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Completely Different Title / Danish

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    Films — Animation 

    Films — Live-Action 

  • The original Swedish title of Simona Ahrnstedt's debut novel, Överenskommelser, can be translated into "Agreements" or "Understandings". But the Danish title, "Aegtepagten", can be translated as "The marriage pact". Which is rather close to being a literal translation, actually.
  • Happened quite often to early Stephen King books and their subsequent movie adaptations.
    • The Shining was translated to "Ondskabens hotel" which translates to "Hotel of Evil".
    • 'Salem's Lot became "De Dødes By" which translates to "City of the Dead".
    • It became "Det Onde" which translates to "The Evil". Notably It(2017) kept its original English title while the 1990 adaptation did not.

    Live-Action TV 
  • Fawlty Towers was released in Denmark under the title "Halløj på badehotellet", roughly "Hello, Seaside Hotel".

    Western Animation 
