speaking) "What are you doing? (singing) A baby has a smiley face."
    Angelica: (singing out of tune) "A baby is from outside space!"
    Susie: (speaking, frustrated) "Angelica!"
    Angelica: (speaking, mocking) "Susie!"
    Susie: "(singing) A baby is extra fancy."
    Angelica: (singing out of tune) "A baby poops in its pantsies! (laughs)"
    Susie: (spoken, frustrated) "Angelica, cut it out!"
    Angelica: (speaking, defiant) "No!"
    Susie: (singing) "Like a birdie singing in a tree."
    Angelica: (singing) "More like Reptar screaming in your ear."
    Both: (singing) "A baby is a gift. A gift from a Bob. A baby is a gift from a Bob, Bob, Bob. A baby is a gift, a gift from a Bob."
    Susie: "A baby is really special!"
    Angelica: "A baby NOT!!!"
  • This gem from Grandpa Boris as Didi is being checked into the hospital, where Didi is being shown a bunch of specialty birthing rooms.
    Boris: In my day, a woman just dropped her baby in the potato field and kept going.
    (The doctors then show they have a birthing room done up to repeat that exact experience).
    • Just afterwards, Didi asks the doctors if they have something cleaner, so they lead her to the Aquatic Immersion room. Needless to say, Minka is not amused.
      Minka: She's having a baby, not a gefilte fish!
  • The scene where the newborn babies sing about how the world is new to them (surreality aside). Highlights include:
    • One baby remarks, "Today is very different from yesterday". Shortly afterwards, another remarks, "I miss my old womb." and a third says that the wallpaper isn't the same.
    • The infamous exchange where the boy tells the girl to consider herself lucky that the cord was the only thing they cut.
    • One baby calls Chuckie a fuzzy pig.
  • It's a small one that quickly leads into a tear jerker, but when Stu starts crying with Dil, Didi pulls out a pacifier...and shoves it into Stu's mouth.
  • When Stu and Didi sing Dil to sleep, the former can't think of a rhyme for "bed" and calls Dil a "quadruped".
  • The scene with the Circus Masters Igor & Serge is pretty funny.
    Igor: Serge, you stay here and watch monkeys. I get us coffee.
    Serge: No, Igor. You stay and watch monkeys and I get us coffee.
    Igor: Nyet! Monkeys watch you! I GET COFFEE!
    (Cut to interior at an ice cream parlor, where both men are enjoying their coffee. Their train is in view through a window as monkeys climb out and on top of the train.)
    Serge: I think coffee is better in St. Petersburg.
    Igor: Nyet, it is better in Kiev.
    Serge: No, it's better in St. Petersburg.
    Igor: Nothing is better in St. Petersburg!
    (While the men argue over coffee, the train begins to move)
    (The men rush out, bumping over tables and other customers. They watch as the train rolls off into the distance. Igor rants angrily in Russian and tosses his hat to the ground and stomps on it.)
  • When Angelica and Drew arrive at the house.
    Angelica: Daddy, why can't I watch Shirleylock Holmes at our house? I'll never be able to hear it with that new baby squawking the whole time!
    Drew: Now, sweetheart, Daddy's gotta put in a little overtime today, so that Mommy won't be so ashamed of his quarterly earnings.
    (Stu answers the door)
    Angelica: Hi, Uncle Stu. Sorry to hear your pony's so slow.
    Stu: Uh, but we don't have a pony, Angelica.
    Angelica: (to Drew) Then how come you told Mommy that Aunt Didi got saddled with a loser?
    Stu: "Loser?"
    Drew: (laughs nervously) He-He... I-I...
    (Dil's crying is heard from upstairs)
    Stu: Excuse me, bro. My tax deductions are crying!
    (Stu slams the door; Drew opens it again and puts Angelica's things inside)
    Drew: You can't deduct if you don't have any INCOME!!
    (Drew slams the door)
  • Lil and Phil decide to take Dil back to the "hopsicle" (hospital) for Tommy, but Chuckie thinks it's a bad idea. Then Tommy walks in.
    Lil: We're taking Dil back to the hopsicle, Tommy. We're gonna get your moneys back.
    Tommy: What?! You can't do that! My mommy and daddy wanna keep him!
    Chuckie: [to the twins] See? See?
    Phil: Why? All he does is cry and poop.
    Tommy: So do you!
    Phil: I don't cry that much.
    Tommy: Well, you poop an awful lot.
    Phil: Oh, look who's talking, Mr. Chocolate Pants!
    Tommy: I am NOT a poopie monster!
  • When Angelica realizes Cynthia is missing, she leaves the den only to find...
    Angelica: Nice try, babies. Now gimme back my... (gasps upon seeing Cynthia's shoe on the welcome mat) CYNTHIA-A-A!!!!!!
    (pan out to the Reptar Wagon with Dil still holding Cynthia)
    • Then Angelica bursts out of the house wearing Sherlock Holmes outfit and "enlists" Spike to help her track the babies down. He then sprints away, pulling Angelica in tow by his leash.
      Angelica: They took Cynthia, Spike! C'mon! You're gonna be my butt-hound! We gotta search every doghouse, playhouse, tree house and doll house! I want those foogitives back in custardy! (Spike runs off, pulling Angelica in tow by his leash) WHOA! Bad dog! Bad dog! STOP!
  • The Rugrats' crazy ride through the town on the Reptar Wagon while causing chaos all the way.
    • The wagon careens away from a car, which causes it to crash. Then it flies down a wooden staircase, nearly hitting an elderly woman, who leaps out of the way. It bursts through a railing and lands back on the street, swerving away from another car, which also crashes.
    • Then the Reptar Wagon weaves down a street knocking over some garbage cans and a garbage collector.
    • As the wagon shakes, Dil's cheeks puff up and he vomits on Chuckie's shirt.
    • Then they head a ramp into a moving truck where they smash trough a box of wine glasses.
    • The wagon barrels into a play park. It scoops a kid off a swing, then zooms across the tops of monkey bars like a roller coaster. It goes down a slide and lands on a see-saw. The kid from the swing set lands on the opposite end, launching the wagon.
    • Eventually, the Wagon rolls into a mattress factory, toppling mounds of mattresses like dominoes. It lands in a "Nighty Night Mattress" delivery truck, and the driver closes the back door.
  • Stu speeding his car just narrowly missing the kids jumping inside the mattress truck right in front of him, before he inadvertently causes the truck to swerve and crash through the guard rail and plunge into the forest.
    • This is followed by the babies—with Tommy holding Dil and Chuckie clearly not enjoying himself—bouncing up and down on the mattresses without a care in the world.
      Phil: Hey this is much more fun than picking noses!
      Lil: Or blowing bubbles in the bathtub!
      Chuckie: I don't know if I should throw up or throw down!
    • Then when Stu and Grandpa are at the control tower to see if the Kids are in the plane where the crate is, only to find out the goat is there instead. The pilot and crew has opened up every package and crate on board, finding nothing unusual—except for the goat.
      Pilot: I turned this plane upside down and I assure you, there are no children. We found a kid, but he's not the one you're looking for.
      [Cue to Stu & Grandpa at the control listening as the goat bleats on the other side of the radio]
    • Then Stu & Grandpa resume their search at home
      Stu: [looking in the closet] Tommy!
      Grandpa: [looking under the bed] Sprouts?
      Stu: [looking down the basement] Dil!
      Grandpa: [searching in a cookie jar] Angelica?
      Stu: [searching under the kitchen sink] Where can they be? We gotta find them!
      Didi: [entering] Find what?
      Stu: [bangs his head under the kitchen sink] Ow!
      Grandpa: Einstein here lost the kids.
      Stu: I lost the kids?!
      Grandpa: See?!
      [Didi gasps and drops her grocery bag, sending all products rolling on the floor]
  • Angelica singing "One Way or Another", trying to find Cynthia. It's hilariously hammy of her.
  • Didi makes apparent she does blame Stu, but not in a flattering way for Lou, in this Black Comedy joke.
    Didi: I can't believe you left them with your father! The man slept through Pearl Harbor for heaven's sake!
    Grandpa: [defensively] I sounded the alarm as soon as I could!
  • Drew tackling Stu after he finds out he lost Angelica.
  • When Rex Pester displays the photos of the missing babies getting all their names wrong:
    Rex Pester: And there you have it! Two sour Pickles... and [displays photos]: Young Tammy, Baby Dale, the twins Bill & Jill, Little Chunky, and poor Amelia, all vanished without a trace....I'm Rex Pester! And I'll be back with more Big Action News!
    • Later, Rex is talking in a helicopter about how the kids are still missing, along with their "pet horse".
  • When the babies are lost in the forest, Phil and Lil blame the whole mess on Dil, who Tommy defends. Then, Dil snaps off one of his diaper straps, leaving him exposed to his friends. Phil and Chuckie are taken aback, but just look at Lil's reaction.
  • Spike is still towing Angelica across the road. They approach the scene of the mattress truck's crash, complete with tow truck and flares. Spike finds Dil's pacifier on the ground and stops. But Angelica keeps going, and Spike is tugged along on his leash as he and Angelica fall into a ditch in the forest. Angelica is screaming with her landing square on a trunk of a tree, knocking her unconscious. We fade out, then fade back in again once Angelica comes to. As soon as her vision clears, the first thing she sees is Spike, holding her detective hat.
  • Everything with the forest rangers Margaret & Frank (voiced by Whoopi Goldberg & David Spade respectively)
    • First while the two are driving in their jeep down the forest road;
      Ranger Frank: I'm sure you've run afoul of many a scary pedestrian. But out here, we have what you might should I put it? Actual danger.
      Ranger Margaret: Danger?
      Ranger Frank: Grizzlies that'll rip the top off your car. Bobcats, wolves, wolverines, which are something entirely different.
      (Just then, the Reptar Wagon crosses the road in back of them. Margaret turned around and caught a glimpse of it)
      Ranger Margaret: And dragons. Aah!
    • Shortly after the babies breeze by the Rangers, while both Chuckie points them out and Tommy pushes a bunch of buttons as he's saying that he doesn't know how to stop the wagon, Lil sees the cliff leading to the river:
      Lil: Well I hope you figure it out—CAUSE I DIDN'T BRING NO BATHY SUIT!
    • Right before Dil plunges the wagon into the river, it stops just short of going over the cliff and the other babies look exhausted, leading to this zinger from Phil:
      Phil: Any further and I woulda needed a fresh diapey...
    • Later when the Rangers pass by their station...
      Ranger Margaret: I'm telling you, I saw a dragon.
      Ranger Frank: Margaret.
      Ranger Margaret: A big green, fire-breathing dragon. I've gotta call headquarters! (rushes to the phone)
      Ranger Frank: While you're at it, you might ask for a new assignment. Say, a city park. 'Cause, you see, out here in the country, you have to be just a little tougher. (Frank sees the Reptar Wagon in his telescope. The wagon floats with the current in the river) AAAH! THE DRAGON! I JUST SAW IT! I SAW IT!
      Ranger Margaret: Where? Where? (looks through the telescope, but the wagon is nowhere to be seen) Here? Where?
    • Later when the adults arrive at the ranger station and discuss the situation, the male ranger is too delirious and hysterical to be of any use.
      Ranger Frank: I know you rookies can get excited and lose your heads, but veterans like me know the key is to remain calm, cool and collected.
      (the adults enter; panicking; Frank falls from his chair)
      Didi: Please! Our kids are lost in the storm! You've got to help us!
      Ranger Frank: There's dragons out there! I'm a park ranger, not a knight of the round table! GO FIND SOMEONE WITH A LANCE!
      Ranger Margaret: Never mind him. Come with me.
      (Margaret leaves with the adults, leaving Frank alone, whimpering and sobbing hysterically)
      Ranger Frank: W-what are you-come here...I-I got the dragon...
      (Margaret shakes her head at Frank as she closes the door behind her)
    • At the end of the movie, before the Indiana Jones epilogue closes out the movie's Book Ends, Margaret is seen pulling the Reptar Wagon—the thing that she and Frank each thought was the Dragon—away from the scene.
  • When Angelica gets on the Reptar Wagon and as they approach a bridge
    Angelica: After all I've done for you babies, you were gonna leave me and Cynthia—[wagon's wheel hits missing board on bridge, catapulting Angelica into the air] BEH-I-I-I-INNND!
    Phil: I didn't know she could fly.
    Lil: I think it's 'cause she's a witch.
  • A moment afterward, Stu accidently crashes his Dactar glider into Rex Pester's helicopter, while he was filming over the forest and gets his and the chopper pilots control throttles tangled. Rex kicks Stu out of the helicopter—but Stu accidentally rips out the chopper's throttle in the process, causing it to crash-land into the forest below.
  • The scene after the credits... just...the scene after the credits.
