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Funny / Blake & Friends Play

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  • Near the tail end of the show's very first Let's Play of Ratchet & Clank (2002), Blake's response to finding out that all the employees at Gagetron had been turned into chickens is to erupt into laughter. It's quite contagious.
  • Part 1 of the Aura Kingdom Let's Play begins with Blake, Kaiser, Andy and Austin dancing hilariously. It only gets better in Part 2.
  • In part 4 of the Five Nights at Freddy's Let's Play, Blake spends too much time in the security cam looking for Freddy, which leads to this exchange:
    Blake: Oh, now I see Freddy's glowing, beady eyes.
    Chica: *Groans*
    Blake: Eh?!
    Chica: *Screams at Blake, killing him*
    Blake: NO! WHAT THE FUCK?!?
    Katie: Ahahahahaha!
    Blake: Goddammit!
    Katie: That's my baby!
    Blake: Your baby just KILLED ME!
    Katie: *Giggles to death*
  • Blake tries to introduce himself and his friends at the start of part 1 of the Borderlands Let's Play, but Kaiser keeps interrupting shooting him during said introductions.
  • Blake almost Rage Quit in part 2 of the Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Let's Play...because he couldn't grasp the concept of timed wall-jumping
  • The many, many deaths both Blake and Katie experienced during the Jak II: Renegade Let's Play. It got so bad that Katie Rage Quit thrice during the entire game.
  • After finally reaching 6am on Night 7 of Five Nights at Freddy's 2, Blake triumphantly grants himself the title of "Court Jester of Five Nights at Freddy's" (a reference to Markiplier's title as the franchise's King). This would be a Moment of Awesome...were it not for his wife, Katie, reminding him that he only beat the 7th night after disabling almost all of the electronics (i.e., reducing their A.I. Levels to 0, rendering them mostly harmless).
  • The final episode of the Borderlands 2 Let's Play starts with Kaiser singing "Happy Birthday to You!" at Blake, with some...changes to the lyrics:
    Kaiser, singing: You look like Michael Jackson, and you smell like him too!
    Blake: *Laughs*
    Kaiser: I was debating whether to say "And you smell like him too", or "And you smell like a Jew", but I decided to go with the old one.
    Blake: Aw, but that means I smell like a corpse!
    Kaiser: Yeah, it does, apparently.
    Blake: I'd rather smell like a corpse then smell like little boys.
    Kaiser: Oh, I thought you were gonna say you'd rather smell like a corpse than smell like a Jew, and I was gonna be like "Ay! That's not very nice!"
    Blake, chuckling: Says the German!
    Kaiser: I'm gonna ask a horrible question.
    Blake: What?
    Kaiser: Was Michael Jackson, by chance, cremated?
    Blake: I don't know.
    Kaiser: Because if he was, then wouldn't they smell the same?
    Blake: OH! OH NO!
    Kaiser: I'M SO SORRY!
    Kaiser: This isn't even Cards Against Humanity! That's tomorrow!
  • During one of the Japan missions of Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, Blake fucks up when trying to kill a guard, leading to this:
    Guard, upon noticing Agent 47: Baka! *Opens fire*
    Blake: Oh, shit! He called me a baka!
    Kaiser: Whoopty friggin doo, baka.
    Blake: Alright, stop being Tsundere.
    Blake: *Dies laughing while Kaiser continues to scream "NO!"*
  • Part 2 of the Pokemon Emerald Nuzlocke gives us Kaiser serenading the the tune of Frosty the Snowman:
    Kaiser, singing: Blake is a dumbass! He forgot to fucking save!
    Blake and Andy: *Burst into giggles*
    • Later on, during the same video, Blake's suggestion of naming their recently captured Slakoth, a sloth Pokemon, after Harambe the gorilla, is met with near-instant negativity, much to the joy of viewers who have gotten tired of that Forced Meme.
  • After 2 Doomed Timelines, part 4 of the Pokemon Emerald Nuzlocke gives us our first official death in the form of Freebird the Wingull. When Blake calls for the bagpipes to mourn the fallen, Kaiser chooses to imitate the sound of a dying yak instead, much to the amusement of everyone else.
  • Blake screaming like a little girl during his first encounter with the Scissorwalker in part 2 of his Night Cry Let's Play? Funny. Said screaming taking place while Andy is laughing maniacally? Downright hilarious.
  • During their Hiveswap Friendsim Let's Play, Blake learns that Andy is a masochist, due to how hard he wants them to pursue Ardata (and later Lynera), and attempts to kinkshame him over this fact. The funny part comes from the fact that Blake, of all people, is doing the kinkshaming.
