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Fanfic / Choose Your Own Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc

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Makoto Naegi, an average guy who got into Hope's Peak Academy through sheer luck, is thrown into a deadly killing game in a shocking turn of events. However, YOU, the reader, will influence all of his choices. But be warned, this isn't exactly the Danganronpa that you know...
Author's Summary

Choose Your Own Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc is an Interactive Fiction taking place during the events of Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. Readers take control of Makoto Naegi as he tries to survive the Killing Game. However, things are not as it seems. With the added additions of Mukuro and Ryoko among the original roster of sixteen captives, Monokuma issuing Detentions to rulebreakers, and characters having differing pasts than their canon counterparts, it's not going to be easy for Makoto to get through. But that's where you come in! At the end of every chapter, there are decisions to be made. The decision with the most votes wins and Makoto will take that path.Will you send him down the correct path? Or the dreadfully wrong one?

Currently on Episode 4: Borrowed Blues: Both Old and New

NOTE: Unmarked SPOILERS up to Episode 1. Read at your own discretion.

Choose Your Own Danganronpa provides examples of:

  • Being Tortured Makes You Evil: Played With. While Detentions are so traumatic that they cause multiple personality changes, they don't, however, guaranteed to make them antagonistic towards the group. If anything, it just makes them double down on whatever weakness Monokuma exploited in the torture to begin with.
  • Bloodbath Villain Origin: Mukuro's start of darkness was being ordered to commit the Giboura Massacre. They get better though.
  • Clear Their Name: Makoto is forced to defend Mukuro Ikusaba in the Class Trial. Played with, as they killed Hiro in self-defense.
  • Cursed with Awesome: Sure, being the Ultimate Analyst is a downright useful talent, but it comes with a teeny bit of a downside: Mental instability.
  • Eating the Eye Candy: Makoto is guilty of this several times in regards to Mukuro's abs.
  • Eunuchs are Evil: A Justified Trope, as Yasuhiro tries killing Makoto specifically because of how he became an eunuch to begin with.
  • Fainting: As per canon, Toko passes out due to the sight of blood. Chihiro also passes out during Mukuro's Detention.
  • Forced to Watch: Why spread Despair if there is nobody around to watch? Typical for Makoto's luck, he gets dragged to various Detentions. Jin Kirigiri's execution is played for the cast, forcing them to witness his death.
  • Hates Baths: {{Inverted.}} Most of the cast seem to enjoy baths very much.
  • Healing Factor: It turns out that the Killing Game Participants were each given healing drugs that aged them back to be 18 years old, with the added benefit of advanced healing being a side-effect.
  • I Hate Past Me: Once Ryoko discovers that she was Junko Enoshima, she is absolutely disgusted. Ditto for Mukuro.
  • I Just Want to Be Beautiful: Hina's motivation for agreeing to switch bodies with Sonia. Played With in that Hina was already beautiful. Her self-esteem was just too low to recognize that.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Unsurprisingly, Ultimate Despair Teruteru Hanamura is this. It's also heavily implied that the rest of Ultimate Despair is this as well.
  • Inner Monologue: Makoto's thoughts are peppered throughout the story. During the POV Switch during Hiro's fortune telling, Sayaka's thoughts are relayed instead.
  • Instant Expert: After Ryoko trades bodies, she develops the ability to do this, being able to copy the talents of Sayaka, Byakuya and Nagito after facing extreme emotional distress.
  • Japanese Politeness: Averted. Most of the cast sling insults like it's nobody's business. Every time Makoto makes a decision, expect someone to insult him for it.
  • Lets Wait Awhile: Due to their circumstances, Makoto wants to hold off from sex until Koko's rules regarding favoritism is no longer in play, as he doesn't want to put her in danger. On top of that, Makoto doesn't want to define his relationships with his girlfriends on a purely sexual basis, wanting something more meaningful.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: Makoto is this to his harem, as most of them can't function without him.
  • Narcissist: Byakuya, as per canon. Ryoko also has shades of this when she copies the talent of the Ultimate CEO.
  • Nightmare Fuel Coloring Book: While Ryoko has temporarily regressed to a childlike personality, they draw a disturbing picture of the cast, with most of them altered to an almost unrecognizable degree. One of them is even hanging by a noose. Not to mention that Makoto notices a faded image of Junko Enoshima.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: Mondo, Hina and Leon are no slouches when it comes to athletic prowess, but they look downright pathetic against Nisshiki Madarai
  • Pain & Gain: Ryoko's talent-copying ability activates when she is in deep emotional distress.
  • Psychological Horror: While there can be physical punishments involved in Detentions, the Detentions themselves are mainly to inflict psychological damage upon their victims, which often causes them all to undergo a major personality changes as a result of their trauma.
  • Sage Love Interest: Makoto can always count on one of his romantic interests that help him immensely with his love life. Mukuro and Koko usually fill the roll.
  • Samurai: Peko Pekoyama fulfills this role.
  • Showing Off the New Body: After Ryoko trades bodies with the Brazilian sniper, one of the first things she asks is for Makoto to take her to a mirror.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: When Sayaka admits that her favor song is Makoto's heartbeats, everyone else has this reaction to them.
  • Silent Snarker: After losing her voice, Sayaka is a master at this.
  • Stepford Smiler: After his Detention, Taka displays shades of this until he finally snaps.
  • Summation Gathering: Typical in the series, Makoto gives a recap of what happened in this case.
  • Two-Teacher School: Monokuma is the only staff member at the school. Later, Hiroko and Nia join the staff as teachers, subverting this.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Makoto often times finds himself being placed in this role, only to become a Spanner in the Works by doing something completely different than what was expected of him, albeit unintentionally.
  • Wants to Be Hated: Aoi seems to get off on this, intentionally exacerbating their flaws so the others can hate them for it.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Members of Makoto's harem constantly have to be reminded of this due to their various insecurities. Doesn't help that most of them get "The Reason You Suck" Speech every other day or so.
