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Funny / Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory

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  • The Running Gag of Keisuke not being quite smart enough to understand what some people are talking about, punctuated with a simple "???" and a confused look.
  • As your relationships with the other Hudie members grows, it becomes very clear that your character enjoys teasing and gently trolling his new friends in the hacker group and it never gets old watching them react to this.
  • Jimmy Ken returns. He yells 'Yahoo' and extends the last syllable for four entire text boxes. This leaves Keisuke utterly floored and bewildered at the deranged rock star. The entire scene just reeks of the sensation of somebody who accidentally wandered into a cult meeting and just trying to go along with it.
  • Arata, in a conversation where he hasn't told you his name, attempts to ask if you've heard of the legendary leader of Jude, who is definitely not him. He also keeps trying to bring up how cool Jude was, while trying to claim that he wasn't part of Jude.
  • Kyoko carries on the Cyber Sleuth tradition of confusing Keisuke into oblivion. She shows up, starts rambling about poses in photography, drags you across the street and talks about spirits possessing items before handing you a plushie and walking away, demanding you repeat an extremely complicated phrase to her from a distance, stating that she's a member of the Pythagorean school of thought, and then walking away. Keisuke is very very confused by this encounter. note 
  • One case sends Keisuke after a group using some kind of hypnosis. It ends up being used on Fei, who naturally begins dreaming about Yuugo.
  • After fighting a bunch of hackers, both Erika and Chitose state that Ryuji looks really laidback. Keisuke looks at Ryuji, whose face has not changed once during the entire conversation.
  • In an attempt to break into the Avalon Server, Chitose claims that he's going to win the heart of a very important person... Yuuko Kamishiro. He then vastly overestimates how easy it will be to win her over, thinking that her personality is that of a peppy and ditzy teenage girl. He then goes on a long rant about picking up girls, which eventually confuses Keisuke into accepting the plan. What follows is a trainwreck.
    Chitose: Go around Shibuya and pick up cute chicks... And get WREEEECKED!
    • It's best to mention that Keisuke bounces between looking totally disgusted at Chitose and completely confused by Chitose during this scene.
    • Keisuke ends up getting a date with Yuuko by pure accident, as she gives a speech about how much she loves rice omelette, and how he needs to embed the taste into his soul. He ends up eating so much he throws up on Chitose. Keisuke then gives an equally long speech about the trauma of eating said omelette and an extra parfait.
  • Early on in the game Ryuji will tell you to wait for him in Erika's room. Entering it will cause Erika to start beating the player over the head with her plushie/keyboard animal.
    • The funny factor goes up if you don't press any buttons once she starts hitting you. Erika will keep pummeling you nonstop.
  • One case has you trying to find Mr Navit in the real world. It's a person in a Mr Navit mascot outfit. Keisuke is so dumbfounded that during the introduction for it, he can do nothing but shout about what it's doing, even as it chases after him.
    • A follow-up case has Mr Navit standing totally still and silent, and then whispers into Keisuke's ear that if he digs any deeper into the Mr Navit case, he's dead.
    • Another follow-up has Kenji of the Indonen Occult Club hiring Kensuke to track down Mr. Navit again. This Mr. Navit deliberately screws with Kensuke before fleeing to the Nakano Underpass, where the two find a discarded helmet with perfume. It’s heavily implied that this Mr. Navit was actually Rie Kishibe herself, which can make it even funnier or worse, depending on your point of view.
  • The Reveal that the books Yuuko used to learn about friendship came from Keisuke, who borrowed them from the other members of Hudie. It ends with Keisuke unsure of whether he should have helped her or not.
    • Ryuji offers up "Gangster Girls" and "Eternal Rivals", which he thinks are legitimately good. Yuuko tries to copy friendship from them, and starts yelling like she's a delinquent from an action manga!
    • Chitose, on the other hand, offers up "How to Hook Up with Young Hotties" and "101 Ways to Find the Perfect Lady", and yes, they are exactly what they sound like. This results in Yuuko, of all characters, using a pickup line.
    • Then there's Erika, who offers up "An Unexpected Love Story" and "The Student Body President And Me". She describes them as being formulaic love stories, and don't get her wrong, she definitely isn't interested in them at all. This results in Yuuko spouting off Tsundere lines, of all things.
    • Lastly, Keisuke remembers that he has a book from his friend Yu, a young adult sci-fi novel called "The Heart Of an Expressionless Android Dream". Yuuko describes it as a very realistic book.
  • There are a lot of hacker gangs in this game. One of them is the Masked Maid gang, and they're a bunch of maids wearing Jason Vorhees masks, which is hilarious just as a concept.
  • One of the memories you can find is called the Sleuth Memory, recorded specifically by Aiba. It's a record about how atrocious Kyoko's coffee is. Aiba specifically states that the coffee room is called "The Lab" and that coffee is transformed into horrors. The file mentions Kyoko adding tuna to coffee, because it's rich in vitamins, and that she'll be adding blended fish eyeballs, bananas and tapioca to the mix.
    Aiba: I am recording my last moments. I hear her calling me. My time has come. By the time you read this, I may be no more. I just want someone, anyone, to read this one day.
  • Chitose, a former member of Jude with an Anklyomon, somehow manages to get kidnapped... By Nokia. Nokia goes on a long ramble about how you should melt in the face of her hotness like ice cream before arguing about how much Chitose is worth as a hostage. She bets about 5000 yen (about $50 USD). Total.
  • The password to Rie's hidden room this time is Rie*total_goddess. Nobody takes this discovery well.
    Erika: ... I think I hate her even more than before.
    • One item Keisuke can find in the room is Rie's bra. Erika is so disgusted by him that Wormmon claims her brain is starting to overload from contempt.
    • This is a Call-Back to the first game, in which Aiba found Rie's panties.
  • Midway through the game, you will head to confront Rie on the roof of the Met Building. Rie tries to play on Erika's fears of not being the 'real' Erika as many of her memories are digitized and reside in EDEN online. Erika's response is to walk forward and smack Rie to teach her what real pain is. This leads to an all out slap fight between the two, which eventually escalates to grapples and suplexes, which the player character and Detective Matayoshi can only watch in bemusement. Also doubles as a Moment of Awesome for Erika.
  • Lily from the Inoden occult club shows up outside of her maid uniform... And it turns out that her hair is just naturally shaped like a cat. Must make it easy to get ready for work...
  • When Erika and Keisuke meet Suedou in the Power Plant server, Wormmon calls him a mad scientist. Suedou is very offended by this.
    Wormmon: Yikes... He's kinda scary... Like a "mad scientist", right?
    Suedou: People call me that, but I don't appreciate it.
  • At one point the tension between Yuuko and Fei gets so high that even Keisuke, shown to not be the brightest guy around, notices and asks what their relationship is. Yuuko asks what their relationship is. One of the options is to say that they look like lovers, which Fei rapidly denies despite sounding almost as happy as Nokia.
  • Near the end of the game, Keisuke, Ryuji and Chitose declare that they're going to save Erika and EDEN, complete with a pose and dramatic music. Wormmon immediately shuts the music off by asking if they're done with their movie cliches yet. And then the music turns back on as Wormmon joins in.
  • After the somewhat depressing news that Erika as everybody knew her is now dead and Hudiemon has replaced her, she starts wondering where exactly Keisuke is, as she can't see him. This is because she's standing on his head and didn't notice.
  • The mission “Believing in God” revolves around a cult of prosperity relating to a Dragon God. After Matayoshi gives you a hint about the church, Keisuke meets the leaders... who are just an old man and Goldramon. Keisuke calls out the old man for scamming people, but just as the old man is about to defend himself, Goldramon swats him away. Then, in an absolute deadpan tone, apologizes for the dumbest thing possible: being corrupted by an old man selling tap water.
    Goldramon: It was wrong of me to turn a blind eye while he sold tap water for outrageous prices.
  • The last Domination Battle before the Very Definitely Final Dungeon has a gem where Keisuke asks Wormmon to talk like Erika so that Ryuji calms down. This happens.
    Wormmon as Erika: “Ryuji!”
    Ryuji: ...
    Wormmon as Erika: “Hang in there!”
    Ryuji: Okay! *flees*
  • Checking the shelves in the Hudie store will turn up several Fictional Counterpart mangas, including the recent shonen manga One Fleece, about a boy aiming to become king of the shepherds.
  • While looking for info on Mephisto, Hudie seek answers from the Steam Dealers hacker group. They all wear gas masks and make heavy breathing noises while they talk. When your character points it out, the leader breaks into a fake coughing fit having inhaled some "polluted air" which is NOT in homage to his favorite movie.
    • You also have the option to ask the leader a question, imitating the "breathing" noises. Doing so will impress the leader and he'll say you have potential.
  • Chitose gets info out of the Steam Dealers by claiming your character can become a dangerous and violent animal at the drop of a hat.
    Chitose: Just the other day some punk from another team got up in his grill and he (beep)ed his (beep) right in the (beep)... with a dose of (beep) for funsies! He's mad, I tell ya!
    Steam Dealer Leader: He, he (beeped) his (beep)?! And even his (beep)?!
    • Made even more hilarious since one of the beeps goes on for a solid ten seconds. One can only wonder what Chitose was saying.
    • The fact the censored text is actually beeped out in the voice clips at all adds to the hilarity.
  • The intro cutscene to Chapter 7 manages to sneak in references to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air by saying Tokyo is getting "flipped, turned upside-down" by the Digital Waves, and South Park by using the phrase "super cereal". What do you mean, Digimon is for kids?
  • There is a moment where when meeting up with Arata at Shijinku, Keisuke makes a comment that prompts Erika to hit him. Having been struck before, Keisuke manages to dodge in time, but another comment gets him hit anyway and sent flying off screen.
  • Chitose's fast and quick rant towards Ryuji after he and Arcadiamon ultimate are defeated and Chitose does not hold back. First he starts by throwing Wormmon at Ryuji and proceeds to list out the entire shopping list of Ryuji's actions and faults, including: Constantly feeling sorry for himsef, potentially ruining the reputation of Hudie, destroying the internet cafe and adds in how much it would cost for repairs, how much of a jerk he's been to Erika and the fact Yuri had quit over this before finishing off with a long yell. It's quite a quirky moment before it goes right back to bad again.
    • Here’s the full version:
    Chitose: DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH TROUBLE YOU HAVE CAUSED FOR HOW MANY PEOPLE!? (Yeets Wormmon to Ryuji’s head) Running amok in EDEN and then Tokyo?! What were you thinking?! You idiot! Hackers are outlaws, but surely they have limits! And attacking Zaxon?! How do you expect us to deal with Hudie now?! In hacking, reputation is everything! Don’t you understand that?! You had an Internet cafe to run! What did you expect to gain by destroying everything?! And how much will the repairs cost?! Damage caused by a Digimon?! Do you expect the insurance company to accept that?! And because of you, the waitress I like has lost her job! And as for using Digimon in Tokyo! Come on! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHH!
  • One early mission involves you checking a venue to make sure the rumoured ghosts don't exist. You find a Bakemon being encouraged to scare humans by a Dracmon, and it's very clear that the Dracmon is the 'brains' of this outfit. Which makes Bakemon's lines of "Have you come to let me eat you too?" when you show up and his reply of "I can if you want me to" (when asked if he really doesn't eat souls) somewhat hilarious.
  • Through the game, you get requests from Fei in the form of sidequests where you have to beat another hacker team, and you have to take a partner with you. After beating the opposing team, you get a cutscene with your partner of choice in a way reminiscent of a Dating Sim, up to and including having the option to promise to go to some place together, then reacting with hearts popping up and giving you an item. Seeing the likes of Erika or Yuuko seemingly develop an attraction to the player character can elicit a good laugh.
  • In a Chapter 13 side-mission where you have to find someone that is posing as the tenth child avatar in a group of nine in EDEN, you can accuse Wormmon in a style quite reminiscent Ace Attorney, including Giving Someone the Pointer Finger (with a sound effect), and Wormmon panicking. And then Erika punches you off-screen.
