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Legends seldom die.

A Code Geass Mega Crossover in progress.

In the year 2000, the world was ravaged by Second Impact. But unlike certain other worlds where Second Impact occured, the this disaster not only destroyed most of the known world, but also unleashed an ancient energy known as "Magic" from a long dormant state.

While it contaminated much of the globe, twisting man and beast alike into unrecognizable forms, this "Magic" proved to be an abundant energy source. As a result technology improved in leaps and bounds within the following decade, and for a moment, it seemed like all of the conflict of Second Impact had been resolved.

Then, in the year 2012note  Lelouch happened.

This is the story of Lelouch Lamepero- Sorry, Lelouch Vi Brittania, how he was pulled from his own dimension to be recruited for a poorly-conceived bid for power, and ultimately how his presence changed the world... for both good and ill.

This work contains will contain examples of:

  • And Now for Someone Completely Different: Chapter 3 alternates between Lelouch and Kyon's perspectives, and neither of them even come close to interacting with each other. In fact, the two arn't even aware of each other untill much, much later.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Kallen becomes a demon after a Deal With Izinami for magical power. Subverted in that she finds the new form annoying more than anything, and even that isn't too much of a problem with the proper use of Illusion spells. Also subverted in that Izinami thought that was indeed the best way to grant Kallen's wish.
  • Become a Real Boy: Subverted. Of the members of iXIII, none of them are interested in gaining a Heart. Not even Xion (though as per Marie Sue's plan, she doesn't have much of a choice).
Marie Sue: I wanted to pick a name that represented the gap between myself and that of your pathetic species. Honestly, you humans have poor imaginations.
  • Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: A shade lighter than Code Geass.
  • Sequel Hook: Overlord Xenon's name is dropped a few times...
  • Tournament Arc: In the form of the M. Bison-sponsored "World Warriors" tournament, hosted by Tyrone King, and commentated by The Nostalgia Critic and Teddie. Yes, in all seriousness, that is the setup I'm going for. The only reason the main characters arn't knocked out in the preliminaries is beacuse Bison set up the whole thing as a trap so he could brainwash the greatest warriors on the planet into joining Shadaloo.
  • Shipping: Intentionally vague for Lelouch, but nudged in favor of Lelouch X Shirley. For everyone else though, the main couples are Euphie X Suzaku, Ed X Winry, Adachi X Izanami, and a hint of Kyon X Xion.
  • Smug Snake: You probably wouldn't belive me if I told you, so I'm going to wait untill I write the damn thing.
  • Translation Convention: Since the story takes place in Japan, Japanese dailogue is written in English, but English dialogue is written in brackets <Like this>.
  • The Magic Comes Back: An unforseen result of Second Impact. While the re-appearance of magic was hand-waved as the planet's insticntive reaction to an End-Of-The-World scenario, the real reason is that The reason for the "Contact Experiment" was to try an open the Gate of Dreams, which leads to Arcadia, the ancestral home of the Fey. SEELE's plan was to use the Gate fuse Earth with Arcadia, and allow Humanity to Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence just as the ancestors of the Fey had billions of years ago. While it turned out that it was impossible to fully open the Gate perminantly until the Guardians (I.E., the Angels) are destroyed, but partial opening caused a perminant spike in the world's magic level. Also, every world has it's own gate, and each world has Guardians tasked with protecting it, and Witches tasked with opening it furthur.
  • The Stoic: The virus that causes various characters' Unwilling Roboticisation is supposed to gradually turn the infectee into this. Thankfully, the story leans more towards Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism on this end.
  • What Could Have Been
    • Originally, Solid Snake and Ezio would been in the story, and have teamed up.
    • In the original outline, Kyon would have been a Nobody who erased his memories in an attempt to gain a Heart. Itsuki eventually Lampshades this by telling Kyon this story during a major Reveal, but then says he made that whole story up just to prove Kyon how good a liar he really is.
    • Akuma, Sho Minamimoto and Barry The Chopper would have joined the Black Knights, though they still get cameos in the final version.
    • Originially, C.C. would have unwillingly joined the SOS Brigade, but this plot thread was dropped beacuse there was no logical reason for C.C. to be anywhere near Haruhi's school at the time (not that a little thing like logic could stop her...).
  • Whole-Plot Reference: An ongoing sub-plot where Adachi must defeat Izinami's seven evil ex-boyfriends. Seeing that she's a god, these include the likes of Loki, Hades, Narylthotep, Ba'al, Tyrant Baal, and Izinagi. Most of these end in bizzare anti-climaxes and Deus ex Machinas.
  • You No Take Candle: Rivalz speaks extravagantly broken Japanese, but since almost the entire cast can speak English anyway that's not too much of a problem. Kamina, on the other hand, speaks poor English except when he's quoting action movies.

As of this writing, characters who will be playing major roles include:

  • Code Geass
    • Lelouch (duh)
    • Suzaku
    • Kallen
    • Shirley
    • Milly
    • Rivalz
    • Nina
    • Euphemia
    • Mao
    • Nunnally
    • Schneizel's Nobody
  • Fullmetal Alchemist
    • Edward Elric
    • Envy
    • Winry Rockbell
  • Haruhi Suzumiya
  • Kingdom Hearts
    • Xion
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion
    • Gendo Ikari (yes, that's right. It's an NGE crossover that doesn't have Shinji in a major role.)
  • Team Fortress 2
    • Perfectly Unified Retreval Platoon Lambada (A.K.A. PURPL The original mercinaries that were cloned by RED and BLU during their infamous fued.)
  • Persona 4
    • Adachi
    • Izanami
    • Igor
  • Original Character:
    • Cerebus Cerberus, a 10 year old Calvin Expy aspiring to be a supervillain. Whatever you do, DON'T SPELL HIS NAME WRONG.
    • Hope: I'm not going to tell you who this person is yet because you'd laugh at me. You really would. Thankfully, she's resigned to be more of a subplot than a major part of the story.
      • K.C.: Hope's sister. And despite the initals, not a "Witch".
    • R.R.: An immortal "Witch" that is an alternate-universe counterpart to Winry Rockbell. Or maybe not.
