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Funny / Cross Ange: The Knight of Hilda

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As is the case with all pages detailing Funny Moments, Spoilers Off So Beware!
Some people don't know how to keep their mouths shut in times like this.

Chapter 2

  • Rio takes Hilda to a cabin codenamed Lovers Retreat. After he carried Hilda inside, he put her on the bed and joked that she was heavy. As Rio treated Hilda's injuries, he found her shivering and realized he'd have to remove her clothes, knowing that if she woke up it would not end well for him.
  • Hilda believes Rio is a pervert and assumes that he placed cameras everywhere in the cabin to watch her, so she plays along.
  • Rio jokes with Hilda to try and make her lighten up.
    Rio: Look, I know none of this is what you were hoping for when you escaped. But for what it's worth I'm disappointed as well.
    Hilda: Oh yeah? How?
    Rio: Well, here I am alone in the woods with a beautiful girl. And not once has she tearfully thrown herself into my arms and thanked me for saving her while pledging her undying love for me.
    Hilda: You're a dork.
    Rio: Heard it a million times.

Chapter 3

  • Rio told Hilda he got his name from his favorite anime show, Rio Starr Space Outlaw, much to her amusement.
  • Hilda tries to seduce Rio so she could knock him out, but he sees through her ploy. So instead, she knees him in the groin and then knocks him off with a fireplace poker.

Chapter 4

  • As Rio agrees to take her to the Misurugi, Hilda promises to sleep with him as payment for both his help and for kneeing him in the balls.
  • As they ride on his skyhook, Hilda asks Rio about men:
    Rio: Something wrong?
    Hilda: I was just wondering. Do all men...smell like you?
    Rio: Look, I'm sorry but when you're on the run sometimes you forget deodorant.
    Hilda: I didn't say it was bad, It's just…different from what I'm used to.

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

  • Rio's introduction to Ange:
    Ange: So, what's your story?
    Rio: Me? Why I'm just a dashing rogue who saw a fair maiden in distress and decided to come to the rescue.
  • Momoka mistakenly assumes that both Rio and Tusk are competing for Ange's hand, but Hilda says he is with her. She blushes furiously as she tries to backpedal.
    Momoka: I knew it! The way you risked your life to save her! What else could it be? Oh Lady Angelise, you have no idea how happy this makes me as your head maid! At long last, the flower of womanhood has bloomed in your boyish heart!
    Ange: Excuse me?
    Momoka: And to think! You have not one but two incredibly gallant gentlemen seeking your hand!
    Hilda: Now wait a minute! Rio's with me! I mean...he came with me! I mean...the only reason he was there was because I forced him to come along!
  • Tusk gets beat up by Ange after a comment about her crotch, causing the entire ship to rock with everyone on board.
  • Hilda assumes that Tusk is a male Norma since he doesn't have an M-Jammer. Hilda almost choked when Tusk told her about how he met Ange after her Para-mail washed up when Hilda sabotaged it.
  • When the Wild Pack team arrives at the beach, Tusk once again faceplants on Ange's crotch.
  • Spider tries to charm her, but Hilda grabs Spider's crotch and threatens to neuter him if he doesn't quit it.
  • After realizing Rio and Hilda have a mutual unrealized attraction, Kat grabs Rio and playfully smothers him in his chest to motivate Hilda out of jealousy.
  • Ange and Hilda return to Arzenal and agree that they know two very strange guys. Ange asks what Rio meant by asking Hilda to cook him breakfast again and Hilda tells her to mind her own business.

Chapter 8

  • While incarcerated with Ange, Hilda claims that she had faced 50 cops, and one of them managed to land a lucky shot. After that, she slept in muddy ditches, ate trash food, and then had to go save Ange. Hilda also claimed Rio is a creep and she just used him, to which Ange asks if that was why she got jealous when Momoka thought he was interested in her. Hilda tells her to shut up.
  • Ange was surprised when Hilda was disappointed Rio didn't try to sleep with her.
  • Salia was daydreaming about being saved and protected by Rio until she snapped out of it and became embarrassed in front of two people.
  • Jill told Ange and Hilda that a special investigator was coming, only it wasn't the one Inspector Bronson was expecting but was actually someone they knew. Hilda realized it was Rio who was coming.

Chapter 9

  • The first squad discussed a rumor that a man had come to Arzenal, and Rosalie swears Chris to protect her from a man; unless he's good-looking at which point, she might invite him to join them.
  • When Rio (disguised as Captain Joseph Algren) arrives at the cafeteria, everyone is shocked to encounter a man for the first time. As he passes by the first squad, Vivian says he's hot and the others cover her mouth before they could get in trouble.
  • When "Captain Algren" introduces himself to her and Ange, Hilda is embarrassed by Rio seeing her in such a filthy condition.

Chapter 10

  • Salia and the rest of Jill's inner circle are waiting for Rio to join their meeting and Maggie suggests the Inspector is "holding him up".
  • When Rio announces his presence, Jill points her gun, thinking he's a trespasser, and he jokes that as pissed off as she was about their initial meeting, that was a bit of an overreaction
  • As Rio introduces himself, Maggie begins to flirt with him until karate chops the back of her head and tells her to "put a leash on it".

Chapter 11

  • As they spent time inside the incarceration, Ange and Hilda ate a food loaf and didn't shower. Ange hopes that Rio did not pervert on Momoka, while Hilda laughs that he doesn't know the word pervertedness.
  • When it's Hilda's turn to be "interrogated" by "Captain Algren", she tells him not to look at her because of how she looked and smelled the day before. Rio counters that he once spent a whole night in a pig sty hiding from human authorities. Hilda was expecting him to say that the pigs smelled better than her.
  • Hilda acting jealous when asking Rio about his relationship with Kat.

Chapter 12

  • When Tanya and Irma visit Chris and Rosalie, they show a couple of photos of Rio (Captain Joseph Algren) as it becomes more popular than Perolina. Rosalie was thinking of getting a camera and taking some pictures to earn money. As they were having a conversation about seeing more of Rio appear, Chis got jealous as she thought Rosalie was interested in him.
  • When Ersha talks to Salia about Capt Algren appearing, she might know him from somewhere, but Saila rubs off, saying it is just her imagination. After she leaves, Salia writes her own Magical Girl fanfic with herself and Rio as the protagonists.
  • Emma realizes that she has fallen in love with Rio's Captain Joseph Algren persona and begins to have wild fantasies about him.
  • As they are taking a bath, Ersha comments on Hilda's lovely singing voice, but Vivian prefers Ange's singing.

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

  • Hilda believes Ange had ditched them to hide in the closet, but Ange explains that someone blindsided her.

Chapter 15

  • Vivian calls Rio "the most super badass guy" on Arzenal for singlehandedly taking on an enemy para-mail, to which Rosalie comments Rio is the ONLY guy on Arzenal.
  • Once Hilda knows that he's ok, she clobbers Rio with a bedpan. Then then bicker back and forth with each other, much to the bemusement of the other Norma:
    Maggie: What a show!
    Jasmine: Makes me wish I had brought some popcorn.
  • Chris and Rosalie are completely shocked and surprised when Vivian realizes Hilda has feelings for Rio. Hilda denies her relationship, claiming that she just owes him a favor.
  • Maggie flirts with Rio and gets him flustered while checking his wounds.
  • Having gained their admiration for saving them from a DRAGON attack, the school kids refer to Rio as "Mistress Rio", much to Rio's chagrin and Ersha's amusement.
  • When Pamela, Hikaru, and Olivier ask Rio to feel his arm, other Norma show up and start to feel him up as well just as Hilda arrives, gets jealous, and leaves.
  • Vivian whispers to Hilda that no one is guarding the way to the beach and suggests she and Rio could spend some quality time. In response, Hilda yells for her to leave.

Chapter 16

  • Vivian was spying on Rio and Hilda, expecting they would kiss each other, while Rosalie and Chris joined in.
  • As Rio explains everything about Libertus, Hilda is shocked and surprised after learning about Jill's identity and royal lineage.
  • As Vivian went back to her room, all of her lollipops were destroyed, and she was about to ask Maggie, but she went to bed instead.
  • The inspector went to find Captain Algren but ran into Vivian in her DRAGON form. Rio appeared and saved Emma who called him, her "prince."

Chapter 17

  • When Salia is taking Ange to the Aurora at gunpoint, Momoka chucks a cloud of something to her face, making her sneeze and giving Ange the chance to disarm her and allowing them to escape. When Ange asks Momoka what she did, Momoka explains she always carries some salt and pepper on her in case she needs to cook at a moment's notice, all while both of them are still sneezing as they talk.
  • Rhino's response to Lt. Muruta calling him a traitor to his own kind ("Yeah what else is new?") manages to be both amusing and badass.

Chapter 18

  • After some talk with each other, Rio proposes that Tusk helps him learn to fight without Mana, and in turn Rio will give him advice to deal with women. Rio concludes by saying he'll teach Tusk how not to plant his face in Ange's crotch.
  • Rio and Hillda watch as Ange attempt to make up with Tusk following their argument and when Tusk voices his disbelief that she's actually apologizing, they both facepalm in disbelief.

Chapter 19

  • Since There Is Only One Bed in their room, Tusk decides to be chivalrous to Ange and take the couch. Which immediately collapses as soon as he sits on it, much to Ange's amusement. It was apparently so loud that even Rio and Hilda could hear it from their own room when it happened.
