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Funny / LISA

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"Joined you after a destiny deciding bowel movement."
While LISA is a dark game, it's also downright hilarious a good portion of the time, to the point that it's arguably one of the funniest Role-Playing Games out there.
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    LISA The First 

    LISA: The Painful RPG 
  • Brad falling flat on his face is utterly hilarious pretty much every time it happens. The fact it can potentially happen even during the extremely dark endgame is the icing on the cake.
  • Nern is set up to be an Exposition Fairy... except he usually ends up rambling on about his ugly wife or some other stupid shit instead. Hilariously, the only time he starts asking questions about the setting, he declares it to be boring and starts rambling about his visit to the doctor.
  • Terry Hintz means well, but is ultimately a hilariously ineffectual companion at first. His regular attack just has him tripping and brushing his head against an enemy. Bonus points if it ends up being the finishing blow.
    • His special moves in general. His knuckle drop is considered ineffectual (though they deal decent damage). Each upgrade talks about how it will never not not be an effectual maneuver.
    • His Hot Dance and Hottest Dance descriptions. Even the game can't explain why he's dishing out so much damage with those moves.
    What is this? This POWER?!
  • There's a guy in the Fishman Village dressed as a fishman. If you talk to him, he tries to make fish noises before telling Brad that the fish people understand him. He then shows up in the jury in the following court scene.
  • Harvey's introductory/recruitment scene is fucking HYSTERICAL from start to finish. The entire scene consists of the jury spouting pure gibberish, while Harvey himself gives Brad the least helpful advice possible and says things to the judge that Brad himself never once says. Your only dialogue choices are sheer confusion at whatever the fuck is going on, begging to leave, or essentially just resigning yourself to the insanity with simple "Yes" and "No" answers. The icing on the cake is that Harvey himself agrees that the whole thing sucks, and wants to leave afterwards... before promptly saying that he was on a roll. To say the whole scene is pure comedy gold is a MASSIVE Understatement.
    Harvey: My CLIENT... says he wants to touch your wife, your honor.
    Judge: (confused sounding noise)
    Harvey: Yup. Right in the gills.
    (jury goes bat-shit)
  • The item description for Diet Cocola Cola is... something else.
    If you throw this can at someone it won't hurt, it's a soft drink! Recovers 200 SP.
  • The bulldozer driver's hilariously dismal backstory, in which he repeatedly ruins his life by trying (and failing) to drive a bulldozer. It Crosses the Line Twice, and then some.
    • The fact that the driver makes a Curly-esque sound as he begins running from Brad only adds to the hilarity.
  • One area is populated by people who pray to their god for sustenance every day. After a lot of build-up, it turns out that their god is a drive-thru speaker, and their prayers sound like somebody placing an order at a restaurant. It's quite hard not to laugh at the sheer absurdity of it. Unfortunately, the revelation of who the person on the other end of the speaker is significantly reduces the humor of the whole thing.
  • In the crossroad between Area 1 and 2, there is a blonde man who melodramatically narrates his demise until his last breath, calling out to the only witness (a random man with sunglasses) to remember him. The name of this guy? Lukas. The witness' apathy seals it.
  • When you pass through a Rando camp, you are stopped by four soldiers. Upon turning back and talking to them, they will ask what your business is here. You can either say that you're looking for someone, just passing through... or just say "Fuck you" to the group. The latter will cause all of them, even the calm Mystic Pete, to attack you at once.
  • How Rando's introduced is a combination of badass, Oh, Crap!, and funny, as Brad just smashes his motorcycle into him with no seemingly lasting effect, besides an apology for destroying the bike.
  • In Area 2, there is a sign that points out that there is something very important at the top. As you climb, epic music is played (think Snake Eater's ladder climbing sequence). Only to find a giant middle finger statue. You'll probably go from shaking your head in annoyance to just laughing your ass off.
    • Attempting to commit suicide at the top has the game nonchalantly declaring to you "nah, you don't want to do that. Just climb down", forcing you to climb all the way back down. By that point, you'll most likely be bursting out laughing at the game's masterful trolling.
  • Percy Monsoon's introduction is absolute gold; never has an imminent Ass Shove looked so uncomfortable, yet so goofy. There's a reason it's the page image.
    • In the art book, every character has a description which elaborates more on their character. Percy's description? "Who cares."
  • In some areas, the background music sounds like it's coming from a trombone. If you were to ascend in the higher parts of Area 1, you can find the man who has been playing that. He stops playing the moment he enters the screen and gives you an awkward look. Turns out that it's Dr. Yado, and there's a reason why he's playing that trombone.
  • Each of the Salvation Rangers calls out a very silly Spoof Aesop the first time you meet them:
    Red: Do your best to drink water and eat your veggies!
    Blue: Keep your chin down, and eyes up around bullies!
    Yellow: Always listen to Dad, even when he's been drinking!
    Green: Don't pay for drugs, let your friends do that!
    Black: No race jokes, please! *followed by a chimpanzee screech in the original version of the game*
    • The entire encounter with Demon X is downright hilarious, but the crowner has to be Demon X getting anticlimactically stuck in a door.
  • A henchman of the Russian Roulette host tells you some... REALLY bad puns, if you happen to speak to them.
    "Broken pencils are pointless."
  • The surnames of Nern's old neighbors are all puns based on tableware. Tom "Fork-knife", Karen "Plate-burger" and Dale Spooner. It's pretty amusing.
    • Which makes sense since according to Word of God, Nern is a reference to a kung-fu flick called Fight Among the Supers (1984). The main characters are gods of tableware.
  • Columbo's introduction, where he rides in on top of a deer, trying (and failing miserably) to look badass.
    "Howdy, mother fucker."
  • Some of the reasons for people wanting to attack Brad can be stupid to the point of hilarity. The members of the Men's Hair Club, for example, are kind to Brad at first... only to realize he's bald. One of them then shouts at you for being a "dandy fuck", their hair combines to form a giant middle finger, and then becomes sentient enough to attack you. It's as odd, yet funny as it sounds.
    • One other character attempts to ambush you prior to entering a cave. Turns out he's wearing two eye patches.
    • One very memorable ambush is a blonde guy ("Scott Lawson, Master of Surprise!") coming in to kick Brad in the crotch before running. Catching up to him will initiate a battle where Brad immediately performs a surprise attack, that hits him so hard, he clinches onto his crotch for eternity. When you examine him, Brad has this to say:
    "He's dead on the inside."
    • Iori Stevens, a Kickstarter enemy found in Skull Town, will attack Brad because you interrupted his intense wall-staring.
  • Widdly 2 Diddly: A strange man who has a disco ball for a head and dancing like he is on every drug imaginable with music as equally chaotic to match. He commits suicide shortly after the segment you meet him in and is even mentioned in the Joyful, revealing he has his own set of followers mourning his passing.
  • Go to Garbage Island and sign on for a cart race. You expect some Mario Kart action? Nope. You're in a shopping cart, rocking back and forth (via Button Mashing) to move it forward, like a hyperactive kid at a store... while no music plays, or anything. The sheer Mood Whiplash is just amazing.
  • Somehow managing to lose to Trips Breezer (the Rando Army guy who doesn't want to fight you and will never attack, instead wasting his turns crying and stalling) will have him say this before you get a game over:
    "I don't know how you lost to me holy shit."
  • Hawk Hollywood, an insufferable narcissist who makes a flashy entrance (literally) complete with a fluttery Leitmotif. Regardless of how the player responds (agreeing with or insulting him), Hawk takes it as an insult and attacks. After being defeated, a roughed-up Hawk slowly frolics his way off-screen accompanied by the aforementioned melody. The entire scenario is absolute gold.
  • When you're exploring Holly Wood, you find a guy sitting on a seesaw who won't budge. The solution? Jump on the seesaw to catapult him through a nearby window. If you talk to him once he goes through the window:
    You've made hell become my reality.
    Not cool. *pulls out SMG* Butthead. *Battle"
  • The side-quest required to recruit Queen Roger is just wrong, yet amazingly funny in oh so many ways. It involves having Brad cross-dress, complete with lipstick on. You then have to seduce a handful of men, which plays out like a normal battle, except you use abilities consisting of talking dirty, scratching, or biting. Even their defeat animations consist of them sprouting out hearts, with a sped up version of Gotta Die Sometime playing.
    • Some of your clients just outright LEAVE when they find out that Brad will be servicing them, which is very hard not to laugh at.
  • The flashback to Rick's horrible family life.
    I'm going to watch TV.
  • The campfire scenes added in the Definitive Edition DEFINITELY have plenty of humor to go around:
    • Clint's scene starts with him flexing in front of Brad, explaining why he's the most handsome man alive. He even gives one of his secrets, namely, that the tanning oil mixes in with his blood thanks to his flexes. Then, Peter Smoovenote  barges in, and calls Clint a moron, accusing him of wearing a blond wig to hide that fact, then running off to spread rumors about it. Clint’s reaction, and subsequent realization, says it all.
    • Rage, Sonny, and Shocklord all discuss pro wrestling, with Sonny remarking that EWC would go belly up without a good Heel like him. Rage instead remarks that they’ve got a good enough roster with Brad to make their own wrestling federation, claiming they could even convince Brad to cut off an arm for a sell job. Shocklord instead thinks that they could do charity events, remarking that everyone knows it’s fake anyways. This... pisses off Sonny, claiming that his gimmick of being a schizophrenic was real like wrestling. Gary the Hot Soup, of all people, joins in with a "Fuck you, Shocklord!" chant before him, Sonny, and Rage all dogpile on Shocklord. The sheer chaos and absurdity of it all makes it amongst the funniest campfire scenes in the entire game.
    • The rave scene involving Carp, Dickson and Bo is so ridiculous and unexpected from CARP, of all people, that it's hard not to burst out laughing.
    • Nern's campfire scene is so unnecessarily long that it's funny as fuck.
    Nern: Honestly, NONE of this makes any sense.
  • While Brad's Nightmare, the secret sequence added in Definitive Edition, is terrifying all around, there is some levity in the fact that you can still fight Cheese Legs, which is Mood Whiplash at its finest.

    LISA: The Joyful 
  • It's possible to die in roughly three seconds from the moment you take control by walking off a cliff. In a flashback sequence.
  • On the path to Lardy Hernandez has Gary the Hot Soup appearing completely out of nowhere, stopping an oncoming truck with his bare hands, and then you fight him. His theme music? "666 Kill Chop Deluxe", a crunkcore song that samples the Mongolian folk song "Hoojiimaa" and MLG airhorns. It's as awesome as it is hilariously unexpected.
  • Larry Stintz, who can help you activate the Easy Mode. The game repeatedly mocks you the whole way and just ends when you beat the second boss, including a disdainful thumbs-up statue replacing the "Brad" scarecrow.
    • When you enter the area with him? It plays a much slower version of "666 Kill Chop Deluxe". When you fight the first boss? A much faster version of it plays!
    • A rather amusing tidbit during this segment is the so-called "REAL weapon" that Larry gives you if you opt in, which is... a foam stick, which raises your ATK and S.ATK stats to absurd levels.
    The strongest weapon a warrior could ever want. *wink*
    • It's made even more humorous by the fact that Dingaling added this faux Easy Mode in response to a Steam user who was so unbelievably bad at the combat that he went on a tirade on the Game's community forum.
  • Vega Van Dam's Bishie Sparkles. So annoying, even his henchmen rudely tell him to stop it.
  • The rope climb appears again. But it's actually averted as you get a few free bottles, and a heartfelt message from Austin Jorgensen telling you about how he's thankful that you're playing his games, and offers you a reward for your care at the next screen. Yep, it's another middle finger statue. Like last time, the game refuses to let you kill yourself.
  • Terry Hintz' kingdom may be a massive Tear Jerker, but there is something amusing about finding a mask that looks like Terry's face.
