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Characters / Warcraft The Horde Voldunai

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A character subpage for the Warcraft universe, including World of Warcraft. For the main character page, see here. For the Horde character page, see here.

"Clever and resourceful, the Vulpera of Vol’dun have survived amidst the sands for generations. Eager to join the ranks of the Horde, their caravans have departed from the dunes in search of adventure. The serpentine sethrak have taken to subjugating anyone they can as slaves, and the Vulpera are an easy target for their machinations. If you’ve taken steps to liberate the Vulpera from these overseers, they’ll join the Horde on the battlefield."
— Allied Race preview

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    General Tropes 
  • Cosmetic Award: The Heritage transmogrification armor is unlockable for any Vulpera character that's been levelled up to 50 through normal grinding (110 prior to the Shadowlands level squish).
  • Cunning Like a Fox: Of course. Since they have to survive in a very tough climate, all Vulpera are very adept at using whatever they have on-hand to survive.
  • Fantasy Counterpart Culture: Seem to be one for the Bedouin, being desert-dwelling nomads.
  • Fox Folk: Based on Fennec foxes, notably, complete with tiny stature and giant ears.
  • Horse of a Different Color: Their racial mount is a hyena. They're associated to alpacas too, but those are much more difficult to obtain.
  • Improvisational Ingenuity: The Vulpera are big on the limited resources kind of this trope, as there’s not much in Vol’dun that’ll readily help them survive. Things that can’t serve a dual purpose are left behind or destroyed. This has actually worked its’ way into being part of their racial ability as their “Bag Of Tricks” change properties depending on the adventurers’ dungeon history.
  • I Owe You My Life: Their main reason for joining forces with The Horde, after Adventurers aid them in their battle against the Sethrak.
  • Promoted to Playable: The race became playable with Patch 8.3, the final patch of Battle for Azeroth.
  • Little People: Being based on Fennecs, Vulpera are about the same size as Gnomes and Goblins.
  • Protectorate:
    • Vol'dun is basically this to the Zandalar Empire, with many world quests in the area given by Princess Talanji to protect the local Vulpera.
    • The Vulpera themselves sort of seek this from the Horde. Encountering the Horde has awakened them to the idea that there's so much outside of Vol'dun to explore. But as Kiro points out, they basically have only one real warrior to defend them, Nisha. Thus they petition Baine for joining the Horde for protection with the added opportunity to explore the world.
  • Proud Merchant Race: Downplayed, the Vulpera scavenge and trade with pretty much everybody to survive in Vol’dun, it’s a necessary way of life for them and they’ve done it for countless generations. So when they get an opportunity to make a buck, they readily take it, such as hauling war supplies for the Horde during faction assaults in Vol’dun. When the Alliance work to disrupt this, the Vulpera aren’t happy.
  • Slave Liberation: Numerous Vulpera has been enslaved by the Faithless, naturally, the Voldunai are not too keen on that, and seeks to free their kin. Kiro leads teams into the Faithless slave markets and frees the most vulnerable ones, Nisha stirs up trouble in the camp to draw attention away from the slaves (and reduce the Faithless’ numbers) and Meerah drives the freed slaves into the dunes and relative safety.
  • Survival Mantra: The Vulpera have a saying: “Surviving means being resourceful” which they always say with confidence and ties in with the above Improvisational Ingenuity.
  • Walking the Earth: The Vulpera live in caravans and don't have a home city. This carries over into gameplay in a couple of ways.
    • Vulpera don't have a home city so they don't get a return home portal outside the Orgrimmar Embassy. The player is part of a caravan that settled down in Orgrimmar, so said portal would just take you to the opposite side of Orgrimmar.
    • Vulpera have the racial abilities "Make Camp" and "Return to Camp". Make Camp allows them to set up a mini-rest area in any outdoor location for 5 minutes, granting all the benefits of being in a rest area, such as the ability to change talents. Return to Camp acts as a Hearthstone to the last place the camp was set, and automatically makes the camp again.



Class: Shaman

Voiced by: Joe Ochman

The caravan leader of the Vulpera in Vol'dun, Kiro is a shamanistic healer, with a cautious, but pragmatic nature. He leads his people in the conflict with the Sethrak and their attempts to join the Horde.

  • Ate It All: He comments that me might do this to a dish he’s had adventurers gather ingredients for.
  • Big Eater: Played with, he sends the adventurers to several trips to fetch food and comments that he might eat it all, but given that he lives in a barren and dry desert environment, it’s quite justified to eat whatever he could at any chance, because he wouldn’t know how long it’d be before he had a full meal.
  • Blood Knight: Downplayed, Kiro is surprised to have fun charging a Krolusk (a huge and spiked insect) through ranks of Sethrak in Vol’dun.
  • Elegant Classical Musician: Downplayed, Kiro apparently likes to play the flute in his free time, as he’s often seen playing in Orgrimmar after moving there.
  • Honor Before Reason: Inverted, Kiro is pragmatic to the bone, exemplified early in the Vol’dun storyline, where he told Meerah to not bring a journal that she’d found (which was written by Warguard Rakera), simply because the Vulpera had no practical use for it, bar as fuel for their fires.
  • The Medic: He can heal his allies.
  • Nice to the Waiter: Subverted, as part of making the Horde realize how useful the Vulpera can be for them, Kiro helps quell a Peon uprising, which he does by simply treating the Peons nicely and humanely for a change.



Class: Warrior

Voiced by: Philece Sampler

A Vulpera warrior. She leads strikes against the Sethrak and butts head with Kiro over how she perceives him as too hesitant in the conflict.

  • Action Girl: She's the only named Vulpera warrior, outside the pirates, and she's a female.
  • Badass Adorable: She's a small adorable fox creature, who can also take down enemies 10 larger than her.
  • Blood Knight: Nisha loves to fight.
    Nisha: ”Today is a good day for a fight. Every day is”
  • Cool Helmet: She wears a Sethrak skull for a helmet, provided by Horde players.
  • David vs. Goliath: During a quest, Nisha fights a Naga Tidebreaker, which is about 10 times her size (its head alone is larger than her) and stabs it to death with her daggers after climbing up on its back.
  • The Dreaded: Invoked, Nisha aims to be this to the Sethrak, in fact, she wants them to fear all of the Vulpera.
  • Dualwielding: Daggers or scimitars, Nisha takes them in pairs.
  • Fantastic Racism: Downplayed, she's really not a fan of the Faithless for their treatment and attacks on the Vulpera.
    • She also sports this towards the Alliance, which is justified after the Alliance invasion of Vol’dun, where the 7th legion burned several Vulpera caravans, simply for transporting Horde war supplies. Nisha's perspective on this is that it goes against the Vulpera's way of life, to deny her people to make an honest living. She compares this act to what the Faithless Sethrak would do.
  • Fiery Redhead: Red fur and not one to be trifled with.
  • Properly Paranoid: She suspected that the Sethrak was planning an attack on the Vulpera and urged Kiro to launch a preemptive strike on them, but he refused, instead opting to continue keeping their heads down and trade whenever possible. Nisha was eventually proven right when her home in the Abandoned Burrows was attacked by the Sethrak, just prior to the start of the Vol’dun Storyline.
  • Suave Sabre: She wields two Sethrak sabres she got from an adventurer.
  • You All Meet in a Cell: Zig-zagged, the first time players meet her, they’ve been imprisoned by the Sethrak. Nisha frees the player after dealing with the torture-happy guards.



Voiced by: Deva Marie
♫ "Dolly and Dot are my best friends — They pull my wagon through dunes of sand — They have small teeth and love to eat..." ♫

A friendly and chatty Vulpera Caravan rider, known for her songs and pet Alpacas, Dolly and Dot.

  • Animal Lover: Meerah really loves her alpacas, which is understandable as they pull her wagon, and it makes sense that she treats them well. But the trope really kicks in when she gushes about naming a Krolusknote  Kiro apprehended from the Sethrak.
  • Dreadful Musician: Played with, Downplayed as it’s not absolutely terrible, though Zig-zagged as Zandalari trolls compare Meerahs singing to screeching, while Meerah herself claims her alpacas like it.
  • Good Is Dumb: Not exactly dumb, just naïve about the dangers of the desert, according to Nisha.
  • Light Is Good: White furred and possible the nicest inhabitant in Vol’dun.
  • Nice Girl: Meerah is this trope through and through, whether by helping half dead trolls in Vol’dun or keeping an upbeat attitude in the face of adversity (enemies and criticism un her singing). Even her irritated responses aren’t that bad.
    Meerah: We really shouldn't have saved you! Oh, wait, I didn't mean that!
  • Plucky Girl: A sweet, bubbly young Vulperan girl who sings to her Alpacas.
  • Stop Poking Me!: Poke her enough and she'll angrily wish that she'd never saved you in Vol'dun, quickly followed by realizing what she just said and profusely apologizing.
