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Continuity Cavalcade / Regular Show S4E1 "Exit 9B"

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The main premise of this episode it's about a lot of deceased villains from previous episodes coming back for revenge against the park crew.

On the park side, aside of the protagonists and recurrent characters like Death, Gary and the Guardians of Eternal Youth, we have:

And then there's the villains side with a lot of members, led by Garret Bobby Ferguson Jr., and includes:

Also, there are other references to previous episodes:

  • At the beginning, Mordecai and Rigby use a time machine to escape from GBF Jr., similar to the time machine from Bad Kiss.
  • When Skips is attacking Mordecai and Rigby, the latter tells to Skips that they know why he has that name, since he tell them in Diary.
  • When the park crew members recover their memories, a few flashbacks from previous episodes triggers on their minds.
