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Fanfic / With Great Power One Must Go Further Beyond

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Peter Parker awakens to a dangerous superpower that he hates and fears. It may be the only thing he hates more than himself.

With Great Power One Must Go Further Beyond is a Spider-Man alt-power fanfic by scriviner. It has Peter having to deal with being a mutant (whose power is basically All For One) and finding a home with the Morlocks.

It can also be read here and here.

  • Ability Mixing: Peter is capable of doing this with his powers.
    • The fragment of Mystique's shapeshifting in Rogue's Infinite Library is combined with Masque's Flesh Shaper to provide an easier personal change. Flesh Shaper is also used to keep Bone Garden under constant control.
    • Sensitivity boosts Flesh Shaper's clarity and Predator's range.
    • Stonewall, Speed Burst, Performance, Flesh Shaper, and Predator all synergize for incredible physical prowess.
    • Predator makes Unrelenting Tide's death radius/energy drain deploy faster.
    • Relentless Pressure and Stonewall give incredible defense.
    • Infinite Library, Predator, and All For One allow copies to be made and managed.
    • Motorist and Sensitivity can tell him how to use anything.
    • Crystal Palace, Infinite Library, Sensitivity, Shadow Theater, and Speed Burst allow for quick and accurate knowledge retention.
    • Dream Smoke, Crystal Palace, and Predator allow more connected memory manipulation.
    • Crystal Palace has to be used as buffer for Sea of Thoughts to not be overwhelmed.
    • Appetite for Power and Predator can feed off any energy without many limits.
  • Accidental Innuendo: Dumas does this when he says he's stealing Sage rather than just her memories.
  • Ambiguous Situation: Mrs. Penn being a Skrull Cow is a possibility due to her noted intelligence, though there is no proof one way or another.
  • Anti-Villain: Peter becomes a criminal in order to help provide for the Morlocks.
  • Asshole Victim: Masque in a nutshell once Peter and Callisto are through with him.
  • Awesomeness Is a Force: Peter can mimic this with assistance from his powers. Unrelenting tide provokes terror that Peter can then expertly manipulate. That, plus the lessons Sunder has given him on good posture give him quite the aura.
  • Bad with the Bone: After taking Bone Garden from Sarah, Dumas uses it to create knives, and most awesomely so far, a bone chain.
  • Blindfolded Trip: Shocker and Trapster's first visit to the Morlocks' underground. Made further discombobulating by a teleportation to their final destination.
  • Body Horror: A number of Morlocks possess this, whether due to natural causes of their mutation or due to Masque's meddling. Peter helps many of the Morlocks with these problems after stealing Masque's power.
  • Book Smart: Peter's smarts in this regard are casually acknowledged from the first chapter, with him finding high school boringly easy. As the story progresses he comes to apply those smarts to unconventional, non-bookish problems.
  • Bullying a Dragon: Many people assume they can take on or mess with Peter, not realizing how dangerous his powers truly are.
  • Casual Danger Dialogue: Dumas has a habit of flirting every time he interacts with Jewel, much to the latter's annoyance.
  • Casual High Drop: Peter immediately after he figures out his new combination of powers allows him to leap to and from the streets and tall buildings of New York without repercussions.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: Seen in mutants whose powers don't enhance them physically, but who are nonetheless able to train themselves to 'peak human' and pull off incredible feats.
  • Closest Thing We Got: Callisto is not a good leader by any stretch of the imagination, but she's better than anyone else the Morlocks could have. This changes after Peter joins.
  • Collector of the Strange: Crimson Commando, Super Saber, and Stonewall have quite the collection of taxidermied animal heads in their creepy bachelor cabin. As well as several dozen taxidermied human heads of criminals they hunted down in their basement.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Pierce has all his men programmed with cybernetics to keep them loyal and monitor their vitals in case someone takes them out.
  • Cruel Mercy: Peter has a knack for inflicting these on the worst people he comes across.
    • He makes Masque handsome, destroying his sense of identity.
    • After having killed Callisto, who gave every impression of being happy to die because it reaffirmed her beliefs in her dog-eat-dog philosophy, he revives her (using his powers to seal up her wounds and restart her heart) to spite her with his mercy.
    • He manipulates the memories of Crimson Commando, Super Saber, and Stonewall so that they will come to believe that their friends are actually Skrulls in disguise, since their friendships with one another were some of the last things they had.
    • Shaw loses his power, his reputation, his money, and his company by the time Dumas is through with him.
  • Deliberate Injury Gambit: Peter lets himself be stabbed during the fight to claim leadership for the Morlocks in order to get close enough to actually hit his opponent.
  • Do Not Call Me "Paul": Peter learns to his amusement that Wizard had his name legally changed to his chosen alias.
  • Dramatic Pause: Mystique when she yanks Peter's chain, creating confusion on whether she intends to give him her daughter or her daughter's powers.
  • Every Proper Lady Should Curtsy: Nimueh, whenever she has an excuse to.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: When in his villainous persona, or doling out threats, Dumas's voice goes down an octave without him consciously realizing.
  • Flying Brick: Jewel's powerset, which Peter described as 'applied kinetic vectors' that are 'slaved to her body's movements'.
  • Foreshadowing: When Jessica Jones is visiting Cindy Moon in her coma, there are signs of problems with the lights and electricity running across her hand unnoticed.
  • Fun with Acronyms: When Tessa says that they need a foundation or endowment so that the Morlocks can get more food and other supplies in a more legal way, Peter suggests the name "An Endowment for Livelihood, Occupation and Industry". Caliban quickly points out that it spells out "Eloi".
  • Gentleman Thief: Dumas's general aesthetic and attitude, which Peter describes internally as "aggressively polite".
  • Helmets Are Hardly Heroic: The heroes Peter have encountered so far don't have notable headgear, going instead for an open face look. In contrast, Dumas has a skull around his skull, and bone helmets are part of the uniform for Morlocks joining heists.
  • Hidden Depths: According to Word of God, Scott is catnip to telepaths has less to do with his mind being organized and more with the fact that underneath all of that very rigid and structured thinking is a RAGING VOLCANO OF SEETHING, UNBRIDLED PASSION that he is unfortunately too emotionally constipated, repressed and tightly wound to allow out, necessitating a relationship with a telepath to have even the remotest chance of getting to any of that. Telepaths get intrigued by it... and frankly, they're the only way it could be discovered, cause he tends not to let it out.
  • Immaturity Insult: Dumas insults the Human Torch this way. It hits home, arguably too well.
  • Indy Ploy: How Dumas's on screen heists tend to go after a certain point. But damn, does he make improv look good.
  • Insane Equals Violent: Callisto's craziness in a nutshell. Her insanity/delusions lead her to violent answers for problems that she encounters. And she's quite gifted at delivering violence, even without her powers.
  • I Shall Taunt You: Dumas does this to Donald Pierce to make him attack him in rage and keep him from shooting Sage.
  • It's Raining Men: Dumas does this to bypass Pierce's guards without alerting them while rescuing Sage.
  • Justified Criminal: Arguably most of the morlocks. It ain't easy, being a mutant. Especially when the discrimination is so intense that the government is seriously considering creating soulless terminator-bots to hunt down those of your kind.
  • Kleptomaniac Hero: Villain in Peter's case. He takes everything from a department store as well as a villain hideout.
  • Likes Clark Kent, Hates Superman: Jewel's current dynamic with Peter/Dumas. She had a crush on Peter in highschool, and is growing increasingly frustrated with his villainous alter ego's antics.
  • Logical Weakness: Pierce's cybernetic monitored men can still be neutralized with paralytics so long as it doesn't disrupt their other bodily functions.
  • Mask of Confidence: Both Peter himself and those around him note that he performs better as Dumas when he has the skull mask on.
  • Might Makes Right: Deconstructed. Peter sees that the Morlocks are in bad shape partially because their leadership is decided this way.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: Some of the food that the Morlocks eat comes from rat pigeon hybrids made by MeMe. He later starts mixing rats with chickens to get better tasting food.
  • Modesty Bedsheet: Implied. Tessa sleeps on a cot in Peter's office and seems to only have a bedsheet on her.
    The blanket she had on barely came up to just below her collarbone. Her bare feet stuck out of the bottom end of it. He wasn’t entirely certain if she was wearing anything underneath it. He eyed her suspiciously wondering if she were actually asleep or just pretending to be so, but either way, he wasn’t going to be checking on what she might, or might not have on underneath the blanket.
  • Multiple Identity IDs: Peter has taken up multiple identities that most people don't even know are connected.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: It's implied that Peter feels tremendous guilt over Cindy Moon ending up in a coma, and that he regularly visits her and leaves bouquets in her hospital room.
  • Navel-Deep Neckline: Tessa's new outfit after joining the Morlocks is a black suit, sans shirt, with only a coat kept closed with a single button maintaining her some form of modesty.
    She was dressed in an all black outfit that seemed almost meant to be a match for his usual suit, but cut closely to her frame. The coat only being kept shut by a single overworked button located roughly at the level of her navel. Like Caliban, she seemed to have eschewed wearing a shirt underneath the coat.
  • No Honor Among Thieves: Phineas leaks info on Peter's next job to Jewel while making sure it intersects with Shocker's job for him to make a larger profit while testing how good the former is.
    • This is largely why Peter is wary about doing the job for Mystique from what happened last time.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Sunder and Thundra were sent to fight and destroy a building as collateral damage for a job. Thor showed up and it was later called The Battle of The Three Thunders.
  • Overzealous Underling: The Morlocks on more than one occasion follow Dumas's orders or help him on a mission above and beyond his original intentions. After all, it's not 'taking everything' if something is left bolted down to the floor.
  • Power Misidentification: Thanks to his own power, Peter is able to analyze the powers that he comes into contact with. This allows him to see how these powers can be best utilized compared to how their original owners used them.
    • He realized that Destiny's powers work best when viewing a short time into the future. The farther she pushes her vision, the more inaccurate and vague it becomes. This is even revealed to be the reason she's blind in the first place.
  • Power Nullifier: Leech's mutant ability surrounds him in a no-power-zone he can't turn off.
  • Power Parasite: Peter can steal powers for himself and give them back after taking them, though he can't take abilities that are entirely biological. He hides this by pretending to rely on technology for his various abilities.
  • Prophecy Twist: Destiny's vision of Sage's corpse being found and Pierce escaping in a helicopter was actually a transformed Pierce's body and Peter disguised as Pierce escaping the base with Sage.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: Shocker, who explains his golden rule is to not make things personal.
  • Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: Peter is provoked into challenging Callisto for the leadership of the Morlocks after he sees that she's made Masque into her Sex Slave.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Peter's eyes glow a menacing red when using his Predator powers, serving as a frightening warning of danger for his opponents.
  • Reed Richards Is Useless: Lampshaded, subverted, and played straight. There is a significant amount of advanced techonology which is only used by their creators to perform villainy. Petruski/Trapster has his glue patented, however.
  • Shapeshifting Trickster: Mystique, who seems to delight in her deceit and flirtatious craftiness.
  • Shipper on Deck: A good portion of the Morlocks and Peter's newfound friends when it comes to Jewel and Dumas, because it's a great way of getting Peter's goat. Mostly jokingly, though some ship it more emphatically than others.
  • Shout-Out: Peter's look as Dumas is inspired by Elias Ainsworth.
    • Peter and Razorback end up battling a Sentinel fused to a truck similar to a Transformer.
  • Stronger Than They Look: Peter, at the beginning of the story, has superstrength. But doesn't look nearly as strong as most others who do as well. This slowly changes as the powers he amasses encourage his body to grow tall and strong, leading to a huge, late growth spurt.
  • Supernatural Gold Eyes: Mystique has them, and as with her blue skin, they are signs of her supernatural physical mutation.
  • Super-Senses: Peter has the ability to sense actions surrounding 'prey' and 'predators', to the point where he can tell whenever he's being predated upon, and can track 'prey' of his from at least dozens of miles away. After stealing Callisto's powers, he can also enhance his five senses and proprioception/balance.
  • Super-Strength: Probably the most common power shared amongst the Morlocks, with examples like Sunder, Hump, Brute, Thundra and so on.
  • These Hands Have Killed: Peter consciously kills for the first time in order to save Mystique's life.
  • Token Non-Human: Mrs. Penn, the Morlocks' resident intelligent cow. A lady of discernment and class, as well as an excellent listener.
  • Undying Loyalty: Peter inspires this, especially after he becomes the leader of the Morlocks.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: Peter has numerous powers but has little in the way of actual fighting experience. Thundra lampshades this after sparring with Peter.
  • Villain Cred: Dumas gradually builds this thanks to a string of successes, demonstrations of cunning and power, and a respectable attitude towards his fellow villains.
